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How do you feel now that Abbott is gone?


How do you feel?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel?

    • Furious at Turnbull?
    • Slightly angry at Turnbull?
    • In a state of shock and grief?
    • Relieved?
    • Jubilant?
    • Psychotic with joy?
    • Don't care: same **** different bucket?
    • Sense of anti-climax?

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The ALP long ago had their split it became the DLP. Of course there is the right and left factions within the party. The right have long been on the winning side. Just as the ill named 'Liberals' have long had their right hold sway. Thankfully the Conservatives have made way for more Liberally inclined members of that party. ScoMo is a major concern though.


Go ScoMo!

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]I have probably been reading The Australian longer than you. I was reading it in the 80's when here[/b]. I have seen a few stances change from going far tougher on incoming boat (far more relaxed at an earlier stage) to a dramatic change in Asian immigration (to which they were not in favour of apart from top range professionals)

The paper certainly reflects its owners philosophy.


But yes it is a shame we don't get a greater variety of media in WA. I do of course read the others from time to time online but still prefer the printed media to read with a coffee.


Actually, you are wrong because I was reading The Australian in the 1980's too, and of course when I was in England, I just shifted to The Times, and sometimes even The Sun! Come to think of it, back in the 80's I used to buy both the SMH and The Australian, and I've continued to enjoy reading both of them.


The trouble with the ALP is that they can no longer find leaders of the calibre of Hawke and Keating, but the Libs can look forward to Scott Morrison taking power! Bring it on. Turncoat will stuff up sooner or later.

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Flag you and I are agreeing on so much of late.... Your comment above is exactly what I have been saying for the past few years......


I suspect we shall return to 'situation normal' regarding discord in due course. Everyone has to surface for air at some stage. But any further solidarity claims you may be invited to the rather exclusive Flag Appreciation Club. Not a huge waiting list so don't worry.

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Actually, you are wrong because I was reading The Australian in the 1980's too, and of course when I was in England, I just shifted to The Times, and sometimes even The Sun! Come to think of it, back in the 80's I used to buy both the SMH and The Australian, and I've continued to enjoy reading both of them.


The trouble with the ALP is that they can no longer find leaders of the calibre of Hawke and Keating, but the Libs can look forward to Scott Morrison taking power! Bring it on. Turncoat will stuff up sooner or later.



I obviously can't say how long you've been reading The Australian but the tone has changed over the decades. You may recall Keatting? I think his name was, he was very anti Vietnamese Boat People being admitted but equally against 'labourers' as he termed them holding the country to ransom.


Anyway I'd have thought you'd have least shown a little more loyalty towards your 'yesterdays hero' Abbott. I forgot the 'hard right' don't do loyalty.

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I obviously can't say how long you've been reading The Australian but the tone has changed over the decades. You may recall Keatting? I think his name was, he was very anti Vietnamese Boat People being admitted but equally against 'labourers' as he termed them holding the country to ransom.


Anyway I'd have thought you'd have least shown a little more loyalty towards your 'yesterdays hero' Abbott. I forgot the 'hard right' don't do loyalty.

I am loyalĺ to Tony though I think he made many mistakes.


I don't like Turnbull but ultimately I am a Tory so have to accept him for now.

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I am loyalĺ to Tony though I think he made many mistakes.


I don't like Turnbull but ultimately I am a Tory so have to accept him for now.


Perhaps the Liberal Party now that it has returned more to it core value...being socially Liberal is not for you then. Great news the tens of thousands of asylum seekers living here on bridging visas (on $31 Centre Link money a day) but no work rights have now been allowed to work. Not before time. Next step liberate off shore detention.


Nice work Mal for starters. Just don't turn your back on ScoMor. He'll put a knife in for two bob.

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Malcolm plays to the crowd and so far the press are being kind to him. The way they treated Abbott was disgraceful from the start. Nothing he did, good, bad or indifferent was given any credence whatsoever. Now he is gone, though, he should keep his mouth closed because it only makes him look like a fool when he complains. I also think Peta Credlin has a lot to answer for and good that she has got her marching orders.

