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You are right once you migrate its never the same. I had my heater fixed the other day by a Brit and I just wondered if he was on the forum or groups I am in. He said No, I cannot stand people who move here and moan. He was so adament. He said I miss my family and a couple of friends but nothing else. He was doing alright for himself he had purchased the business and was very very busy. So its what you make of it and if you surround yourself with negative people here or in the UK life will be negative. As I have said over and over again, I love Australia and its been very very very kind to my family. My oldest friend Kiwi, has returned to live in New Zealand, she hates it and she is stuck. She forgot that they tax pensions in NZ and other little negatives as they do in UK. She hates the house and in fact she had a nervous breakdown and ended up nearly dying because she could not eat. So what we wish for is not always the thing that is good for us.

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I will probably get blasted for this but some people should not migrate at all. Lots of my great grandfather's relatives emigrated to Canada and the USA. They all worked hard and did well and never returned to Scotland. Some also went to New Zealand. Their letters back to Scotland have all been kept. My sister has them in safe keeping. They really are so interesting to read. If it wasn't for successful migrants, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand wouldn't be the countries they are today. If folk thought carefully about how hard it is to make a new life in a far off country before they moved and how difficult it is to be so far away from family and friends and had second thoughts, they are better off staying in their country of origin.

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Jock in tas and petals lol no I shouldn't of migrated but we can all say that in hindsight now ! And do u know when people say about moaners or negativity ! I was never ever ever negative in UK I had nothing to worry about ! Apart from the odd family member getting on ya pip but I think we all have one of those !


And ms my husband does work hard he loves the career he chose he chose it because he has a passion for it !


And people pled who say they hate people who moan or are negative , they are probably the ones that their industry hasn't been hit but if it does get hit and I hope it doesn't ! Would they be so positive on the way they think they move half way across the world u move state again to move state again ! I hardly think that's being negative ya living with a hope that it will work or what was the point of it all ! I know lots of people not on this forum won't come on for the fear of being shot down if they say it the way they see it ! I also have a friend who has got go back UK sold everything in UK got no work carny get no work ! And has 4 kids in tow ! I think she has a right to be just a little peed off ! But at least she tried ! God loves a trier ! And at least she gave it ago ! Some people haven't got the guts leave their own doorstep ! So I fully understand the way it is now why people r a little negative ! and the people I know who came 8 yrs ago are now struggling and saying themselves they carny believe how it's gone ! I know because I'm fab friends with one of their family ! And she tells me the struggling ! And they have nowhere to turn because they remortgaged to have the pool and everything else they had ! Do I want live like that I didn't come here for that and I am sure not one person did ! So I am not negative as such but I believe my hubby what he's saying although I could never explain it like him ! :):):)

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And next week when I go to Perth she's asked me help her pack ! How sad is that ! Although I did say to her it's the upheaval again for ya kids , once she's settled back in UK I don't think she will look back ! It's the initial thought of it ! I think she will be just fine ! But got none of her house money left to buy anywhere ! Just enough ship back the dog and furniture and things and flights for all of them ! And she will have to rent in UK ! No more mortgage for her there her hubbies 52 :) don't put all ya eggs in one basket at the moment but give it a try by all means ! :)

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People do underestimate the pull for family ! If you didn't get the pull you wouldn't be human ! And you think at the time they will follow as soon as ya settled ! Then grandkids come along and u feel guilty even more for leaving ! Then u have ya kids here consider too ! So a big lesson learnt for me ! My son was the one initially who told us go for our visas ! Lol but I think he misses his mum and it was traumatic last week when I left traumatic ! My husband misses home and my son but not as much as me ! And the reason is he thinks they have their own life to lead ! That's right of course but I pine and I don't think I'll change on that unless he moves here ! So my mistake underestimating the pull ! It's not like they r a hr away ! :)

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Hi LR , yea I am back been UK for six week got back other day ! My husband works in Perth , my son got finish school here in qld which is towards the end of November ! Then we should be moving back to Perth ! Probably after Xmas ! But I'm just wondering ! My minds ticking overtime ! Is this here really worth it because I really don't know ! My son who is at school in qld will move to Perth with us ! My son who works in qld and has a qld girlfriend isn't moving to Perth and neither will he move back UK ! Because of the girlfriend lol ! So if I'm in Perth I can get to him easy if he needs me ! If I'm in UK I gain a son and lose a son ! And the moving all over the shop has not been worth it to me yes experience and a adventure but the cost of it ! Is it worth it or has it been worth it not really ! I'm paying two rents aswell travelling just to see people so I don't get thinking and that's a cost so the good wages are not actually good wages lol . My youngest doesn't want go back UK he doesn't really want move from wild he has nice friends but if he has to choose he chooses Perth ! But if we decide to go back he will have no choice ! But I want make sure I do the right thing by all of them :):) my hubby just wants get Sam through school that's his goal and then re access where we are end of November x


You sound like you had a really good time at home Shelly, thanks for all your posts and your photos, they made me smile!

