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Do you know what I think , lol , I think it's no different apart from weather and do u know why u get bored because u don't know anyone ! So when the mrs or husbands at work ya wondering what to do ! I am not going to sit on a beach on my own without looking a total plebe ! Lol , I don't want go shopping on my own because where's the fun in that ! It's good when we together at weekends though but we not yet !


But in uk when my hubby was at work I went shopping with my mates , I met up for lunch with them , if I nipped food shopping i would bump into someone and they would say when Uve put ya shopping away nip round for a cuppa ! You had ya friends and ya family to keep ya occupied ! When my hubby got in on a Friday teatime in UK I'd be in the shower music on doing me hair and make up getting me glad rags on to go out ! We would come home my son and his girlfriend and my other two kids would be in we would have a laugh my mates who we went out with would come back after and then get a taxi home !


I mi think here because ya have no circle of friends that live close by u have friends but miles away most of them ya don't tend to do that ! I lived on a private estate where family lived on the same estate too ! And my sons partner her sister lived on same estate so you always saw someone ! In the suburbs it's very mundane ! You don't see a soul ! My next door but one neighbour knocked yesterday though and said she had missed me and to come round today meet her daughters new baby ! That's nice ! But she's in her 70s and adorable don't get me wrong but they hardly going be dancing round my kitchen getting ready go out on a Friday night dancing to footloose now are they haha ! I met a friend the other day and she is my age and we meet up about once a month for a coffee and somert eat and then she messages me and says she always enjoys her afternoons out with me lol and she blows my frock up !


But of a weekend she is out with her hubbie I'm not going play a gooseberry lol ! !


So I find it difficult perhaps when I settle somewhere if I ever do maybe then I might settle into normal life but to me it's not normal I'm in limbo and have been for 3 years !


But it to be honest I just want get me son through school and see then ! But maybe it will work maybe it won't ! My hubby's old boss got In touch yesterday in Brisbane , said we have a short term assignment for you well it's 6 weeks work ya not going give up what u e got for 6 weeks work so I'll just have to ride it !


But for u davelap maybe that is the case you don't know anyone and that's why I've lost ya mojo because ya not working ! And you have no one familiar around you maybe ! :)

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Do you know what I think , lol , I think it's no different apart from weather and do u know why u get bored because u don't know anyone ! So when the mrs or husbands at work ya wondering what to do ! I am not going to sit on a beach on my own without looking a total plebe ! Lol , I don't want go shopping on my own because where's the fun in that ! It's good when we together at weekends though but we not yet !


But in uk when my hubby was at work I went shopping with my mates , I met up for lunch with them , if I nipped food shopping i would bump into someone and they would say when Uve put ya shopping away nip round for a cuppa ! You had ya friends and ya family to keep ya occupied ! When my hubby got in on a Friday teatime in UK I'd be in the shower music on doing me hair and make up getting me glad rags on to go out ! We would come home my son and his girlfriend and my other two kids would be in we would have a laugh my mates who we went out with would come back after and then get a taxi home !


I mi think here because ya have no circle of friends that live close by u have friends but miles away most of them ya don't tend to do that ! I lived on a private estate where family lived on the same estate too ! And my sons partner her sister lived on same estate so you always saw someone ! In the suburbs it's very mundane ! You don't see a soul ! My next door but one neighbour knocked yesterday though and said she had missed me and to come round today meet her daughters new baby ! That's nice ! But she's in her 70s and adorable don't get me wrong but they hardly going be dancing round my kitchen getting ready go out on a Friday night dancing to footloose now are they haha ! I met a friend the other day and she is my age and we meet up about once a month for a coffee and somert eat and then she messages me and says she always enjoys her afternoons out with me lol and she blows my frock up !




I'm 70 and still happy to dance round the kitchen to footloose!!! Strangely enough I Was also always included in Friday night girls night, even though considerably older than the rest. Some of us can still party with all ages.

Seriously, when we first moved here I was made so welcome by an older lady, who I j, oke became my surrogate mother, we were included in her family things and it made moving here so much easier.

