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Australia's "historical low" skills shortages


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The jobs Market is erratic everywhere, not just Aus....Redundancies every week here where i work, and our economy is on the up apparently.




Also there must be a reason why they still want 457's, its like all the eastern Europeans coming here..getting the work that the local don't want or cant be arsed to do.

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The jobs Market is erratic everywhere, not just Aus....Redundancies every week here where i work, and our economy is on the up apparently.




Also there must be a reason why they still want 457's, its like all the eastern Europeans coming here..getting the work that the local don't want or cant be arsed to do.


My local (Brighton) MacDonald's are recruiting which I haven't seen for a while. Big sign out front. My kids may have a future after all.

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I agree it seems strange to import 457s when there's a lot of qualified locals without a job. Seems like companies are abusing the system in order to get cheaper labour.


On the other hand, salaries in Australia are very high and for that to be sustainable you need to be more productive than the competition. And for the record, the same goes for Norway where I'm from...


The salaries in some jobs are very high jon. Actually you have to be careful with that statement. My son who works FIFO and brings home a good salary does so because he works 12 hour shifts, 7 days straight and then comes home for 7, then goes back on 12 hour night shift. When you break his hourly rate down it's not that brilliant. The reason he can save a lot is his digs and food are paid for up North, he doesn't spend hardly anything when he's away as all he has time for, before or after a shift, is a quick trip to the gym, grab something to eat from the canteen then bed.


A lot of the minerals that Australia has in abundance are pretty easy to get at when compared with competitors. There are mountains of iron ore that just need blowing up, scraping up and shipping. Not many deep, dangerous mines, that cost a lot to get the ore out.


Don't know what the companies in Norrway are doing mate but here they are using the low cost of ore and oil in particular to lay off a load of people. In the meantime Woodside, Rio, BHP announced record profits just a month or so ago. For the last few years there has been a constant bleating from them about salaries being unsustainable, costs being too high, if we don't produce it a competitor will. Last year Rio had investments all over the place made super profits in Aus then avoided paying a load of tax here by writing off losses they'd made elsewhere in the World. Shouldn't be allowed.


The first year one of them doesn't make record profits (and it can't go on for ever) it will be super doom and gloom and they will blame the workers and high wages.


Don't let them fool you, even if the profits are lower they'll be astronomical still.

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The jobs Market is erratic everywhere, not just Aus....Redundancies every week here where i work, and our economy is on the up apparently.




Also there must be a reason why they still want 457's, its like all the eastern Europeans coming here..getting the work that the local don't want or cant be arsed to do.


That's what they love to say about the Eastern Europeans, making out the British are a bunch of lazy slobs and will sit on the dole while there are jobs a plenty. I just don't believe it and can't blame someone who may be out of work, on the dole, maybe with a couple of kids and a mortgage, not taking a crappily paid job when he's not going to make much out of it. Sometimes it's OK for a guy who's more than likely come on his own from Rumania or somewhere, shares a house with a few more Rumanians, can't speak that good English and goes to clean a toilet or two, probably employed by another Rumanian.


There's a whole black economy out there too, where a lot of them are working for cash in hand.

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That's what they love to say about the Eastern Europeans, making out the British are a bunch of lazy slobs and will sit on the dole while there are jobs a plenty. I just don't believe it and can't blame someone who may be out of work, on the dole, maybe with a couple of kids and a mortgage, not taking a crappily paid job when he's not going to make much out of it. Sometimes it's OK for a guy who's more than likely come on his own from Rumania or somewhere, shares a house with a few more Rumanians, can't speak that good English and goes to clean a toilet or two, probably employed by another Rumanian.


There's a whole black economy out there too, where a lot of them are working for cash in hand.

And some getting child benefit to send back home to the wife and kids, unless that was just a myth.

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Unemployment statistics are not based on numbers receiving assistance from Centrelink - that method of counting ceased many years ago - but on a sample survey of the population.


I agree it is understated though: as little as 1 hour of work in the 4 weeks prior to the survey counts as "employment". :rolleyes:


I am aware of that. Still they publish the number on New Start saw it only recently. The present way of sampling is little short of ludicrous as a true measurement into what is happening in the employment area.

