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I'm getting my insurance end of this month. Will be emailing around about the using the visa expiry as proof of returning and will be booking with the cheapest that says yes. I'll also be putting a copy of the email in with the policy documents I will give to my Mum just incase anything happens to me.


Thinking about it, to be fair, that's not much left for me to do lol. Insurance and Bank Account and a few bills to sort... I thought I had loads! haha

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I don't think you are going to have problems getting a job in Sydney. Each time I walk around Surry Hills, I see adverts for jobs in cafes and pubs and restaurants. There's a big new pizza restaurant opened in Crown St which had an advert up for various staff, and in Kurtosh cafe just up from there, there was a new waitress being shown how to work the till.


Do your RSA as soon as you can, and another certificates that might be useful. Bring some written references from UK. Maybe there's stilll time to do a couple of quick courses there? What about First Aid, Barista, Food Service?

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Not everyone will take whv people though because of the 6 month thing? Tbh I don't want to be spending my savings on certificates here that won't make any difference over there since Australia seems mad about their own certificates but I'm definitely doing my RSA and maybe my barista one

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Not everyone will take whv people though because of the 6 month thing? Tbh I don't want to be spending my savings on certificates here that won't make any difference over there since Australia seems mad about their own certificates but I'm definitely doing my RSA and maybe my barista one


I've talked to a few people on WHV at various times, and they have all had jobs, The English girl who worked in the cafe near me, had two jobs, one in a bar, and bar work is always casual so they are not expecting you to stay for ever.

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Yeah I've read through the T&Cs three or four times & all seems good apart from that section. I've not been asked to provide anything yet but I'm definitely coming back after my first year so for me it's perfect! Shame that they don't make it more obvious to backpackers who think they are getting a good deal!! Have you sorted yours yet?

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I don't think they make a big deal of it before you go but it's when you need to claim that they'll cause problems. I'm not risking it with them but I did almost buy it. I'm going with go walkabout, going to buy it this week. I need to ring up the health department and check if I need to pay extra

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I see! Well I've got supporting documents that they listed to prove I'll be coming back so all is good!

go Walkabout look pretty good! Out backers seems good too! You should be okay but yes best to check.


You're very organised! Glad you've finally taken the plunge! Scary as hell but exciting at the same time isn't it?!

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I'll be sad at leaving my job too. My last day will be helping out in the cafe rather than working in the unit so that will be extra sad because they are such a great team. One of them is like my second mum lol she was fussing over me travelling alone. Tried to tell her I was in a travel group for the first week although I'll be alone in Singapore

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I'll be sad at leaving my job too. My last day will be helping out in the cafe rather than working in the unit so that will be extra sad because they are such a great team. One of them is like my second mum lol she was fussing over me travelling alone. Tried to tell her I was in a travel group for the first week although I'll be alone in Singapore

Singapore is safe and clean. A few days after you arrive you'll be on my quiz team in the Strawberry Hills where I am now just done quiz as it's on Weds.

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God help you if you want me on your quiz team! [emoji23]

There is usually one question about 1D!


You fit the demographic. Rest if team are oldies. Tonight was Steve and Mary, couple I know, and Paddy regular here in Strawbo

. You might even get a job here speak to Richard the manager and fellow "Hun!"

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