She is 89 now, and suddenly gone down hill and quite poorly, so it's my time and pleasure to be there for her, I will never forget how kind she was, sounds like your neighbour, so it's important to appreciate any kindness from anyone irrespective of age.


ps. Not suggesting you don't appreciate it, but she might surprise you!!!

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She is lovely ramot and so is her husband I have asked them before and they declined lol but she thinks I'm hilarious all the same haha but she is a born again Christian and I would be on egg shells in case I offended lol she bought me a bible for Christmas her family are really lovely I'd adopt them lol but I think it's more of a dinner cup of tea and a chat rather than a Motown night lol but good on ya ramot you'd be right up my street haha xx

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Last night I was dancing round the kitchen to .... I'll go where your music takes me Pmsl with a Tia Maria in me hand I make me own entertainment case I've got to or I'd crack up lol !


Shelly have a look at the photo Botler has posted xM

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Lol dance like nobody is watching ! All the time ramot all the time but I love salsa too haha ! I like a mixture of things ! Listening to celine dion now you and I ... She's my favourite lol :)


Tbh and this is only my thoughts, not a slur of any kind.


i find it hard to imagine you not making any good friends here. You certainly come across as a bubbly outgoing person, you seem to be in the lucky position of not having to work, so lots of free time to meet people.


I believe when in Perth, you lived in the area that I have moved to a year ago. Like you, I love a good night out, dancing and singing but I'm not what you would class as someone who makes friends easily, ie a bit shy, not outgoing, hold back until I'm comfortable with that person.


but even being that person, I have managed to meet some lovely people, poms n Aussies, across the age range living here. I personally find it a very sociable place.


* maybe I've got it wrong, and you are only on about life in Brisbane*

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Hi Blobby. What you say I fully agree with.


However, the main point is that I WANT to change my lifestyle, I thought that's why we came here. But we have just slipped into the 9-5 grind living in a boring suburb. The suburbs we live in are boring, but convenient for work.


Now I can't get a job, am getting older, this daily grind holds a bleak future for me.The problem I have is that wife and son don't seem to want to change. They come home from work, wife slouches in front of TV and son goes into his room to play xbox. Even when I was working I hated that.


I don't want a couple of hours at the footie (don't like it anyway), a meal out once a week and the occasional weekend away, trying to find some pointless hobby. Always looking for a reward to make up for the grind. I want to wake up everyday looking forward to it.


As mentioned, I have many of the stereotypical hang ups about Aus that a lot of Brits do. I don't like the Aus culture (or lack of) and don't see myself becoming an Aus. I have lost some mojo / inner happiness whatever. since being here I have disengaged and withdrawn. It doesn't feel like I belong. This has probably been exacerbated by not being able to get a job and onset of old age


I do think Aus is a beautiful country and I still like the weather. So I am willing to have a go somewhere where we can appreciate the beauty and weather more. Its an achievable dream. Without that, I don't think I want to be here any more. It may not succeed, but not doing anything is too frightening to consider. Would the UK be any better? Don't know, but it might restore some of what I have lost within myself.



I totally understand this.


i don't believe a move to the other side of the world is worth it unless it enhances your life in whatever way you want it too.


must admit I don't get the poms that come here and yet just seem to recreate the same live they left behind in the UK, eg: get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV.


Sometimes it just seems to be a pattern that they fall into. If that's what makes them happy then all good .


Othertimes, like what you are saying, we need to give ourselves a shake up and either change the situation or realise that just because you've emigrated it won't change you, unless you yourself are willing to change.

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Tbh and this is only my thoughts, not a slur of any kind.


i find it hard to imagine you not making any good friends here. You certainly come across as a bubbly outgoing person, you seem to be in the lucky position of not having to work, so lots of free time to meet people.


I believe when in Perth, you lived in the area that I have moved to a year ago. Like you, I love a good night out, dancing and singing but I'm not what you would class as someone who makes friends easily, ie a bit shy, not outgoing, hold back until I'm comfortable with that person.


but even being that person, I have managed to meet some lovely people, poms n Aussies, across the age range living here. I personally find it a very sociable place.


