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10 year old injured at Celtic vs Rangers game


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Poor lad :( Fractured cheekbone and lost 3 teeth.




Doesn't happen at AFL or Rugby. Why do football/soccer fans have to be such yobs?!

( not ALL but I wouldn't take my kids to English football even though I went with my dad as a child)


I think there are always a few problems with old firm games. The two teams don't seem to mix well especially this time considering it had been 3 years and they were bound to be goading each other. I'm actually surprised there wasn't more trouble.. 30 arrests I think. I feel so sorry for the little boy, innocent people always seem to get caught up in this stupid stuff :( Hope he makes a full recovery soon. I actually used to quite like watching the games on the TV but I would never have went to Glasgow for one. I hate the sectarian songs that people sing. Another thing that shocks me is that domestic abuse apparently doubles. Maybe time for them to stop completely now

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I think there are always a few problems with old firm games. The two teams don't seem to mix well especially this time considering it had been 3 years and they were bound to be goading each other. I'm actually surprised there wasn't more trouble.. 30 arrests I think. I feel so sorry for the little boy, innocent people always seem to get caught up in this stupid stuff :( Hope he makes a full recovery soon. I actually used to quite like watching the games on the TV but I would never have went to Glasgow for one. I hate the sectarian songs that people sing. Another thing that shocks me is that domestic abuse apparently doubles. Maybe time for them to stop completely now

SS, i agree with you apart from your last comment ,i watched the match and im sure they said the matched should have been played on the Friday night for the fans to get over it ect...hope they find the bottle thrower and the young lad recovers well,thats the main issue......... Match commander Ch Supt Andy Bates said: "As usual the vast majority of the 50,000 fans were here to enjoy the game and support their respective team; they deserve credit for their excellent behaviour.

"However, again, it is the minority of fans who spoiled the occasion by for example setting off flares and singing sectarian songs.

i still miss the England ,Scotland ,Wales and Ireland games, again a minority of fans ruined that.............

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Yeah your probably right but I was actually dreading this one. I knew there would be trouble but it could have been a lot worse. There seems to be extra abuse to each other since the whole rangers financial thing happened. It's a shame the idiots have to cause trouble, poor little boy.

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Yep the religion thing is another thing that drives me mad. We seem to have a big problem with it. I'll just never understand how people can hate each other so much over religion or football tops. I know there's sporting rivalry etc but with some people it's actually pure hatred

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Yep the religion thing is another thing that drives me mad. We seem to have a big problem with it. I'll just never understand how people can hate each other so much over religion or football tops. I know there's sporting rivalry etc but with some people it's actually pure hatred


Me and a bunch of mates went to Scarborough years ago for a summer holiday for a couple of weeks. We were in our 20's, none of us religious at all and just went for a couple of weeks of good time, drinking and hopefully a few girls.:wink: We had no idea that it was "Glasgow fortnight" as they called it. One night we were in a pub, having a good time and a laugh with some Scottish people, live band on, but a strange atmosphere came over the place that we couldn't put our finger on. The Sottish guys and girls we were hanging about with suddenly got quieter and were looking at another group that had come in and were eye-balling each other. The other guys started singing "hang the pope with an orange rope".:embarrassed: Didn't mean anything to us and we just ignored them and thought what's that crap about. Next thing there was uproar with chairs flying, people fighting all over the place. Obviously we were a target through just being English. The trouble spilled out into the street and every pub we went in that night had the same sort of atmosphere. It wasn't a relaxing week but we did our best to have a good time.


We were pretty popular with some of the Scottish girls as we had a different accent and didn't want to cause trouble and fight anyone.:cool: That was a bit of a bonus.

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Guest Guest66881

Bit like the Villa V the (sorry i can't even type it) rhymes with scum:wink: we the Villa are Jedi while the 'scum' are the darkside (literally):laugh:

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I remember going to Stoke vs Cardiff with my dad. The Cardiff 'fans' ripped up chairs and threw them across at the adjacent stand . It was horrible. We were in the family end ( opposite end) but it was still scary. Even though they kept the away fans in the ground , there was a ominous ( and very fast!!) walk back to the car after the game.

It might be better now as only the superrich can afford football tickets and the only allegiance they have is to whoever is winning!

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Bit like the Villa V the (sorry i can't even type it) rhymes with scum:wink: we the Villa are Jedi while the 'scum' are the darkside (literally):laugh:


Some people do actually feel like that...couldn't possibly be friends with a Brum supporter ( or whichever team is their arch rival). It's so silly.

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Poor lad :( Fractured cheekbone and lost 3 teeth.




Doesn't happen at AFL or Rugby. Why do football/soccer fans have to be such yobs?!

( not ALL but I wouldn't take my kids to English football even though I went with my dad as a child)


Oh yes it does.....not on the same scale by any means......but I remember Adelaide crows and a Melbourne afl teams supporters having a full on blue on the car park in Melbourne ,which was reported on the national news.

I have also Melbourne and Sydney soccer supporters fighting outside a pub,that remarkably like an incident from the u.k.