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One of the big issues (among the many that even the surveyors report) is that they only use land line telephones for the survey. As someone who has just done 8 months of unemployment, i can say that the first thing to be struck off to save cash is the land line along with things like foxtel.


Late last year The Australian produced an article based on a range of measurements. It found an unemployment rate of 10.4%.


In WA, i can say it feels very similar to the NE of England in the 1980's. When i have had individual employers on applications - very rare - it has reported massive application numbers. My wife recently found a part time job as a cleaner at a local hotel. Minimum wage and no penalty rates or anything – so easter will still be minimum wage. They hired two people. They only put a tiny add in the local free paper. They had over 200 applicants.


I was unsuccesful with a application for night shelf filler at my local Woolworths. They had one role available and over 350 applicants


Signs of the times I'm afraid. Business by way of government is certainly achieving desired result. Can you believe they wanted to cease dole payments for under thirty year old in such conditions? I fear very unpleasant times ahead.

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The jobs Market is erratic everywhere, not just Aus....Redundancies every week here where i work, and our economy is on the up apparently.




Also there must be a reason why they still want 457's, its like all the eastern Europeans coming here..getting the work that the local don't want or cant be arsed to do.


Locals not asked.

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"That's what they love to say about the Eastern Europeans, making out the British are a bunch of lazy slobs and will sit on the dole while there are jobs a plenty"


err yeah Britain has created a new generation who are better of not working...my neighbour who hasn't worked for the 7 years i have lived in my house ...rocked up in a £25,000 car last week...paid for by the state, classic example of someone who wont do that minimum wage job any more because they are better of on the dole (fact)....and the emigrants taking the jobs are far better value from an employers prospective, they will turn up every day, work hard, and better!


i also find it hard to believe that a government will allow skilled visa's for jobs that do not exist...???


PS..my dad was an emigrant to this country in the 1960's..and the same Sh!T applied!





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The jobs Market is erratic everywhere, not just Aus....Redundancies every week here where i work, and our economy is on the up apparently.




Also there must be a reason why they still want 457's, its like all the eastern Europeans coming here..getting the work that the local don't want or cant be arsed to do.



Tons of jobs in uk for my hubbie lol ....it's roles reverse here for us ATM ...my friends in uk have all got good jobs too ...my hubby gets emails through everyday from uk job oppertunities no fear on getting work in uk for us . Not at all and if it wasn't for my kids I'd of been back by now lol :)

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"That's what they love to say about the Eastern Europeans, making out the British are a bunch of lazy slobs and will sit on the dole while there are jobs a plenty"


err yeah Britain has created a new generation who are better of not working...my neighbour who hasn't worked for the 7 years i have lived in my house ...rocked up in a £25,000 car last week...paid for by the state, classic example of someone who wont do that minimum wage job any more because they are better of on the dole (fact)....and the emigrants taking the jobs are far better value from an employers prospective, they will turn up every day, work hard, and better!


i also find it hard to believe that a government will allow skilled visa's for jobs that do not exist...???


PS..my dad was an emigrant to this country in the 1960's..and the same Sh!T applied!






I won't answer from a British perspective as the thread was Australian related but my take is as follows. Nobody these days is better off not working in Australia. What they call New Start has devalued over recent decades and one would in any case be close to the bottom to even receive it. (no savings in bank) Then the payment is pure survival. Not a life style choice.

Even business organisations such as Chamber of Commerce call for increased payments to enable unemployed to be job ready. Now when such an organisation calls for an increase to the dole, you get an idea just how bad things are here for people under such conditions.


The only thing I'll say about UK is not fall into the tabloid sensationalist view of life on welfare. A GBP 25,000 car? Really on the dole? Hardly likely. Either 'lumping it in UK parlance or perhaps inherited or some such source.

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Tons of jobs in uk for my hubbie lol ....it's roles reverse here for us ATM ...my friends in uk have all got good jobs too ...my hubby gets emails through everyday from uk job oppertunities no fear on getting work in uk for us . Not at all and if it wasn't for my kids I'd of been back by now lol :)


Surely though the longer out the harder it will be to return? If return is a consideration.Especially if you don't want a divided family in terms of distance.