* maybe I've got it wrong, and you are only on about life in Brisbane*


hi Fifi I have friends in Perth , u make friends then move I'm meeting up with one Friday in Perth but she's going back UK I have another couple one lives quite far from where I was but we do meet up she's funnie too , I stay away from groups meets now because of u friends with one and they friends with someone that u didn't get along with its quite awkward ! I am believe it or not quiet until I feel comfortable lol once I'm comfy that's it haha ! But also I come across people who were a bit too rough for me and a bit to snobby for me I suppose they have got lie somewhere in between lol but yes I have friends in wa :):) I have a really lovely one in secret harbour too :) yes I am bubbly lol mad and bubbly but a good mad :)

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And I've also come across people that are hard work ! I've come across people that are peed up and end up arguing on a night out with each other to the point where it was embarrassing and then my hubbie says not being funnie shel but I couldn't put up with that every week so that ended lol . My husbands pretty quiet he's got a sense of humour but I just fall hook line and sinker every time where my hubbies polite but he says everyone's guilty to him until proven innocent lol I just wear me heart on me sleeve lol :):) but I do know a few that r lovely yea ! ! My hubby has friends north of the river we've stayed a few times they looked after one of our cars when we moved to brissie good job he'd still got it because my hubby ended up back there , he worked with him in the UK my hubby's mate works for water corp ! They r lovely but live North ! Then I have another friend but she lives in butler lol but been out with her in brissie because she came for a holiday here ! So friends r all over the shop really :)

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hi Fifi I have friends in Perth , u make friends then move I'm meeting up with one Friday in Perth but she's going back UK I have another couple one lives quite far from where I was but we do meet up she's funnie too , I stay away from groups meets now because of u friends with one and they friends with someone that u didn't get along with its quite awkward ! I am believe it or not quiet until I feel comfortable lol once I'm comfy that's it haha ! But also I come across people who were a bit too rough for me and a bit to snobby for me I suppose they have got lie somewhere in between lol but yes I have friends in wa :):) I have a really lovely one in secret harbour too :) yes I am bubbly lol mad and bubbly but a good mad :)


i don't go to any pom meet ups anymore.....fed up of being questioned, how long you been here?, have you bought a house or are you renting?

what do you earn??


ffff off... I'm happy just being me, not interested in or care about how much you have.


thankfully its meant ive met the most solid of people, people who care, people who I can go out and have a belly laugh with.


If I meet someone for the first time...and all they want to talk about is how much money they earn, how great there house is etc etc.


then they get a great big side swerve from me:laugh:

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i don't go to any pom meet ups anymore.....fed up of being questioned, how long you been here?, have you bought a house or are you renting?

what do you earn??


ffff off... I'm happy just being me, not interested in or care about how much you have.


thankfully its meant ive met the most solid of people, people who care, people who I can go out and have a belly laugh with.


If I meet someone for the first time...and all they want to talk about is how much money they earn, how great there house is etc etc.


then they get a great big side swerve from me:laugh:


yes you do tend to get that in some cases and also u go a bbq and they just talking about work and things lol I just want them put some music on lol i mean if the men want talk great but please put some music on lol :) I had someone here in qld turn their back on me when they asked what school my son went lol I find people strange sometimes or is it snobbery not sure !



its not just that though ya find ya were friends with people and then some fell out who u were friends with then they would tell u all about what happened ect to the point where u give up on going because ya don't like or ya feel awkward should I say that u r still friends with both sets of friends and then one doesn't like it ect .. The loveliest friends are the one in secret harbour I'd trust her with me life and another one who lives in Ellenbrook ! And then my hubby's friends he's know years from UK they r salt of the earth them pair are :) and my friends in UK are salt of the earth too lol :) but then we've know my hubby's friends in Perth along time and my UK friends along time and then u just have aquantancies which are nice but ya just speak whenever you see them :)

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yes you do tend to get that in some cases and also u go a bbq and they just talking about work and things lol I just want them put some music on lol i mean if the men want talk great but please put some music on lol :) I had someone here in qld turn their back on me when they asked what school my son went lol I find people strange sometimes or is it snobbery not sure !



its not just that though ya find ya were friends with people and then some fell out who u were friends with then they would tell u all about what happened ect to the point where u give up on going because ya don't like or ya feel awkward should I say that u r still friends with both sets of friends and then one doesn't like it ect .. The loveliest friends are the one in secret harbour I'd trust her with me life and another one who lives in Ellenbrook ! And then my hubby's friends he's know years from UK they r salt of the earth them pair are :) and my friends in UK are salt of the earth too lol :) but then we've know my hubby's friends in Perth along time and my UK friends along time and then u just have aquantancies which are nice but ya just speak whenever you see them :)



It all sounds a bit of a drama, couldn't being doing with all that:cry:


i prefer my life to be simple. Love my friends here, we enjoy what we enjoy.


