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Hands up if you'd pay someone to do the leg work for your relocation to Australia?


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I loved searching for houses, schools, suburbs etc during our relocation to Australia 2 years ago. I successfully relocated my family from Buckinghamshire, UK to Sutherland Shire, NSW. My friends are in awe of how I managed to choose the house, the school, the activities etc which would ultimately make up our new lives. Since we moved I have helped other people relocate - advising them on suburbs, schools, properties as well as Medicare, Centrelink and plenty more aspects of day-to-day life that you might not even consider. I'm seriously considering turning this hobby into a career, so the question to all you people in the throes of relocating is....would you pay for someone else to get everything sorted out? Houses, schools, transport options to work, extra curricular opportunities for your children...the list goes on. I would love to hear your thoughts so please get in touch

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Its not a service we'd have paid for to be honest. We were able to fully research everything we wanted/needed to before we came - the internet makes it so easy these days. Plus doing the research ourselves was part and parcel of our journey. I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on that.

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Some basic research will identify the market in Sydney is already very well serviced in this area by companies with extensive experience and who offer a wide variety of services.


We use this service to move staff both nationally and internationally but I'm afraid we wouldn't consider using anyone who couldn't match their knowledge, availability and network.

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I did it for quite a while and don't regret it. It as good sides and bad, it was great meeting people and helping them get on their feet ,some of the family's we relocated are great friends years later. I did find a small percentage expected you to be on call 24/7 ,lol, so it can play havoc with your home life, i also found as the internet became more popular (especially here in Aus) the number of family's wanting to use the relocation services dropped massively.


Cal x

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Personally, I wouldn't want someone to have done this for me. I think as Cal said, because these things are now more easily accessible and forums like this one have become bigger things are easier to find out. I wouldn't want someone to view a place that I was going to live for me ... sometimes you can't put your finger on why you like or dislike a property .. only that you do.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Like Cal, we did this for Melbourne. If we hadn't moved I may have continued but I will tell you now you won't make money from it, unless, like Freckles says you get a contract to deal with the large companies. I had a contract to move the nurses over, I got $100 per nurse for this I had to drive to the hospital to pick up their welcome package, collect them from the airport and take them to accommodation I had found, then the following day pick them up and take them in to town to complete paperwork, TFN etc then the day after I had to pick them up again and take them for an orientation day at the hospital. If you consider the distance I could cover 800km then you have road tolls your time etc. Even with members on here, I found I was basically doing it because I liked helping people and there wasn't any money there at all.

I don't want to put the dampers on things but look in to it properly and make sure you charge, I always felt sorry for people and went above and beyond and was on call 24/7 and believe me you do get people who abuse that.

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I probably would .. not sure how much though , if it was inexpensive it would be a no brainer as landing in Aus without any help at all is very daunting when you arrive and realise the sheer size of the place . Even when you know the area you are looking at via the Internet ... in person it is very different .

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I probably would .. not sure how much though , if it was inexpensive it would be a no brainer as landing in Aus without any help at all is very daunting when you arrive and realise the sheer size of the place . Even when you know the area you are looking at via the Internet ... in person it is very different .

That's exactly why you need to do it yourself!

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I meant as a starting point really just to get you moving in the right direction .. I went for a reccie in November .. and looked around some areas on my own it was then I realised how much out of my depth I was .. if I had some assistance from someone with local knowledge at my side , it would have been easier

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Guest The Pom Queen
I meant as a starting point really just to get you moving in the right direction .. I went for a reccie in November .. and looked around some areas on my own it was then I realised how much out of my depth I was .. if I had some assistance from someone with local knowledge at my side , it would have been easier

It's true everyone is different. I find though with the forum people can find out everything they need to know about anything and everything for free so you tend to feel guilty charging for the information.

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I meant as a starting point really just to get you moving in the right direction .. I went for a reccie in November .. and looked around some areas on my own it was then I realised how much out of my depth I was .. if I had some assistance from someone with local knowledge at my side , it would have been easier

Ask ask and ask again lovely you will be no worse of than employing someone for their personal opinions . Also research and more research. This website too, far better than any " help"

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