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Hi all ,brand new to this site and thinking about a move to Oz ,

Sam Summers

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Hi all

My wife and me have been giving some serious thought about making the move from the UK to Oz , so much so I have had my skills and experience looked at by an migration expert who has told me our chances are pretty good and has advised us what visa route to go down , so feeling pretty confident about actually getting to Australia .

My only concern is I have obviously been doing a lot of research on oz ,and have seen quite a few negative responses on some sites in relation to my trade. (plumber / gas safe registered engineer ), I have seen a lot of posts from guys In the same industry as me say it's been a complete waste of time as they have gone to OZ been there 6 months failed to find work and now returning to UK broke as the Australians prefer employing Australians over the brits. Mainly within this line of work , also I have read I would have to re sit all my present qualifications to be able to work in OZ as a plumber /gas engineer

., our other concern is we have read the Aussies can be a little bit stand offish to the brits, myself wife and son are really outgoing people and want to move for the weather but also to make new friends and start a new life there and are a little worried we may not integrate with people there,

Was just wondering what other people's experiences have been , we're pretty hopefull we will get there , just getting a few last minute nerves before starting the visa process.



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Sam there are always risks involved with a move, it depends how prepared you are. Please investigate your market before taking the jump, Australia does not have much plumbing in their properties other than the normal wet areas and a/c, certainly very rarely do I see any form of wet heating. Gas is usually bottled so your experience there would be wasted.


Regarding Australian people, I have found them great as I alway listen with interest with what is being said and never preach about UK. Australia is different, a lot more American in its society, quite positive and interested in you and why you came over. Occasionally there is a little hard feeling about taking Australuan jobs and driving up house prices with demand however em this is very rare.


You will undertake a practical assessment of your skills and you will have plenty of ups and downs during the process. At this stage speak to a few agents, others on the board and base your decision on what YOU want.



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Australians are well used to Brits. Many of them have Brit parents or grandparents, so the idea that they are generally stand offish to Brits is a very strange one to me and was never my experience that is for sure. I am not in the trades, but I still heard all that :local experience" and preference for Australians before I moved as well, again was never my experience at all. We both found work straight away and if anything, Australians were interested to get an insight into how things are being done elsewhere.


You will have to either redo qualifications or jump through hoops for licences though. That is a drawback for some trade occupations, it can take time and I can understand why some would struggle with that.

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thank you for the heads up

what you have mentioned about my experience as a plumber not being in huge demand is my real concern,

certainly need to do more research on what would be available to me work wise if we decided to make the move .

Always good to hear it from someone that's already made the move

Thanks again

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Every plumber i know here who took the time and effort to get Australian recognition and licences are doing ok and have plenty of work. Those who seem to struggle seem to be the ones who didnt want to jump through the licencing hoops. There is no doubt Plumbers and Electricians are the hardest hit with the State licence rules, so make sure you know exactly whats needed prior to your arrival and it won't be such a shock, you can also budget for it prior to moving.


Cal x

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Hi cal

Thanks, that's good to know, I would definitely look to do whatever reconigition licences are required to give us the best chance , to be honest we were very positive until very recently where we read quite a few horror storys about plumbers that had gone over and not found any wrk at all and ended coming back to the UK 20 grand lighter , it worried us enough to re think going , but it's something we really want to do.

Fingers crossed we will make it over , we're also concerned as to weather one wage coming in would be enough for us to survive on as my wife doesn't hAve any skills and our son is 3 so would be a while before she could work full time ,

Something else we will need to look into

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Hi cal

Thanks, that's good to know, I would definitely look to do whatever reconigition licences are required to give us the best chance , to be honest we were very positive until very recently where we read quite a few horror storys about plumbers that had gone over and not found any wrk at all and ended coming back to the UK 20 grand lighter , it worried us enough to re think going , but it's something we really want to do.

Fingers crossed we will make it over , we're also concerned as to weather one wage coming in would be enough for us to survive on as my wife doesn't hAve any skills and our son is 3 so would be a while before she could work full time ,

Something else we will need to look into


It is hard to secure work prior to getting the licence and that can take a while, so always good to have an open mind and possibly do some unskilled work until your licence is sorted or budget for not working a while. I think this is where those who didn't research properly come unstuck. Bear in mind each State has slightly different rules but definately google the state licence requirements for where you plan to go.