Sorry you found yourself in mixed up in office politics , my advice, they aren't worth it. Myself n OH are a team, personally I wouldn't get involved in groups that gossip.


just my thoughts xx

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It all sounds a bit of a drama, couldn't being doing with all that:cry:


i prefer my life to be simple. Love my friends here, we enjoy what we enjoy.


Sorry you found yourself in mixed up in office politics , my advice, they aren't worth it. Myself n OH are a team, personally I wouldn't get involved in groups that gossip.


just my thoughts xx


well ya live and learn here I suppose never come across anything like it in UK but then again I grew up with my friends in UK massive difference ! And my hubbie would find it not difficult to get on with people but what mentality they have that's the only way I can describe it I suppose they have to be singing from the same hymn sheet as him we r two opposites he's a introvert I'm a extrovert lol :) we do everything together anyway when we together always have done ! ! Xx

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Hi Blobby. What you say I fully agree with.


However, the main point is that I WANT to change my lifestyle, I thought that's why we came here. But we have just slipped into the 9-5 grind living in a boring suburb. The suburbs we live in are boring, but convenient for work.


Now I can't get a job, am getting older, this daily grind holds a bleak future for me.The problem I have is that wife and son don't seem to want to change. They come home from work, wife slouches in front of TV and son goes into his room to play xbox. Even when I was working I hated that.


I don't want a couple of hours at the footie (don't like it anyway), a meal out once a week and the occasional weekend away, trying to find some pointless hobby. Always looking for a reward to make up for the grind. I want to wake up everyday looking forward to it.


As mentioned, I have many of the stereotypical hang ups about Aus that a lot of Brits do. I don't like the Aus culture (or lack of) and don't see myself becoming an Aus. I have lost some mojo / inner happiness whatever. since being here I have disengaged and withdrawn. It doesn't feel like I belong. This has probably been exacerbated by not being able to get a job and onset of old age


I do think Aus is a beautiful country and I still like the weather. So I am willing to have a go somewhere where we can appreciate the beauty and weather more. Its an achievable dream. Without that, I don't think I want to be here any more. It may not succeed, but not doing anything is too frightening to consider. Would the UK be any better? Don't know, but it might restore some of what I have lost within myself.


Yeah I found that


We went to Oz for a different life....but we found that we still had to work, vacuum, wash up, pay the bills, sleep, cook etc


surfing before breakfast? I don't think so....who has time for that every day when you have to start work at 7am 100km from where we lived!!


we found the lifestyle and opportunities we were after but work still got in the way


regarding watching TV/XBox etc...I agree...I don't think people change. My wife watches tele all evening, she did it in Oz and she does it here, but that doesn't mean I can't go out running, take the dogs out, sit in the garden, take my bike out, take the kids out to the park etc. I have stopped nagging her about it, I no longer care about it....people will do what makes them happy.....


im not telling you how to live your life...and it's hard to get motivated when you are feeling down...but you should lead by example...say "right, this suburb is boring.,.....i want us to live somewhere better" (and there are better suburbs in Melbourne than Greemsborough) you could move somewhere better without uprooting the family......


if if your family won't listen then you go and discover that suburb,....and then show them it.....you could win them over!


i know it's not that easy.......but you can only control what you do, and it sounds like you haven't given up on finding happiness in Australia so I reckon you need to carry on!

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Do you know what I think , lol , I think it's no different apart from weather and do u know why u get bored because u don't know anyone ! So when the mrs or husbands at work ya wondering what to do ! I am not going to sit on a beach on my own without looking a total plebe ! Lol , I don't want go shopping on my own because where's the fun in that ! It's good when we together at weekends though but we not yet !


