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Should i move back??


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Hiya just wanted some help or advice.

So i'll give you a bit of a background info type of thing. When i was 10 my family and i moved out to Perth. Now i am now almost 17 and i hate it here. I can't go outside because being fair with blonde hair and blue eyes, i can't go out without coming back inside looking like a lobster!! I have also been told when i was 14 that "i will get skin cancer and die" if i even try to sunbathe. To be honest that scared the **** out of me and i cried!! I don't have a huge bunch of friend here either so i would have the same here or there and my closest friend, well her family wants to move back anyway. There is nothing to do here either like i get so bored and i'm not really into the whole humid summers either. I spend most of my time in my room because its the only cold place in the house. I definitely miss having family close by too! Especially since my nan has lung cancer as well and others and it is taking a strain on the whole family. I have looked into this so much and the job i want to do pays better over there.


The only thing is i don't think i could leave my family. There are 7 of us and we are so close and that would break my heart. I guess i won't be spending the rest of my life in this house or much longer really but i just don't know what to do.


Hope this makes sense :)

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Hi Rebecca, sorry to hear that things haven't worked out for you in Perth.


You've been here a few years, do you have citenzenship for Aus?


I ask because if you have, then its makes leaving a whole lot easier, if you ever want to come back.


At your age why look at it as leaving, why not just think of it as a adventure, a chance to experience living in a different country as an adult. You have family in the UK, so its not like you would be alone, and I'm sure your family here would be happy that you want to spend time with your gran.


may sound silly, but maybe research the practical things, like are you entitled to any benefits in the UK if you don't find work, are you already driving? Would it be best waiting until you had your full licence, it might make it easier ensure you could drive in the UK??


Coming the other way as we did with a 16 year daughter, kicking n screaming because she Didnt want to leave her friends and the life she had in the UK, I can see how you might feel still a bit alien about the move. But their is friends to be made here, people of your age are arriving from the UK everyday and they are all looking for new friends. I don't know where you live in Perth, but everyday I read numerous of posts from new and old arrivals your age looking for people to hang out with.


I told my daughter, that if she wanted to go back to the UK at 18, I would go back with her and make sure she was set up ok, spend 6 months there and 6 months here. Haha thanfully that hasn't happened, although she has been back for a 6 week visit. She had a friend visit her from the UK over Xmas and new year, that friend asked " would you ever move back" no never she said.


But we are all different, and most of us like a new adventure, so why not use this year while you turn 18 , doing plenty of research, saving, to make the trip as easy as poss. Then see how things work out over there, visit Europe if poss, then decided where you would like to be.

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A good idea might be to take a gap year and go round europe, or maybe you could go to uni in UK. Just an idea but have you considered maybe moving to different parts of oz like melbourne coz its not warm and sunny all year round, plus you would be a little bot closer to your family. Good luck x

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This is YOUR life! you do what you want to do with it. Get your citizenship/passports for both places and suck it and see. Life is not a dress rehearsal - doesn't sound like sitting inside for the rest of your days is really what you want out of life. Leaving family is tough but your siblings are still young too, I assume, and there's no telling where they may end up either!

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We are heading back to UK in 2016 and my daughter (20) wants to stay in Oz. My son (18) has just announced he may want to stay here too. It will be a huge wrench for us to be apart but at that age I was off an about too and as mentioned they have their own lives to lead. I think looking at it as a temporary move is very sensible and keeps your options open. If it's for you, then simply extend your stay. As long as you have Australian citizenship you are free to come and go, subject to funds which bodes for a pretty exciting next phase of your life. Personally I think UK/Europe offers fantastic opportunities for the young - hope you have a brilliant time

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Hi thank you so much for your reply! I do have my full citizenship and will be getting my full license by June. I will definitely go back for 6 months to try it and try to get a job. I am going to research more into the practical side of things but I just find it hard alone because I don't know if I am covering everything. As I always end up arguing with my parents (more my mum) when we talk aboutme moving back.


Thank you you so much again for your response I am definitely going through it and have a good think about a few things! Thanks again :)

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This is YOUR life! you do what you want to do with it. Get your citizenship/passports for both places and suck it and see. Life is not a dress rehearsal - doesn't sound like sitting inside for the rest of your days is really what you want out of life. Leaving family is tough but your siblings are still young too, I assume, and there's no telling where they may end up either!



I never thought of it like that I realise that I can't live someone else's life how they wish it happened - if that makes sense. My siblings are a variety of ages majority being much younger than myself and you're very right I have no idea where they may end up. Thank you for you reply it has made me think!

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Could you perhaps look at going to the UK for 6 months to 2 years? Get a job there and see how you like it. Do you have Oz citizenship yet? If you do then the world is your oyster really.


I have oz citizenship but I will just have to get a duel passport. I want to go back for 6 months or longer my only worry is that if I don't like it over there and come back all of my friends will have moved on or not have time for me. I am such a worrier haha :/ thank you for your reply :)

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I have oz citizenship but I will just have to get a duel passport. I want to go back for 6 months or longer my only worry is that if I don't like it over there and come back all of my friends will have moved on or not have time for me. I am such a worrier haha :/ thank you for your reply :)

If they're real friends they will be there - I have friends of 45+ yrs who are still my friends even though I lived overseas for over 30 years. If they're not real friends they're going to nick off in the next few years anyway as their life journey progresses and you will make new friends on your life journey anyway. Nothing stays the same. Your mum will worry, of course she will, we all do but she will get used to it (we all do!)

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Friends that "moved on" in 6 months wouldn't qualify as friends in my humble opinion :) Any idea how many people go to Australia on a WHV. They are away for a year. When they go back to their home country, they didn't loose their friends.


edit: oops, same as Quoll :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rebecca I came over when I was 12 so obviously not my choice either. I have been back twice and going back again in June. My husband is from Wales and came when he was 9. Neither of us have ever settled here, but circumstances have kept us in Oz. When I return in June I will be making the decision to return for good. As a young person coming to a new country can be very difficult. I sincerely hole all works for you, and agree with some of the very good advise your getting on her. Good Luck sweetie..... from another very home sick pom!! :rolleyes:

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I have oz citizenship but I will just have to get a duel passport. I want to go back for 6 months or longer my only worry is that if I don't like it over there and come back all of my friends will have moved on or not have time for me. I am such a worrier haha :/ thank you for your reply :)


They aren't real friends if they would do that. I now live on the other side of the planet to most of my friends but I know without doubt if I went back we'd still be friends.

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Hi Rebecca I came over when I was 12 so obviously not my choice either. I have been back twice and going back again in June. My husband is from Wales and came when he was 9. Neither of us have ever settled here, but circumstances have kept us in Oz. When I return in June I will be making the decision to return for good. As a young person coming to a new country can be very difficult. I sincerely hole all works for you, and agree with some of the very good advise your getting on her. Good Luck sweetie..... from another very home sick pom!! :rolleyes:



I hope all works out for you!! And yes it is I have decided I will go back next year for 6 months or so and see how that goes! Thank you :)

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Friends that "moved on" in 6 months wouldn't qualify as friends in my humble opinion :) Any idea how many people go to Australia on a WHV. They are away for a year. When they go back to their home country, they didn't loose their friends.


edit: oops, same as Quoll :)


I know! I just worry all the time and think that people will have moved on! Hell I'm scared my best friends in the UK won't wanna see me if I go back!!

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