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Malcolm plays to the crowd and so far the press are being kind to him. The way they treated Abbott was disgraceful from the start. Nothing he did, good, bad or indifferent was given any credence whatsoever. Now he is gone, though, he should keep his mouth closed because it only makes him look like a fool when he complains. I also think Peta Credlin has a lot to answer for and good that she has got her marching orders.


And Tony Abbott didn't play to the crowd? It was a very populist PM. His first budget was his undoing though. Little chance of getting back on dry land after that. Upset too many people.

His negativity didn't play at well longer term either. Worked for Howard so fear does work but Abbott failed to strike the right note on that as well.


He has a right to feel hard done by though. Can the Lib's get over this division? Time will tell.

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This from the great Rossleigh http://theaimn.com/tony-a-case-study-in-radicalisation/


"Apart from Karen’s case study, there are many others. Take “Tony”.As a young man, Tony had the simple ambition of becoming the Pope, but the demands of celibacy combined with a demand that he cover his chest led him to drop out of the priesthood and before long he’d left the country to train overseas where he studied hand to hand combat at Oxford.

On his return to Australia he became involved in politics where he joined Hewson’s radical “Fightback” program, which had introducing the regressive GST as one of its aims. It also had a plan to make it too expensive for poor people to go to the doctor, which would hopefully reduce the numbers off them voting in elections.

When this was defeated in a popular vote because of the plans being accidentally released during a campaign launch – a mistake Tony was determined not to repeat – Tony decided that he was no longer satisfied with being behind the scenes and began his strategy for ensuring this plan didn’t die with Hewson’s de-radicalisation. He joined a sect with the oxymoronic name of the “Liberal politicians”. Claiming to be the love child of two of the senior members of this sect who had never had carnal relations,Tony subtly ssuggested that it was a virgin birth and that he was the messiah.

While such a claim may seem ludicrous to us, members of this radical cult found the claim to be plausible and were convinced by his claim that he could outdo the miracle of the loaves and fishes by returning the Budget to surplus while removing taxes with no signifant spending cuts.

His capacity to reduce complex problems to three simple words impressed many, but ultimately this led him thinking that his followers would be satisfied with this when it became clear that the “plan” to which he constantly referred, consisted of nothing more than repeating the same simple slogans whatever the question. After a particularly tricky encounter where the ABC ambushed him by asking about the economy when he’d been practising, “stop the boats” all day, Tony was on a slippery slope.

Tony eventually relalised that he was on the wrong path when his colleagues voted in a new leader. Since then Tony has been helping to undo the damage that his group has done by giving beachside interviews to explain that his former colleague, “Scott” has been lying, as well as undercutting the new leader by saying that nothing’s changed.

Tony is expected to a great help to the other side of politics over the coming months."

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I was deeply moved by this poignant piece, so much so I nearly soiled myself


Loss of PM Abbott is a time of sorrow





I just tried to access the Herald Sun website to read the article by Andrew Bolt, but I can't do that without taking out a subscription, which means I'll have to wait until I go down to the cafe and read their copy of the Daily Telegraph.


Now, if I CANNOT access the article, that means one of a number of scenarios:


1 You do have a subscription to the Herald Sun (a Murdoch newspaper.)


2 You don't have a subscription, but you do buy the Herald Sun.


3 Like me, you read it in a cafe, which means that you LIKE reading Murdoch newspapers.


4 You didn't actually read the article, but you did check out the Herald Sun website to see if there any articles you could re-post here.


5 You noticed somebody else reading the Herald Sun and you saw the headline?


At the very least, Harpo, if "1" is the case, then you could copy the article to PIO so we can all read it.


I was also wondering if you could become PIO's resident correspondent for Geelong. You could scan the news in the Geelong Advertiser every day, and re-post anything interesting for our perusal. I assume you DO buy the Advertiser? Or are you a tightwad who just picks up the free newspaper - "Geelong Independent?"