But in uk when my hubby was at work I went shopping with my mates , I met up for lunch with them , if I nipped food shopping i would bump into someone and they would say when Uve put ya shopping away nip round for a cuppa ! You had ya friends and ya family to keep ya occupied ! When my hubby got in on a Friday teatime in UK I'd be in the shower music on doing me hair and make up getting me glad rags on to go out ! We would come home my son and his girlfriend and my other two kids would be in we would have a laugh my mates who we went out with would come back after and then get a taxi home !


I mi think here because ya have no circle of friends that live close by u have friends but miles away most of them ya don't tend to do that ! I lived on a private estate where family lived on the same estate too ! And my sons partner her sister lived on same estate so you always saw someone ! In the suburbs it's very mundane ! You don't see a soul ! My next door but one neighbour knocked yesterday though and said she had missed me and to come round today meet her daughters new baby ! That's nice ! But she's in her 70s and adorable don't get me wrong but they hardly going be dancing round my kitchen getting ready go out on a Friday night dancing to footloose now are they haha ! I met a friend the other day and she is my age and we meet up about once a month for a coffee and somert eat and then she messages me and says she always enjoys her afternoons out with me lol and she blows my frock up !


But of a weekend she is out with her hubbie I'm not going play a gooseberry lol ! !


So I find it difficult perhaps when I settle somewhere if I ever do maybe then I might settle into normal life but to me it's not normal I'm in limbo and have been for 3 years !


But it to be honest I just want get me son through school and see then ! But maybe it will work maybe it won't ! My hubby's old boss got In touch yesterday in Brisbane , said we have a short term assignment for you well it's 6 weeks work ya not going give up what u e got for 6 weeks work so I'll just have to ride it !


But for u davelap maybe that is the case you don't know anyone and that's why I've lost ya mojo because ya not working ! And you have no one familiar around you maybe ! :)


Yeah we met a lot of nice older people and they didn't dance round our kitchen either!


you are right...it's bloody hard trying to find that vibe! Even as a middle aged man now, I missed having mates round and going out with people I actually liked. It's really hard to find friends full stop...and particularly friends that can measure up to the 20+ year friendships we have in the UK

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i don't go to any pom meet ups anymore.....fed up of being questioned, how long you been here?, have you bought a house or are you renting?

what do you earn??


ffff off... I'm happy just being me, not interested in or care about how much you have.


thankfully its meant ive met the most solid of people, people who care, people who I can go out and have a belly laugh with.


If I meet someone for the first time...and all they want to talk about is how much money they earn, how great there house is etc etc.


then they get a great big side swerve from me:laugh:

Thats whats great about the uk, no one ever asks what you earn, what car you drive, what your house cost` Aussies do seem to be more materlistic than brits.

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Thats whats great about the uk, no one ever asks what you earn, what car you drive, what your house cost` Aussies do seem to be more materlistic than brits.


But that's the Brits that ask all that in Oz!


but the Brits don't do it in the UK!


i think it's just about trying to find something to talk about.....and subconsciously checking you are doing OK by making sure others aren't doing better than you!!!,!

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Thats whats great about the uk, no one ever asks what you earn, what car you drive, what your house cost` Aussies do seem to be more materlistic than brits.



No perth bum bum it's some Brits that ask lol ! My hubby doesn't tell them ! But he went out the other week without me to a pub with a guy he knows to have a beer some of the guys friends were there and that is the first think they ask my hubby what he did lol my hubby just said engineer and they said oh I'm a engineer i am a welder for such a place ! Anyway my hubbie doesn't get wrapped up in that conversation had one pint and went home rang me and said when ya coming over lol :) so it is not the ozzies he did have a laugh with another couple there though ! :) I tell people I'm a cleaner pmsl if they ask I tell them what job my hubbie does if they ask ! It doesn't matter does it matter what u do I do get frowned up on being a cleaner lmao I think it's quite funnie ! Because everybody carny clean like me ya know and I couldn't do their job neither people think cleaning isn't hard to do lol well it is hard and I'll spot thinks cleaning wise other people wouldn't so ya do what ya do don't ya !


if they ask next time I'm going say I'm a brain surgeon ! I never ask I only say if they ask lol

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Yeah we met a lot of nice older people and they didn't dance round our kitchen either!


you are right...it's bloody hard trying to find that vibe! Even as a middle aged man now, I missed having mates round and going out with people I actually liked. It's really hard to find friends full stop...and particularly friends that can measure up to the 20+ year friendships we have in the UK



Yes ya right I agree :)

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Thats whats great about the uk, no one ever asks what you earn, what car you drive, what your house cost` Aussies do seem to be more materlistic than brits.



