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I'm just too Australian


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Even though I grew up in Australia once I got into my 20s I never felt it was home and always felt I should be in England. After 12 years in Brisbane the transition back was very easy indeed. The most surprising thing was how our Aussie born and bred kids have adapted better than we could ever have hoped. I think the fact that we moved to a lovely little village had a huge influence on it. It's the complete opposite to drab where we are I should add, that's too funny lol

I could see this post coming from the very first time Marissa posted upon her arrival in this country.



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I think Marissa needs somewhere a bit more middle class but by the sea...and it needs to be a city not a town or village. Struggling to think of anywhere in the UK that fits that bill....any ideas?



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I think Marissa needs somewhere a bit more middle class but by the sea...and it needs to be a city not a town or village. Struggling to think of anywhere in the UK that fits that bill....any ideas?


Brighton is a really nice place and certainly much nicer than Southampton by a country mile in fact. Going the other way Weymouth.

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I've been to Brighton didn't like it at all lol it's where I concieved my eldest son on holiday lol but I wasn't keen on Brighton I suppose everyone's different mind you that was 26 years ago I went :) and I don't get this middle upper and lower class business people are people ! Some people are so full of themselves at times ! I just don't get it !

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You are right I do not fit in in the UK either, my daughter is over there presently and she cannot wait to leave, she is off to San Francisco and I am sure she will feel more at home there. We must change when we live away so long and I find Europe and UK fine for a short visit but too drab to stick around for long.


I cam except you don't like the u.k ...but please enlighten me ,where you have visited to call Europe drab ....it is anything but ..culture,weather,art ,history ...


As I say ,I wont step in and defend the u.k ...but the bit about Europe is ridiculous

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No offence, but it was obvious that you would feel a massive hit / culture shock. Moving from Sydney to Southampton is a bit like moving from London to Dubbo.


...but if it's all Southamptons fault, why didn't I get a similar good feeling during my week in Exeter with my sister, nieces and nephews?

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6 weeks here so far, have been in Bristol, Bath, Preston, Nottingham, Boston, plus a couple of villages, can't recommend any of them to you Marisa for the sort of coffee culture you are missing. Bristol and Bath seemed the best of these.

hope that helps to avoid a few more places!!!


off to Cornwall tomorrow, then back to Bristol. been great spending time with grandchildren, and even though I haven't lived properly in UK for 22 years, have visited fairly regularly, old friends have gone out of their way to see us, including a pub lunch in our old village with 11 there. Interesting comment made, that the only time they all get together is when we visit!


Very strange though, I don't feel I belong here, or want to live here, and can't wait to go home.

Not turning this into one of those stupid Oz against UK threads, just know where my home is.

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