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Your FAILURE to settle in Oz


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I have a distinct failure to agree with how much tradies charge in Costralia! I'm not sure how much they charge in the UK but here it's insane. I just got a bill for a reputable company to fix my fridge. The charge was $90/hr for the tradesman to work on it and also a whopping $60/hr for his assistant to help him carry it to his ute. Yes...they charge his lackey out for $60/hr! PLUS there was a $40 call out charge!! Unbelievable.

And all in all they could not find the fault and just regassed it.

The other day I had a plumber come over to fix a tap (something I should have done myself) - very simple washer change in the end - and they charged $100/hr plus callout for $35 PLUS a fuel levy for $5.50 because fuel is so expensive they said!


I got a quote last year for an electrician to come to my business to change about 30 fluoro lights as the ceiling is too high for my ladder and it came to $900. So I calculated that labour was around $420/hr!!!! They also managed to put a 100% markup on the bulbs too vs Bunnings. I decided to borrow a taller ladder and do it myself.


Could this contribute to members failure to settle in Oz or are these just isolated cases of me being ripped off by tradesmen?

jesus, I know oz is expensive but that is total thieving.

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I guess its all about asking for a price first


That's what I do


That's what nearly all my customers ask me for when they ring about a job


A few don't ask me just ask me to come (that leaves them open) not that I ever rip of anyone

Does that mean people can be ripped off? what do you mean "leaves them open"

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Does that mean people can be ripped off? what do you mean "leaves them open"

Ok I'll explain as obviously yo need it lol


If someone rings me for a quote


I give them a price for a job


With it so far?


If someone asks me to come to fix something but don't ask for a price


I could charge them whatever I wanted


Get it?

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Ok I'll explain as obviously yo need it lol


If someone rings me for a quote


I give them a price for a job


With it so far?


If someone asks me to come to fix something but don't ask for a price


I could charge them whatever I wanted


Get it?

You mean rip them off

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I remember renting a posh property and accompanying the guy from a pest inspection around the house. He was sucking loudly and shaking his head and I said 'I don't own this property so I'm not paying I'm just interested in the outcome' and he changed his demeanor and said 'Yeah nothing wrong really!' No doubt my landlord paid a whopping bill

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Nobody should be considered a failure if they return to the UK or wherever. No one has a crystal ball and sometimes things don't work out. That does not equal failure.


I still can't understand why it is a competition between those living in Oz and those who have returned. We have to remember that everyone at the start of their journey all had the same intentions, move to Oz, start a new life.


For some the journey was easy, jobs came easy, they settled well in their new life.


For others the journey wasn't quite as smooth, difficulty finding employment, poor health, the pull of family and friends.


Nowhere in the visa application does it mention that you must love Australia in order to emigrate. So if you don't settle you are not a failure, you gave it a shot which takes courage.


I just wish people on both sides of the camps could put themselves in each others shoes, then perhaps more empathy would be expressed.





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Nobody should be considered a failure if they return to the UK or wherever. No one has a crystal ball and sometimes things don't work out. That does not equal failure.


I still can't understand why it is a competition between those living in Oz and those who have returned. We have to remember that everyone at the start of their journey all had the same intentions, move to Oz, start a new life.


For some the journey was easy, jobs came easy, they settled well in their new life.


For others the journey wasn't quite as smooth, difficulty finding employment, poor health, the pull of family and friends.


Nowhere in the visa application does it mention that you must love Australia in order to emigrate. So if you don't settle you are not a failure, you gave it a shot which takes courage.


I just wish people on both sides of the camps could put themselves in each others shoes, then perhaps more empathy would be expressed.





As usual karen you come up with the most sensible post on the thread, ever thought of being a mod?

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Nobody should be considered a failure if they return to the UK or wherever. No one has a crystal ball and sometimes things don't work out. That does not equal failure.


I still can't understand why it is a competition between those living in Oz and those who have returned. We have to remember that everyone at the start of their journey all had the same intentions, move to Oz, start a new life.


For some the journey was easy, jobs came easy, they settled well in their new life.


For others the journey wasn't quite as smooth, difficulty finding employment, poor health, the pull of family and friends.