It got to the stage that I didn't want to go to any barbecues etc when invited by some Brits to their houses. Yapping on about how well they were doing and what a good private school their little darling were attending and then some of them with their pseudo Aussie accent :dull: My Australian husband thought they were crass.

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I suppose some don't mean anything by it really ! They prob seeing if u have anything in common work wise !! But I have come across people who say about how well they doing and there posted pics on fb to people back home saying look how they r living and look at us well I saw a different picture I saw her hubbie was always in the pub she was out not giving a monkies she splatter bills on the window saying why haven't you paid this they going cut us off ! Lol but to people back home they living a dream no thanks that is not a dream I don't care if u av a pool I wouldn't want live like that if someone gave me a gold pig ! lol each to its own !



they looked at me like I was negative over the job situ ! I wasn't negative it was the truth !


They were saying everything was hunky dory and I knew it wasn't they have been here a while though !


They couldn't understand y I don't think Aus is any better than UK lol

for me !


Well ill it's not just how it's gone here for us ! My hubbie had more industries to choose from in UK ! So that is y as well i see it the way I see it !



and sometimes here it's a funny place because people might be asking to see if ya got anything in common work wise because it is a lot of who ya know , so people might be asking as well so they can build a network not that they are being funnie or anything a funnie place Australia for that lol :)

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Thats whats great about the uk, no one ever asks what you earn, what car you drive, what your house cost` Aussies do seem to be more materlistic than brits.


I think Fifi was suggesting that it's the Brits who ask these questions when she's been on meet ups.

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I suppose some don't mean anything by it really ! They prob seeing if u have anything in common work wise !! But I have come across people who say about how well they doing and there posted pics on fb to people back home saying look how they r living and look at us well I saw a different picture I saw her hubbie was always in the pub she was out not giving a monkies she splatter bills on the window saying why haven't you paid this they going cut us off ! Lol but to people back home they living a dream no thanks that is not a dream I don't care if u av a pool I wouldn't want live like that if someone gave me a gold pig ! lol each to its own !



they looked at me like I was negative over the job situ ! I wasn't negative it was the truth !


They were saying everything was hunky dory and I knew it wasn't they have been here a while though !


They couldn't understand y I don't think Aus is any better than UK lol

for me !


Well ill it's not just how it's gone here for us ! My hubbie had more industries to choose from in UK ! So that is y as well i see it the way I see it !


You are correct Shelly, Australia isn't any better than the UK. For me it was different as I married an Australian who couldn't settle in the UK otherwise I wouldn't be here. His parents migrated from England in 1949. He was born in Brisbane. When his father died (he was 16 when his Dad died) his Mum went back to the UK with him and his younger sister - his older sister stayed here. He enjoyed the first few years in the UK and hitch hiked around Europe - completed an apprenticeship then became homesick for Australia. We met and married and bought a house in Liverpool and worked and lived there happily until he told me he really wanted to return to Australia. I had been here on a WHV for 6 months and liked it so after mulling over all the pros and cons we arrived here in 1981. Funny how life pans out. Occasionally he used to ask me if we had done the right thing but all in all we have been very happy here. His Mum was very happy back in England and his younger sister still lives there.

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Thats whats great about the uk, no one ever asks what you earn, what car you drive, what your house cost` Aussies do seem to be more materlistic than brits.



In the uk when we lived in UK we never got asked ! Never so maybe that's what u mean ! Here it's different whether they are asking for meet people in some cases , to get know people who have their work in common to build a network maybe ! But UK no never come across it but here it is the Brits !

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