I just had another interesting thought that I might ask your opinion about. What if Scott Morrison was the real power behind Abbott's throne? You know, Tony was just the useful figurehead, and utlmately the fall guy.


Now Tony has 'fallen' and 'ScoMo' is still there, but now with even more power?

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I was deeply moved by this poignant piece, so much so I nearly soiled myself


Loss of PM Abbott is a time of sorrow





I opened it up but I'm not a subscriber so couldn't read it but I did see Andrew Bolt's name so I know it would have been the usual garbage he spouts. So far I haven't heard anyone express disappointment in Abbott's demise except Bolt, Hadley and Jones but that's no surprise.

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I opened it up but I'm not a subscriber so couldn't read it but I did see Andrew Bolt's name so I know it would have been the usual garbage he spouts. So far I haven't heard anyone express disappointment in Abbott's demise except Bolt, Hadley and Jones but that's no surprise.


As usual, in this sort of post, you resort to opinion, rather than argument, and leave out vital facts, e.g. that 'Bolt, Hadley, and Jones' are all top rating journalists and presenters, and in the case of Hadley and Jones, have won their respective slots for years, and 'top rating' of course means the biggest number of listeners, or readers in the case of Bolt.

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Abbott was the worst PM in Australia's history. He couldn't hold a responsible portfolio, in the Howard government. He ended up minster for Aboriginal Affairs where he could do the least damage. Because of his disastrous time as Health Minister.To save money, when the Howard Government was awash with it.Abbott closed down all the mentally ill, half way houses, putting hundreds of mentally ill people out on the street, no where to sleep. The Police were left to clean up Abbotts incompetent and uncaring attitude towards the mentally ill. Being A trained Jesuit Priest what could people expect. His Association with Jones,Bolt And Hadley,all Racists shock jocks,says it all,about Abbott,There Abuse and Ridicule over years towards Julia Gillard PM of Australia was a National Disgrace Only Right wing Despicable conservatives would support.

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As usual, in this sort of post, you resort to opinion, rather than argument, and leave out vital facts, e.g. that 'Bolt, Hadley, and Jones' are all top rating journalists and presenters, and in the case of Hadley and Jones, have won their respective slots for years, and 'top rating' of course means the biggest number of listeners, or readers in the case of Bolt.


Sensationalists doesn't mean they are any ruddy good though. A former QLD Premier, of your vintage, would have referred to their antics as 'feeding the chooks.' Hard to know if there is more grain out there or chooks to be fed.

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Abbott was the worst PM in Australia's history. He couldn't hold a responsible portfolio, in the Howard government. He ended up minster for Aboriginal Affairs where he could do the least damage. Because of his disastrous time as Health Minister.To save money, when the Howard Government was awash with it.Abbott closed down all the mentally ill, half way houses, putting hundreds of mentally ill people out on the street, no where to sleep. The Police were left to clean up Abbotts incompetent and uncaring attitude towards the mentally ill. Being A trained Jesuit Priest what could people expect. His Association with Jones,Bolt And Hadley,all Racists shock jocks,says it all,about Abbott,There Abuse and Ridicule over years towards Julia Gillard PM of Australia was a National Disgrace Only Right wing Despicable conservatives would support.


Good to see the conservatives get the taste of figuratively 'cold steel 'up their rear ends for a change. The direction they wanted to take this country was beyond disgusting.

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Sensationalists doesn't mean they are any ruddy good though. A former QLD Premier, of your vintage, would have referred to their antics as 'feeding the chooks.' Hard to know if there is more grain out there or chooks to be fed.

Are you patronising the plebs Flag? Don't give the people what they want. Give them what they need!?


I like reading Andrew Bolt. I've not read the article about Tony Abbott yet. If you read it too, we can debate its truths (or lies.)


Many people condemn Bolt without reading him, and 2GB without listening to it

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