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Youth Crime And Violence, Is It Worse In Uk Or Australia?


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I have a question, one of the main reasons for moving to Oz would be a better life for my kids. Dont want them getting into trouble and hanging road street corners, getting with the wrong crowd etc.


Is Australia any better when it comes to Youth Crime. Do they have gangs or youths terrorising the streets and stopping local residents from leaving their homes?


Dont want to move otherside of world only to find violence is actually worse over there.


Any one have any ideas?:arghh:

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Guest Ms_Fi

There's problems with kids wherever you live - gang culture is an international problem and not just restricted to the UK (or USA).


Where we live now (a village outside of Stoke-on-Trent) there's little to no trouble yet in the little town where the kids go to school is horrendous on a Saturday night. Just as it depends on where you live in the UK, it all depends on where you live in Australia.

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Guest Mrs Braveheart



Where we live in Perth I have never seen any kids hanging about the street corners or in gangs anywhere. Kids are much more respectful here as in my sons friends that come to the house. Can't say its the same everywhere in Oz but i certainly dont worry about my boys being out at night here. And no im not saying Oz is crime free either. But I know my kids are safer here and that suits me fine.



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It's probably not much different on a per capita basis but it all depends on where you live. I sat on the bus in front of a load of kids from a local HS the other day - no uniforms, they dont enforce them around here just some sort of vague colour code - and the language was blue enough to make me plug into my audio book. I have seen more kids in UK give up their seats on public transport to older people than I ever have here. We do have a problem in our schools with bullying - as they do everywhere - and schools deal with it with varying levels of success. Like anywhere else, you are going to get the gangs more in inner city settings than nice rural/suburban ones. You will get more hoons (great Aussie tradition of doing donuts at street intersections) in the 'burbs and we do have an alarming number of youth road deaths. Youf will be Youf, I guess!

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Guest cantwait
(great Aussie tradition of doing donuts at street intersections) in the 'burbs and we do have an alarming number of youth road deaths. Youf will be Youf, I guess!




Hi Quoll

What are 'donuts'. :biglaugh:



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hi anxious mum

i grew up in the western suburbs of melbourne and found it a safe place to live. im sure some people will disagree with this but i find in Australia sport plays a huge part in your childrens life football in winter and cricket in summer or netball tennis etc. you do have gangs but they play a very small part, and when i say gangs more a group of mis fits? i can honestly say i have never felt threatend by a group of youths. kids tend to be kids in oz. but its up to you if you do plan to move get the kids involved in sports (you name it they play it) its a great way to meet new people and get involved yourself as they are always looking for parents to help out. you wont go wrong.

hope this has helped


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donuts are when spin your wheels causing rubber to be left on the road leaving a ring like a donut!!!!


Yup, our suburb, once nice and quiet, seems to have attracted a ring of donuters of late - every intersection seems to have a black ring and when they do it on your corner (we live on a corner) it is pretty scary and you wonder if they may be arriving in your living room any second!

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Like mrs B the area we live feels safe, we don't have any gangs of youths hanging about - but Aus isn't crime free and things do happen, a pensioner got bashed inside his home yesterday in a Perth Suburb, so things will/do go on. But my children walk home from school together and feel quite safe.



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we moved for the same reason and thankgod we picked this area where you dont see many idiots at all ,other than the odd hoon when its been raining and the roads are damp.i think different areas of Oz vary greatly with youth crime ,although i know everywere has some ,some suburbs have much more than others,thats where local papers etc come in ,check the courier mail on line and as many other media papers yu can ,this should give you a good idea of wheres hot and wheres not,lol,good luck

Cal x

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To be honest I think it swings in roundabouts.


We live in Suburbia brisbane and I have never seen any kids hang about street corners...although it must happen at some point cause there is plenty graffiti. It gets very dark very early and I would be very wary of letting my kids hang outside but im sure it is perfectly safe.

However when kids are in their teens they will want to go to surfers or the valley in Brisbane and in my opinion they are as unsafe as anywhere in the uk I have visited.Drugs ,fighting ,prostitutes,binge drinking...exactly the same problems that parents worry about in the Uk.

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To be honest I think it swings in roundabouts.


We live in Suburbia brisbane and I have never seen any kids hang about street corners...although it must happen at some point cause there is plenty graffiti. It gets very dark very early and I would be very wary of letting my kids hang outside but im sure it is perfectly safe.

However when kids are in their teens they will want to go to surfers or the valley in Brisbane and in my opinion they are as unsafe as anywhere in the uk I have visited.Drugs ,fighting ,prostitutes,binge drinking...exactly the same problems that parents worry about in the Uk.


hi im really sorry and i dont mean to come across as a smart a£$e and i know that i have lived away from australia for 4 years and things may have changed? but how often do you hear of kids getting gunned down in the streets by another youth, kids being beaten to death because they are goths, 12 yr olds being raped, fire fighters being called out to hoax calls and being set on. i can go on but it makes me sick of what is happening in this country and they are not one offs, i would not say Australia is perfect and crime free! and not all of England is bad but what is going on is wrong. i think England is a great country but there is not that much for kids to do here, and i honestly feel that Australia has more to offer the youth! i hope i have not offended you or anyone else but surely it cant be as bad as England for crime???????

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Guest gothicqueen

hmmmm not sure what crime is like in Oz, but I have great deal of insight to it here, i work in Prisons and probation so I am dealing with it on a day to day level, personnally the kids that I see who are in trouble do it for one of three reasons, peer pressure, drugs or lack of money peer pressure being the biggest problem of all if you ask me,


I think wherevene you have groups of kids you are going to get some element of crime, I for one am hoping that Brisbane is a lot quieter than Manchester.

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hi im really sorry and i dont mean to come across as a smart a£$e and i know that i have lived away from australia for 4 years and things may have changed? but how often do you hear of kids getting gunned down in the streets by another youth, kids being beaten to death because they are goths, 12 yr olds being raped, fire fighters being called out to hoax calls and being set on. i can go on but it makes me sick of what is happening in this country and they are not one offs, i would not say Australia is perfect and crime free! and not all of England is bad but what is going on is wrong. i think England is a great country but there is not that much for kids to do here, and i honestly feel that Australia has more to offer the youth! i hope i have not offended you or anyone else but surely it cant be as bad as England for crime???????


I have heard about all of these things happen in Australia since I have been here...and I have only been here 19 months!! None of it happens on my door step im glad to say...but it didn't happen on my door step in Uk either, that is why I think it swings in roundabouts.

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I work in Prisons and probation so I am dealing with it on a day to day level, personnally the kids that I see who are in trouble do it for one of three reasons, peer pressure, drugs or lack of money peer pressure being the biggest problem of all if you ask me.



I have to agree with you on that one goth, I worked in the juvenile division of corrective services here for over 13 years, the majority of crimes here are committed by juveniles that come from the low income families that usually live on the public housing estates.

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Guest Ms_Fi
I have to agree with you on that one goth, I worked in the juvenile division of corrective services here for over 13 years, the majority of crimes here are committed by juveniles that come from the low income families that usually live on the public housing estates.


It's an international problem isn't it. My parents moved a lot when I was growing up and my mum said you couldn't beat reading the local paper to get the know the local area. With the internet it's so much easier to do this type of research - read the local court pages and pay attention to the areas that are consistantly mentioned. Anywhere can have a 'bad egg' so to speak but when somewhere is mentioned over and over again that's an issue.


Something else my mum always said was 'a run down house in a good area is better than a brand new house in a cheap area'. It's the area that matters, not the house - especially when you're looking at resale value.


As a rule I try not to listen to my mum but occasionally she's right!!

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