Although not in anyway condoning the rangers- Celtic incident its the most fierce rivalry in football bar none....a local derby with historic and religious differences....and they hadn't played each other for 3 years


You mix men and alcohol and it can go off anywhere

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Bit like the Villa V the (sorry i can't even type it) rhymes with scum:wink: we the Villa are Jedi while the 'scum' are the darkside (literally):laugh:


I would like to reply to a proper brummie like myself...not a yam yam glory hunter, who doesn't even live here.....born in Birmingham.....support Birmingham.....SOTV

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Oh yes it does.....not on the same scale by any means......but I remember Adelaide crows and a Melbourne afl teams supporters having a full on blue on the car park in Melbourne ,which was reported on the national news.

I have also Melbourne and Sydney soccer supporters fighting outside a pub,that remarkably like an incident from the u.k.

Although not in anyway condoning the rangers- Celtic incident its the most fierce rivalry in football bar none....a local derby with historic and religious differences....and they hadn't played each other for 3 years


You mix men and alcohol and it can go off anywhere

Reported on the national news because it's unusual! The fans all sit together without incident - same as rugby.

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Oh yes it does.....not on the same scale by any means......but I remember Adelaide crows and a Melbourne afl teams supporters having a full on blue on the car park in Melbourne ,which was reported on the national news.

I have also Melbourne and Sydney soccer supporters fighting outside a pub,that remarkably like an incident from the u.k.

Although not in anyway condoning the rangers- Celtic incident its the most fierce rivalry in football bar none....a local derby with historic and religious differences....and they have never played each other

You mix men and alcohol and it can go off anywhere


Fixed that for you :smile:. (hides from WeegieDave)

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I expect this is far more to do with religion than football.


I don't think either religion would condone this behaviour. Gets a bit like the ISIS terrorist not being true Muslims. Surely someone who breaks a Childs face in the name of the catholic or protestant church is not a person of faith at all? Maybe they're just a halfwit violent thug?

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I remember going to Stoke vs Cardiff with my dad. The Cardiff 'fans' ripped up chairs and threw them across at the adjacent stand . It was horrible. We were in the family end ( opposite end) but it was still scary. Even though they kept the away fans in the ground , there was a ominous ( and very fast!!) walk back to the car after the game.

It might be better now as only the superrich can afford football tickets and the only allegiance they have is to whoever is winning!


If that were only true about the super rich. I know the tickets and membership are a horrendous price and you would think the public would have had a bit of a backlash about ticket prices, salaries of the soccer stars and managers, multi million pound payoffs for doing a crap job. But no, we went to watch Man City and I doubt very much those guys sat around the miles of pie shops, fish and chips and pubs on the way to the ground were anything other than your average looking, working class football supporter.


God knows how they afford it but they do.

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I don't think either religion would condone this behaviour. Gets a bit like the ISIS terrorist not being true Muslims. Surely someone who breaks a Childs face in the name of the catholic or protestant church is not a person of faith at all? Maybe they're just a halfwit violent thug?


Unless you have actually lived in the West of Scotland, you probably wouldn't totally understand but both these clubs have lived off (and promoted) the Protestant / Roman Catholic divide for over a century.

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Poor lad :( Fractured cheekbone and lost 3 teeth.




Doesn't happen at AFL or Rugby. Why do football/soccer fans have to be such yobs?!

( not ALL but I wouldn't take my kids to English football even though I went with my dad as a child)


Remember this isn't English football, and to be fair its not even a fair review of Scottish football. Its an old firm game, i totally disagree about not taking kids to the football this thing is pretty rare. I would however think about taking a kid to a game such as the old firm or tyne wear derby. But a normal Saturday Newcastle vs any of the 19 PL teams that aren't sunderland would be fine.

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^^^ So true.


It's 40 years ago now but I married an Australian with an Irish Catholic background. My parents couldn't have cared less but some folk were aghast that I was marrying a Catholic :no:


My grans a catholic and grandad is a Protestant and their parents were the same so they didn't seem to have any problems but some people definitely have problems. I just take nothing to do with any of it now. When I was younger I used to support rangers. I remember one time my dad took me to Celtic park to pick up his tickets. I took my jumper off and I had a rangers top on lol his face was a picture :laugh:

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My grans a catholic and grandad is a Protestant and their parents were the same so they didn't seem to have any problems but some people definitely have problems. I just take nothing to do with any of it now. When I was younger I used to support rangers. I remember one time my dad took me to Celtic park to pick up his tickets. I took my jumper off and I had a rangers top on lol his face was a picture :laugh:


When I was a young naive 17 year old I worked for Audi and went one block release to college in Motherwell. Day 2 we had a classroom which could be described as a portacabin. Smashed glass on the floor and 'FTP and the IRA' spray painted in foot high letters on the wall. It was a real eye opener for a young lad from Cumbria lol.

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When I was a young naive 17 year old I worked for Audi and went one block release to college in Motherwell. Day 2 we had a classroom which could be described as a portacabin. Smashed glass on the floor and 'FTP and the IRA' spray painted in foot high letters on the wall. It was a real eye opener for a young lad from Cumbria lol.


Haha yeah I bet lol! It's all just silly but I doubt it'll ever really change much. I was at a party last year and this guy started saying " FTP" and that he was an arsehole. I asked him why and he couldn't even answer.. It was as if it was just programmed in his head to say it. I know a few people who have rangers/Celtic supporting friends but when it comes to old firm games they will call them Fenian bas....., tims, Huns etc

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