If you have a PR visa and only one income (or 2 lower ones) , Centrelink will top it up with Family Benefit and child care costs, you may also be able to claim a little towards your rent too, until you get on your feet.


Cal x

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Hi cal

Thanks, that's good to know, I would definitely look to do whatever reconigition licences are required to give us the best chance , to be honest we were very positive until very recently where we read quite a few horror storys about plumbers that had gone over and not found any wrk at all and ended coming back to the UK 20 grand lighter , it worried us enough to re think going , but it's something we really want to do.

Fingers crossed we will make it over , we're also concerned as to weather one wage coming in would be enough for us to survive on as my wife doesn't hAve any skills and our son is 3 so would be a while before she could work full time ,

Something else we will need to look into


Some people assume that because their occupation is on the skills list, that Australia is "crying out" for people in that occupation and seem to think they will be met off the plane with job offers. Really they do, the number of times I have read the "crying out" phrase you would not believe. Fact is, there are very, very few occupations that Auatralia is crying out for and most people will meet with the same competition for work as they ever have.


So whilst I would always warn that the streets are not paved with gold, on the other hand, there will be as much work for plumbers or anything else as you ever saw in the UK. At this precise moment unemployment is rising in Australia and it is a touch higher than in the UK, but once licenced, I would expect finding work will be a bit like it was in the UK say three or four years ago.

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Hi, I would (through experience) say that unless you are looking to move to achieve something specific that the UK cannot offer I would think very hard.


You mention you have children.....give the whole no family thing a huge amount of consideration, family will mean more to them/play a bigger part in their life than the sunshine and "outdoorsy lifestyle"


Ive lost count of the amount of time my kids have asked to go see nanny and grandad etc and get upset that they cant come to their birthday parties. Only this week my son had a "take your grandparent to kindy" day...his little face when we told him he couldnt take his broke my heart.


Its tough starting again here (and anywhere) making new friends etc. I feel like I am in witness protection, I know where my family are but I cant see them, and people here dont know anything about me/my previous life...kinda sucks really.


We just 'fancied' aus....no specific reason, job/money etc and in hindsight i wished we had stayed put.....nothings gone wrong/bad here but its not wowed me either. Anything that is better/bigger are just 'things, materialistic,not important in the grand scheme of life.


Im not telling you to not do it...just consider is 110%



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Hey dan

It sounds like we are where you were at before you went to oz . We have no reason to go other than the fact we want to go . UK feels a bit stale to us lately, and although there is nothing bad here in the UK we just fancy the change . Financially were in a good position here in UK (good job etc ) but have listened to the tales of earning a fortune in oz while also having the weather . Basically the dream lifestyle. Easy to get carried away I guess . But after really researching oz and listening to other people's experiences were now realising it's not all fairytale endings and a lot of people have struggled with living there . Saying that I've read more positives than negatives so am still keen to at least spend some more time looking into going . The leaving family behind would be pretty hard and I think that will be the main thing that stops us leaving the UK . Thanks mate its good to hear it from guys like yourself who are already there and hearing your thoughts on going.

Cheers sam

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Hi, I would (through experience) say that unless you are looking to move to achieve something specific that the UK cannot offer I would think very hard.


You mention you have children.....give the whole no family thing a huge amount of consideration, family will mean more to them/play a bigger part in their life than the sunshine and "outdoorsy lifestyle"


Ive lost count of the amount of time my kids have asked to go see nanny and grandad etc and get upset that they cant come to their birthday parties. Only this week my son had a "take your grandparent to kindy" day...his little face when we told him he couldnt take his broke my heart.


Its tough starting again here (and anywhere) making new friends etc. I feel like I am in witness protection, I know where my family are but I cant see them, and people here dont know anything about me/my previous life...kinda sucks really.


We just 'fancied' aus....no specific reason, job/money etc and in hindsight i wished we had stayed put.....nothings gone wrong/bad here but its not wowed me either. Anything that is better/bigger are just 'things, materialistic,not important in the grand scheme of life.


Im not telling you to not do it...just consider is 110%




That must be so hard! My kids were born here so only saw their Gran when she visited here or we visited her. When they were small they used to take her into their classroom for "show and tell". They were so happy to introduce their Gran to the teacher and the other children.