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Love your posts Shellybingobingo always watching out for what your up to lol .... im same , traumatized when I leave Ireland ..been here 5 yrs on/off married to an Irishman that's lived here 32 yrs .....and left my 3 adult kids and 6 grandkids .... tried but seriously need to go home , long story , but I personally think the price is too high for the sun/sand /lifestyle ... rather walk 5 minutes in the rain to meet up with family/friends than sit on a beach on me own ...

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Jock in tas and petals lol no I shouldn't of migrated but we can all say that in hindsight now ! And do u know when people say about moaners or negativity ! I was never ever ever negative in UK I had nothing to worry about ! Apart from the odd family member getting on ya pip but I think we all have one of those !


And ms my husband does work hard he loves the career he chose he chose it because he has a passion for it !


And people pled who say they hate people who moan or are negative , they are probably the ones that their industry hasn't been hit but if it does get hit and I hope it doesn't ! Would they be so positive on the way they think they move half way across the world u move state again to move state again ! I hardly think that's being negative ya living with a hope that it will work or what was the point of it all ! I know lots of people not on this forum won't come on for the fear of being shot down if they say it the way they see it ! I also have a friend who has got go back UK sold everything in UK got no work carny get no work ! And has 4 kids in tow ! I think she has a right to be just a little peed off ! But at least she tried ! God loves a trier ! And at least she gave it ago ! Some people haven't got the guts leave their own doorstep ! So I fully understand the way it is now why people r a little negative ! and the people I know who came 8 yrs ago are now struggling and saying themselves they carny believe how it's gone ! I know because I'm fab friends with one of their family ! And she tells me the struggling ! And they have nowhere to turn because they remortgaged to have the pool and everything else they had ! Do I want live like that I didn't come here for that and I am sure not one person did ! So I am not negative as such but I believe my hubby what he's saying although I could never explain it like him ! :):):)


Yes, hindsight is a great thing.


There are some prospective migrants who post here and you can tell almost that it isn't going to work out for them given their family ties and affinity to the place they live. Personally I would never be critical though of anyone who had given it a fair shot.

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Love your posts Shellybingobingo always watching out for what your up to lol .... im same , traumatized when I leave Ireland ..been here 5 yrs on/off married to an Irishman that's lived here 32 yrs .....and left my 3 adult kids and 6 grandkids .... tried but seriously need to go home , long story , but I personally think the price is too high for the sun/sand /lifestyle ... rather walk 5 minutes in the rain to meet up with family/friends than sit on a beach on me own ...



awww feel for ya hunnie it's heartbreaking ! Xxx

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Yes, hindsight is a great thing.


There are some prospective migrants who post here and you can tell almost that it isn't going to work out for them given their family ties and affinity to the place they live. Personally I would never be critical though of anyone who had given it a fair shot.


well thanks grey sky ! I might make it I might not lol either way if I had to go back tomorrow I wouldn't care ! ! I'll be off on a cruise to Europe convert my home ! Buy a caravan love caravanning ! Be out with my mucker a dancing the night away of a weekend lol ! Parties Christmas new year ! I'd be in my eliminate ! However I have come this far ! I shall see how it goes a while longer ! For my boys sake ! And really if I think yes Perth we will settle I will build and o will split my time between the two countries ! But also remembering job market it's not good although ok at the moment ! So if he gets a sign it's going turn bad he will be off he won't even try again ! Too much cost too much hassle and really what for when he can get a job anywhere in the world ! To be honest his director has said we lucky have you ! And yes they are ! But now it's for my lads ! Luke will stay regardless ! Sam I would like get him citizen next yr ! But it's not about making it to my hubby he's doing work he did 15 year ago lol he already made it in UK ! :)

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Love your posts Shellybingobingo always watching out for what your up to lol .... im same , traumatized when I leave Ireland ..been here 5 yrs on/off married to an Irishman that's lived here 32 yrs .....and left my 3 adult kids and 6 grandkids .... tried but seriously need to go home , long story , but I personally think the price is too high for the sun/sand /lifestyle ... rather walk 5 minutes in the rain to meet up with family/friends than sit on a beach on me own ...



Oh julie I've just seen ya in Sydney we could of met up ! I have a lovely friend in Sydney chin up sweet cheeks xxxxx I'm in brissie ! Xx

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Jock in tas and petals lol no I shouldn't of migrated but we can all say that in hindsight now ! And do u know when people say about moaners or negativity ! I was never ever ever negative in UK I had nothing to worry about ! Apart from the odd family member getting on ya pip but I think we all have one of those !


And ms my husband does work hard he loves the career he chose he chose it because he has a passion for it !