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Locals already employed by the incapacity benefit : )


You may chose to make light of the situation looking from UK, but believe me it is a serious matter which is still unfolding. But you are right in a way. Quite a number will likely be in need of incapacity benefit due to the stress related illness resulting from the dire conditions looking to be the future.

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Surely though the longer out the harder it will be to return? If return is a consideration.Especially if you don't want a divided family in terms of distance.




Well I understand what you are saying ....but we've talked about it with the lads ....my youngest wants finish school and my older one here wants hang on for citizenship ...he has a girlfriend here ....like I say I should of gone when it was much easier to do so ....like when my hubby saw it at the pretty much beginning of arrival . Now if my kids decide stay here I will have citizen too ...my son in uk policeman and school teacher his partner if they decide 5 /10 yrs to emigrate and I gave up on it I'll be snookered so may aswell ride it out until citizen :) but I do understand you totally . If after all this I carnt get to that point well at least I gave it all I had , but my hubby say we will :):)! That's why my hubbie won't let our house go now because he says if it comes to that ...at our age although I'm still young lol ...I wouldn't want be starting again in uk I would be horrified if I had to go back to no home :)

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Do you know what my next door but one neighbour is Jewish ....has Jewish beliefs anyway and she said something about the blood moons , I haven't a clue what she was saying ...but she reckons ...something to do with the blood moons and it will be interesting world wide what's going to happen with the economies after September , I am not sure if she said that is the 4th blood moon , I didn't understand her I just listened to be polite because she is lovely lol ....so I'll see if she's right haha :)

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The current situation in WA reminds me of the UK in 2007/2008 just before the recession kicked in with avengence.


Perth and WA as a whole relies solely on the resources sector and the downturn is having a knock-on effect right through the State.


Next year is going to be a toughy no doubt!

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Just where we are heading is more than a little interesting in fact rather alarming. Prices remain way over priced considering market conditions. I'm afraid it won't be until tradies feel impacted will the reality bite.


Must say the experience I've had with quotes during the past fortnight I can hardly wait. Not after heart surgery.

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I don't think the prices will reduce much tbh. People still have sky high mortgages to pay. A greed culture ingrained it's way into WA when everyone was carried away with the boom time wages.


On a positive note. The construction market still looks to be a relativaly good shape in Perth with some big projects in the pipeline for 2016 - 2020. My company is predicting 2016 to be an active year.


- Perth Stadium (Current)

- Gateway Roads project (Current)

- Elizabeth Quay (Waterfront) Project

- Freight Link Roe Hwy upgrade (to start 2016)

- Swan Valley Bypass road to the Great Northern Hwy (Malaga to Muchea) to start late 2016

- Mitchell Fwy Extension - Burns Beach Road to Hester Avenue (to start 2016)

- Bayswater to Airport / Airport to Forrestfield underground rail link (to start late 2016)

- And hopefully a start on the lightrail project within the next 4 years which would be good

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I don't think the prices will reduce much tbh. People still have sky high mortgages to pay. A greed culture ingrained it's way into WA when everyone was carried away with the boom time wages.


On a positive note. The construction market still looks to be a relativaly good shape in Perth with some big projects in the pipeline for 2016 - 2020. My company is predicting 2016 to be an active year.


- Perth Stadium (Current)

- Gateway Roads project (Current)

- Elizabeth Quay (Waterfront) Project

- Freight Link Roe Hwy upgrade (to start 2016)

- Swan Valley Bypass road to the Great Northern Hwy (Malaga to Muchea) to start late 2016

- Mitchell Fwy Extension - Burns Beach Road to Hester Avenue (to start 2016)

- Bayswater to Airport / Airport to Forrestfield underground rail link (to start late 2016)

- And hopefully a start on the lightrail project within the next 4 years which would be good


Construction is what is basically replacing the economy but a lot of commenced projects where began in boom times or the tail end. WA is heavily in debt already and those are mounting. I agree though the recession may well be deferred a couple of years as a result but see little else to stimulate the economy on that conclusion. The rapture was never going to be rapid after the biggest boom in our modern history.


Underground rail link I will believe when I se it. Same as Light Rail project. Just where will the money come from?

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