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Hey dan

It sounds like we are where you were at before you went to oz . We have no reason to go other than the fact we want to go . UK feels a bit stale to us lately, and although there is nothing bad here in the UK we just fancy the change . Financially were in a good position here in UK (good job etc ) but have listened to the tales of earning a fortune in oz while also having the weather . Basically the dream lifestyle. Easy to get carried away I guess . But after really researching oz and listening to other people's experiences were now realising it's not all fairytale endings and a lot of people have struggled with living there . Saying that I've read more positives than negatives so am still keen to at least spend some more time looking into going . The leaving family behind would be pretty hard and I think that will be the main thing that stops us leaving the UK . Thanks mate its good to hear it from guys like yourself who are already there and hearing your thoughts on going.

Cheers sam


Hi Sam,


By no means am I telling you not to do it just consider the bigger picture and what is ACTUALLY important in life/to your family. The 'must haves' over the 'nice to have'


For a short while here I lost sight of whats important in life such as happiness, health, family, friends...true friends and I got caught up in the big house, swimming pool, sunshine, beaches....and now I feel really silly and a bit embarrsed I ranked those 'things' so highly, I was brought up better than that but hey, Ive realised it now, better late than never and all that.


I know you will most probably still make your own choices, and why not, we did, even after being told exactly what ive told you but i cannot stress how important it is to truely think it over and weigh up people/family v 'things'


Thinking you will cope without family (after only seeing them a few days ago) and actually going months/years is a totally different kettle of fish.


We have been here 2 years and although we dont have a return date booked yet, knowing that one day in the next 1-2 years theres a very strong chance we will move home is enough for me at the moment.


We were in the same position as you by the sounds of it. We both had good jobs (do here too) nice cars, nice house, comfortable life (again like here) we also had the real things that matter in life but like us and so many others, you take that for granted and dont truely appreciate what you have/had until youve made the change.


Anyway, I could offer advice all day, whatever choice you make I wish you all the best and if you have any questions about anything just let me know.



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That must be so hard! My kids were born here so only saw their Gran when she visited here or we visited her. When they were small they used to take her into their classroom for "show and tell". They were so happy to introduce their Gran to the teacher and the other children.


Yep heart wrenching @JockinTas and whats more, its down to our choice to move here that its an issue.


Yes we have given them x by moving here but have deprived them of y in the process. For me, the x's are materialistic things and the y's are whats important.


Im pretty sure that once my parents have passed away my kids will say "i wish we could see nanny and grandad again" as opposed to "i wish we could go to the beach again"


I will correct this blip in time and get the family back together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there


Just been reading your post, and just wanted to say how I feel.

I have been living in New Zealand ( we are now NZ citizens) for the last 11 years until last year my hubby was approached by a company to come and work for them here in NSW, (hubby is a tadesman).

I am a veterinary nurse, we have been here in NSW nearly a year now, i still have not found work, despite numerous applications for jobs. I have grown up children, so definitely not easy to make friends, and I am a very social person (finding it very difficult living here). Don't get me wrong its a beautiful city is Sydney, but you really have to be on big bucks to live here, the rent is through the roof and to buy a house, well don't even get me started on that one (500k for a 3 bed brick house, in a half decent area). I am more than happy to relocate elsewhere in Australia but must have jobs to go to. Not really a happy camper

Good luck with everything, feel free to message me if you want anymore info :)

Believe you me its not all its cracked up to be :)

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Hey there

thanks for letting me know about your experiences, yours and the other comments have made me and the wife decide to put oz on hold for a little bit and really give it some more thought . We really do wanna try living in oz , but are very cautious about the move and leaving family behind etc . Financially were not in a postion to just take a risk and would put everything we had into going ,so can't really afford to risk it all going wrong in the future . Might be that we decide to stay in UK for now and mabey look to move abroad in our layer years ☺.

Thank you

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  • 3 weeks later...
have listened to the tales of earning a fortune in oz while also having the weather .


You will NOT earn a fortune. You may get higher pay, but the cost of living may also be higher depending where you go, so overall it will end up about the same, but with the weather.


The most important thing for you is to find out how much getting qualified will cost, and how long it will take. Don't assume it's just a case of taking a few exams - I saw a post recently from an electrician who discovered it was going to cost him thousands and take months, and in the meantime the only work he could get was at apprentice rates. You would probably have no trouble getting work once qualified but you would need to budget to feed the family on an apprentice wage for the whole qualifying period, as you'd likely get no benefits - and that would be expensive!