And people pled who say they hate people who moan or are negative , they are probably the ones that their industry hasn't been hit but if it does get hit and I hope it doesn't ! Would they be so positive on the way they think they move half way across the world u move state again to move state again ! I hardly think that's being negative ya living with a hope that it will work or what was the point of it all ! I know lots of people not on this forum won't come on for the fear of being shot down if they say it the way they see it ! I also have a friend who has got go back UK sold everything in UK got no work carny get no work ! And has 4 kids in tow ! I think she has a right to be just a little peed off ! But at least she tried ! God loves a trier ! And at least she gave it ago ! think Some people haven't got the guts leave their own doorstep ! So I fully understand the way it is now why people r a little negative ! and the people I know who came 8 yrs ago are now struggling and saying themselves they carny believe how it's gone ! I know because I'm fab friends with one of their family ! And she tells me the struggling ! And they have nowhere to turn because they remortgaged to have the pool and everything else they had ! Do I want live like that I didn't come here for that and I am sure not one person did ! So I am not negative as such but I believe my hubby what he's saying although I could never explain it like him ! :):):)


I think you encapsulate it perfectly, i don't think people are whinging for the sake of it, they are whinging because their life plan is disappearing in front of their eyes and people have got a lot more to lose now than 30 years ago and i think that the downturn in oz is hitting much faster even than it did in the uk and also people are aware that the uk is enjoying a little bit of an uplift just as oz is starting to have problems.

Also as the problems start to emerge in oz all the other downsides associated with emigrating become magnified, being an outsider, not being in the chosen group for work when it gets tight at work, coping with the ardent nationalism of a nation still trying to establish an identity, trying to make sense of the very tribal nature of politics and society, these are all issues which are copeable with whilst life is going along ok and the money keeps coming in but assume a much greater importance when it doesn't and when you think there is a better chance of it going right in a place where you know how it works and you know some people who will help, so it's little wonder that people feel the pull to return.

As for the continual reference back to the earlier migrants, the world is a different place with instant communications, intimate knowledge of how things are going elsewhere, knowledge about how issues are being handled elsewhere, a much greater understanding of how the world works and also knowledge that conditions back home are better than where you are now and the ease with which you can be back in the uk, its 1 day away, not 6 weeks away and there were quite a few of those 10 pound poms who were back on the boat home when they found out that oz didn't match the lifestyle that they had in the uk.

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I think you encapsulate it perfectly, i don't think people are whinging for the sake of it, they are whinging because their life plan is disappearing in front of their eyes and people have got a lot more to lose now than 30 years ago and i think that the downturn in oz is hitting much faster even than it did in the uk and also people are aware that the uk is enjoying a little bit of an uplift just as oz is starting to have problems.

Also as the problems start to emerge in oz all the other downsides associated with emigrating become magnified, being an outsider, not being in the chosen group for work when it gets tight at work, coping with the ardent nationalism of a nation still trying to establish an identity, trying to make sense of the very tribal nature of politics and society, these are all issues which are copeable with whilst life is going along ok and the money keeps coming in but assume a much greater importance when it doesn't and when you think there is a better chance of it going right in a place where you know how it works and you know some people who will help, so it's little wonder that people feel the pull to return.

As for the continual reference back to the earlier migrants, the world is a different place with instant communications, intimate knowledge of how things are going elsewhere, knowledge about how issues are being handled elsewhere, a much greater understanding of how the world works and also knowledge that conditions back home are better than where you are now and the ease with which you can be back in the uk, its 1 day away, not 6 weeks away and there were quite a few of those 10 pound poms who were back on the boat home when they found out that oz didn't match the lifestyle that they had in the uk.


thankyou I'm glad someone gets me lol :)

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I did post something. I don't know what happened.


Maybe I am not meant to say? I'll try again.


I said "don't wan to upset the applecart". I just think Shelly you do hog the forum at times. Think back to the original poster and what it is all about. Are you really that happy with all? I am not sure.


We all have things to say. At the end of the day, it is about the poster who started the thread.

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I did post something. I don't know what happened.


Maybe I am not meant to say? I'll try again.


I said "don't wan to upset the applecart". I just think Shelly you do hog the forum at times. Think back to the original poster and what it is all about. Are you really that happy with all? I am not sure.


We all have things to say. At the end of the day, it is about the poster who started the thread.


Threads have the habit of going off on a tangent ............

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Kiwi in Aus .... I think I have just read a post of yours to me ! Something about if I love my husband so much y am I on Pio so much !


Lol well kiwi in Aus first of all I think yr pretty nice too ! But I would never dream of saying to you u do U hog a thread or post so much lol ! And secondly I'm on Pio because I have nothing to do because I don't live in the same state as my husband !


Not yet I don't lol !


I I speak to my husband 3/4 times a day over the phone I carny do any more when he's working !


Ya not upsetting the apple cart as u say I haven't took offence lol


i carnt remember everyword what ya posted but it is something along them lines and the post has now gone perhaps deleted lol !


The he thing is kiwi I post and so does everyone else ! I didn't know I was breaking forum rules !


If u don't like to read my posts you can hide me or block me if u so wish !


And ms if u knew me kiwi and people that do know me know how close me and my hubby are not that I have to explain myself to anybody I couldn't give a flying rats ass what people think and certainly my husband wouldn't lol anyway I don't quite know what you were trying to say but no hard feelings for me to hold a grudge u have got to have crossed me pretty bad :)

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