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Quote - Lakaal


Is anybody out there

Can anybody hear

Is anybody listening

We are drowning in here


Loneliness surrounds us

No one even knows our name

You are all behind your walled gardens

And we are the same


Can anyone see we are struggling

Its so hard to belong

Is this just Australia

Or are we doing something wrong


I long for my mam's hug

A big long embrace

I long for my friends who care

My dads smiling face


I long for my old home

But now I am too far away

My old life is lost

thrown it all away


I wish we never dreamt this dream

Been happy with our lot

But no here I am behind my wall

The girl everyone forgot




Dont dwell on your old life

You left that one behind

Its time to start a new life here

So explore and see what you find.


Get out there, smile and meet people

They wont always come to you

You may find people you click with

to start friendships and activities new.


No one will know you struggle locked away behind your gate

Get out into this new place

with a smile upon your face

friendships dont happen overnight or even in a week

but perceive and be just like the one's you'd like to meet.


Migrating isnt easy and does play on your heart

but you find once your out there and your smiling

you dont always dwell on those whom you are apart.

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CalNgary, I changed my mind after posting and couldn't find how to delete the post.

Thank you for your lovely reply but i shouldn't have posted. Not really emotionally up for the replies i am expecting i might get so would rather have it deleted thanks. haha you can see why i am a ping pong - indecisiveness

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CalNgary, I changed my mind after posting and couldn't find how to delete the post.

Thank you for your lovely reply but i shouldn't have posted. Not really emotionally up for the replies i am expecting i might get so would rather have it deleted thanks. haha you can see why i am a ping pong - indecisiveness


That's a shame as it was a lovely poem, if a little sad. There are people on here who understand how you feel and you are not alone.


Have a look here http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/moving-back-uk/172835-private-members-only-new-mbtuk-forum.html

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Aww Lakki, that's so sad. Hope you feel better soon and make a few good friends. I am sure you will, it just takes a while. Put on a brave face if you can- join an interest group, go back to uni and study something perhaps- look at your local paper and see what's around that you might like. Friends hide in unexpected places!

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