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So I started sewing lessons on Monday (free through cafhs, they are great).

Anyway, I've ordered myself a sewing machine in excitement.


My original plan had been for making patchworks. I've previously made them by hand. This will be much quicker lol.

Anyway, in the lessons we are making a skirt! It hadn't actually occurred to me to make clothes. Now that I have the little one I've realised I can make her cute little clothes if I get good!


Does anyone else make their own clothes?


Any sewing machine tips greatly appreciated too. :-)

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I used to. When I was a divorced single parent of two little girls I used to make all their outfits, always matching ( they moan about that now when they see the photos haha ) I've recently been altering clothes taking them in, but by hand. I'm really interested in getting a machine too, I fancy having a go at home furnishings. My Mum was a very skilled seamstress , I did pick up a fair bit , I designed and made my 18th Birthday party dress by hand, but I haven't looked at a pattern in years. My body is 3 different sizes so buying dresses is difficult. I'll watch this thread with interest.

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Yes, I always made the girls (I have 3) clothes, especially the party dresses and nice clothes, but there were lots of material shops and I could get lovely fabrics. I also used to make shorts and babygro's as they were so expensive to buy. I even used to make their school uniform dresses. Nowadays, it is much cheaper to buy everyday clothes, so my grandchildren wear clothes from Target and Next.

But they have so many clothes!!!!! Ours used to get a pretty new dress for summer each year and that was it. I made many of my own clothes when I was younger, but can't find the time now. I used to find it very relaxing to sew at night, after they had all gone to bed. I used to go to all sorts of classes to make different things. They were held at the local high school and it was good to pick up tips from people who really knew how to sew. I have tried to get into quilting, but seem to have trouble replacing elastic these days!!!

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Yeah, it won't work out cheaper than buying clothes for my little girl, but at least when she goes to parties etc she can have something original. :-)

It might be nice to have clothes that fit me though lol.


If anyone has any recommendations on books to read to help teach me, that would be good too. :-)

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I got back into sewing last year for the first time in many years and was amazed to discover a a huge online sewing world out there with pattern review sites, masses of sewing blogs and youtubes showing you how to do most things. You can even buy patterns online and download them for printing at home.


I don't have a book to recommend but Tilly's site is pretty good for beginners with plenty of tips. http://www.tillyandthebuttons.com

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Great post!! I did O'level sewing at school (not sure it's just called sewing but I remember the lessons well!), we had to make a blouse! I haven't done much in the many years since but this year particularly I can't find the summer dresses I like (gathered under the bust and hide the lumpy tummy!!) so much so I'm seriously thinking of buying a sewing machine and having a go myself! mum used to make me and my sister matching dresses all the time in the 70's and a matching head scarf with any spare material, used to hate it so much and when we shot up a few cm's she would put a load of lace round the hem to make them last longer, got so much stick at school!!!

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I used to make clothes for my 4 girls when they were little. In those days you could get very cheap nice remnants for practically nothing. Sewing has become expensive now, sadly. I used to go to particular discount material shops and then meet with a friend, take my machine up and we used to sew together for hours. It was fun. That friend has long gone now though which is a shame- she was a funny lady who used to crack me up.

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I wish I could sew. I have a hem thats come down on my best pants and don't know what to do with them:dull: It's ages till my Mum visits again...I took the last lot back with me at Xmas, she has excellent skills....didn't pass it onto me unfortunately

HH move down here my lovely, you need to be my little sister!:laugh:

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I used to make clothes for my 4 girls when they were little. In those days you could get very cheap nice remnants for practically nothing. Sewing has become expensive now, sadly. I used to go to particular discount material shops and then meet with a friend, take my machine up and we used to sew together for hours. It was fun. That friend has long gone now though which is a shame- she was a funny lady who used to crack me up.

I went to a dedicated sewing shop for the first time yesterday. Ohhhh my! Hugely expensive. Some things double the price of getting it sent over from the U.S. To make a quilt would add up to hundreds of $ if I bought my fabric there!

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I wish I could sew. I have a hem thats come down on my best pants and don't know what to do with them:dull: It's ages till my Mum visits again...I took the last lot back with me at Xmas, she has excellent skills....didn't pass it onto me unfortunately



Get some Wonder web HH it's fabulous! :wink:

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