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where are you going?


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So for everyone moving back where are you moving back to in the uk? Is it back to where you previously lived or are you moving back to a new area?

I am moving back to chester in cheshire as this is where all my family are and is where i was raised but previously to moving to oz we lived in plymouth, devon as this is where all my husbands family are and where he was raised.

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We're leaving at the end of the month and still not sure where we're going. I'm originally from Scotland but have no intention of going back there because I never felt at home there (due to a speech impediment and elocution lessons as a three-year-old, I sounded like the Queen by the time I started school, was never able to sound like a "real" Scot and suffered for it).


I've got family in Exeter and Windsor but no interest in living in either place. We're starting out in a holiday flat in Bournemouth as it seems to have potential.

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So for everyone moving back where are you moving back to in the uk? Is it back to where you previously lived or are you moving back to a new area?

I am moving back to chester in cheshire as this is where all my family are and is where i was raised but previously to moving to oz we lived in plymouth, devon as this is where all my husbands family are and where he was raised.

Hi, just wondering why you chose Chester over Plymouth ? I was brought up in birkenhead and do like Chester but Plymouth was one of the places we looked at heading back to and looks really nice. We also are looking at salisbury or Bournemouth.

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Came back 15 months ago and located in Ipswich, nowhere near where we started out from, London, we initially tried close to Birmingham thinking there would be work there for my wife, but there was nothing in charity management, soon realised that majority of work options were in the south and she applied for jobs all over and got a job in of all places Ipswich, so that's where we are, it is still a proper rural area and pleasantly off the beaten track.

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When we were in the process of coming out here. We always said that if it didn't work out where we moved to originally, we would try other places within Australia. If that didn't work out and we moved back to the UK, we would try another area. Not the one that we moved away from. As that seemed like moving back to what we moved away from.


However, as time went by we started to realize that it is the area, family and friends that we missed. We go back to the UK as much as we can and look forward to going to the old places. The places where the memories were created, the place that may have its issues, but still feels like home. Friends who you may not of seen for ages but when you do it is just like a few days have passed.

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To a certain extent, when you decide that you are going to go back, there is such a weight lifted of your mind. True there is the uncertainty of the move and if you will be able to get jobs, a place to live, cars, money and all that. However, if you go back to where your family and friends are and the areas that you know, it will not feel like you are doing everything on your own. Like it can here sometimes.

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