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Has anyone ever ?


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Just wondering has anyone ever been turned down on there visa application , or does majouraty get them , I haven't know anyone to not get it or lose huge amount of money over applying for one ! If you have ever been turned down or know of someone to oI'd be really grateful to hear about thanks .

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Yes people get turned down, but only if there is reason. Failed medicals, police checks. Lying on application. Not having as many points as they thought they had. Etc etc. If everything is ok with your application then you shouldn't have a problem.

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When we emigrated the embassy was still open in Manchester and you could go in, use the library, ask questions of staff, watch videos, read books about where you were hoping to emigrate to. There were usually two queues at the counter one for visas and one for people hoping to apply for emigration. I've seen people in tears because they didn't have enough points to even start the application process and others that had the visa turned down and come in to find out why. Must be a horrible situation.


My Sister and family wanted to emigrate after they had been out on holiday and my ex-brother in-law was in the police force. That was the only way they could have gotten in as my Sis didn't have any qualifications or experience that would have helped. They got through to getting an invite to the embassy in London, having spent heaps on travelling down their, going for interviews and medicals. They thought they were in as they both got invited to attend a talk, only to be informed they were taking 20 of 500 applicants and my Sis and hubby were in the "pool" for the next intake.


They waited for another year and nothing happened. They had sort of put their life on hold too as they really wanted to move house and missed out on a couple they liked. In the end a house came up they really wanted and they bit the bullet and bought it and gave up on the emigration thing. They were really disappointed but you have to make the best of what cards you are dealt.

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My partners Sister and Husband were turned down many years ago due to her husbands diabetes. He's aunt was also turned down on medical grounds also. The aunt was a surprise because they are quite well off and would've supported themselves with medical costs etc. So yes people do get turned down.

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