Nowhere in the visa application does it mention that you must love Australia in order to emigrate. So if you don't settle you are not a failure, you gave it a shot which takes courage.


I just wish people on both sides of the camps could put themselves in each others shoes, then perhaps more empathy would be expressed.






Great post Karen. Sometimes we need to look beyond our respective camps on PIO and look at a situation through someone else's eyes. Loving a place and wanting to be there is someone's dream, and no one should ever tread on the dreams of others.

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Moving countries is always going to be very hard for some people. Everyone has to understand that it is very hard to change what you have always known and I believe we think that a new country, holds all the things we were lacking in place we were moving from. Realization is that often this is not the case and we return to where we came from and are much happier because as at least we gave it a go.

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I did settle in Australia - for 11 and a half years - I then I decided to settle somewhere else. Success/failure played no part in it. I wonder if people who emigrate and settle in Australia permanently consider themselves to have "failed" in their own countries? It's such a strange PIO phenomenon (in my experience) this idea of "failing" if a person moves/wants to move back to the UK.

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Been back in UK 10 days already missing the following from Brisbane:



Weather - been pretty miserable everyday except 1 or 2 days and i've been near sunny Stratford

Activities to do outside the pub

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Guest Louisa
Been back in UK 10 days already missing the following from Brisbane:



Weather - been pretty miserable everyday except 1 or 2 days and i've been near sunny Stratford

Activities to do outside the pub

You poor bastard, I feel for you!

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Been back in UK 10 days already missing the following from Brisbane:



Weather - been pretty miserable everyday except 1 or 2 days and i've been near sunny Stratford

Activities to do outside the pub




The weather hasn't been great, but it hasn't been terrible.


Let's see, in the last ten days I dropped my eldest off at Gatwick for a school trip to Berlin. I took my other two swimming. I played squash with my middle child. We picked my eldest up at Gatwick. Did heaps of gardening, mulched all the beds. Visited the bluebells in the woods near us. Had our free coffee at our garden centre, (4 a month), went fishing, saw tomorrow land, went out for dinner. Visited wakehurst place. Spent the day at the Marsden getting treatment, watched my eldest win at cricket. Spent most of the rest of the time sitting outside enjoying the sun when it shone, or inside reading a book when it didn't. And tbh, I thought that was a pretty quiet week.


You need to get out more.

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Been back in UK 10 days already missing the following from Brisbane:



Weather - been pretty miserable everyday except 1 or 2 days and i've been near sunny Stratford

Activities to do outside the pub


Been in UK 4 weeks missing the following from brissie me kids and me hubby lol


dont miss coffee because I'm a tea drinker maybe the odd cup of coffee now and then


the weather can be really rainy in summer anyway in brissie lol



activities to do outside in UK isn't just the pub lmao and at least they have soul !


Danced my little ass off Friday mow town night


what about alton towers what about Drayton manor what about country pubs good grub


what about sea life at Birmingham not to mention hitting the clothes shops



All the variety here I don't care what anyone says I know what UK has to offer and it's just a case of bad clothing not bad weather !

What about Wales beautiful in parts of Wales


the weather has been not great apart from a few days they had a fair April though and give out nice mid week and weekend and it's actually Cosey with the heating on . And what about family and friends Oh I'm missing spice avenue lol but that's because me son lives in the sticks and there isn't a decent one right near him . There is lots of things do in UK same as oz just got go and get it as ya say over there ! I still love it anyway now wrong in that ! Caravanning aswell I miss that lol

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Just to add went to Scotland for first time was very nice. Edinburgh must be nicest looking city in Britain. Off to Spain on weds so looking fwd to non grey skies.


Forgot to add the customer service is utterly atrocious in comparison to Brisbane.

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Just to add went to Scotland for first time was very nice. Edinburgh must be nicest looking city in Britain. Off to Spain on weds so looking fwd to non grey skies.


Forgot to add the customer service is utterly atrocious in comparison to Brisbane.

haha I'll give u the customer service at least they pack ya bags in woollies tesco just let it go down the belt which I don't mind packing me own anyway but yes I'll give u that one ;) enjoy Spain but at least me bacon tasted like a proper pig haha

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