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Hey Sam,

Just a bit of advice from me, I had the same apprehension of moving away to australia as a plumber / gas fitter but it didn't stop me applying for a visa. If your considering it and have your heart set on it then go ahead if you don't you might think later in life.. what if? ..

Its a massive uphill struggle yes, with lots of money to pay out before you star earning reasonable wages.

You have to be realistic when moving with the mind set that you are going to have to start again and life will be tough to begin with. You won't be earning $100,000 a year and going to have to put some hard graft in. Hopefully worth it in the end.

I'm going to australia on a 189 permanent resident visa as a general plumber. If I cannot secure work as a plumber then I can apply for any job I wish and it doesn't effect my visa conditions. It's not alll doom and gloom. Keep your chin up and go with your dreams.

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You can't really want to move..like it can't be a gut feeling u need to give it a go if ur put off so easily. .many ppl consider it n think of it n that's fine but it's not for everyone to actually do it. I'm very happy with move, earning lots more money..cost of living better as we chose to live outside the capital cities n family happy to come visit for three months at a time so probably see more of them now than ever did! Other ppl's experiences cant count for too much as we all make the adventure our own n that depends on the individual, their goals, values n attitude. I was told negatives and positives..made no difference to me I HAD to do it for myself....also I have never met an aussie who has bn stand offish to me or any other brit...In fact..the complete opposite!

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My advice after living here 35 years.Australia is no longer the Lucky Country,the sun may be shinning.But the economy is finished.Australia has wasted it's wealth during the 30 year mining boom.They all thought it would last forever.Now they are struggling.Borrowing $100 million per day to stay afloat.It's very expensive to live here now.Things will get bad i fear,Workers are being laid off in their thousands,Australia makes very little,it has no Heavy industries,Manufacturing isn't worth a light.I don't think there's much future here now,Australia will go back to the Farm to make a living ,That's if they will stop selling it all off to the Chinese.If you have a good job,a house,and of course all your extended family.Think very very carefully about risking it all.

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Hey there

thanks for letting me know about your experiences, yours and the other comments have made me and the wife decide to put oz on hold for a little bit and really give it some more thought . We really do wanna try living in oz , but are very cautious about the move and leaving family behind etc . Financially were not in a postion to just take a risk and would put everything we had into going ,so can't really afford to risk it all going wrong in the future . Might be that we decide to stay in UK for now and mabey look to move abroad in our layer years ☺.

Thank you


Definitely right decision with present climate. Why give up a good life in UK on the off chance of something better out here? It is generally overpriced and housing is horrendous. A lot is timing of course. Those very positive reports are generally those settled here for some years and rode the crest of the boom. Or alternatively had little to loose decamping to Australia.


It is not a matter of Aussies singling out Brits, more them being not as communicative in general as Brits. Breaking the ice can be very difficult although having kids would help in that area from all accounts. Can be a lonely existence in the suburbs. Does the material gain really make up for the potential isolation? Some think it does. Others seem to not notice, but more than enough has been written on forums as this plus real life meetings to know there is far more than a grain of truth in Australia can be a lonely place.

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My advice after living here 35 years.Australia is no longer the Lucky Country,the sun may be shinning.But the economy is finished.Australia has wasted it's wealth during the 30 year mining boom.They all thought it would last forever.Now they are struggling.Borrowing $100 million per day to stay afloat.It's very expensive to live here now.Things will get bad i fear,Workers are being laid off in their thousands,Australia makes very little,it has no Heavy industries,Manufacturing isn't worth a light.I don't think there's much future here now,Australia will go back to the Farm to make a living ,That's if they will stop selling it all off to the Chinese.If you have a good job,a house,and of course all your extended family.Think very very carefully about risking it all.


Diminishing living standards will still prove better for some depending on personal situation of course. But the writing is on the wall. Australia has largely wasted the boom earnings and those conditions will not return.


Indeed become as self sufficient as possible. Do as much yourself as possible. Became as immune as possible to what looks likely to be a very rough passage ahead.

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Diminishing living standards will still prove better for some depending on personal situation of course. But the writing is on the wall. Australia has largely wasted the boom earnings and those conditions will not return.


Indeed become as self sufficient as possible. Do as much yourself as possible. Became as immune as possible to what looks likely to be a very rough passage ahead.


Australia certainly has wasted the boom earnings :dull: Shocking really. We do try to be as self sufficient as possible. Self funded senior citizens after years and years of hard work. Fingers crossed our health stays good.

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