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having doubts


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2 years of excitement to get to this point. fly out 9th jan to adelaide in temporary accommodation for 3 weeks. Start of a new life.............but now im doubting going awwwwwww so scared and nervous.


Never thought i would be.


anyone else felt like this.

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I think that's pretty normal.


My wife and me have both had this twice and we aren't due to go until June.


Even worse my youngest kid got upset one day (when he was tired). It's not entirely straightforward with kids, your friends, your family, your kids friends etc


I expect these panics will happen more as we get closer to the move date (and probably when we are there too). I don't know if moving there is necessarily 'forever' - and thinking about it in that way makes it feel less 'enormous'. The planes fly both ways.


It's ok to freak out a bit. It's kind of a big deal after all!

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Yeah just go with those feelings hon.Acknowledge them and then let them go!You are leaving all you know.Have faith that all will be well,as I'm sure it will work out the way its supposed to.Take a few minutes each day to just sit and breathe with limited distractions.Best wishes for a lovely future xx:cute:

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Just think of it as an adventure - it wont be a "new life" just a continuation of the old one. If you like it you win and if you dont like it then move on. It does seem quite normal but cant say that I ever felt that way, just got on with it.

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2 years of excitement to get to this point. fly out 9th jan to adelaide in temporary accommodation for 3 weeks. Start of a new life.............but now im doubting going awwwwwww so scared and nervous.


Never thought i would be.


anyone else felt like this.


I felt like that in the weeks leading up to my first marriage. Wish I had listened to my doubts then lol. Felt no doubts 2nd time and 11 happy years later........ Similarly not feeling any real doubts about the move either. Don't know what that means though except to trust instincts but only you know how major those doubts are and the reasons for them.

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If it helps, the only thing we have had any doubts about are guilt, taking kids away from grandparents. Any doubts we have had are basically just that, guilt!


And that is normal and fair enough in my book.


Other than that I would agree that it's right to go with your gut instinct. We are.


Only time will tell - but it will be a big adventure.

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We personally got 'the wobbles' and ive read many a post on here about others who do, so you are not alone or in a minority. It is a big move and very stressful so i feel its quite normal to have a 'what the heck are we doing?' moment.. Just focus on why you want to move and try to keep smiling, it worked for us,we have just celebrated 8 years here and have no real regrets.


Lots of luck with your journey and keep us updated with how you get on

Cal x

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To be honest if people don't have some sort of 'wobble' they probably haven't fully thought it through It's similar to any big lifetime decision - marriage, job, moving house but emigrating can include a number of these all at the same time. For us friends and family were the big thing, I think people can take for granted having friends you have done the years with, who know you and funny little ways, 'in jokes', history etc. It gets tiring having to start from scratch with every relationship and having to explain yourself. I remember reading on here that if you do go then make sure the minimum time you give it is 2yrs - it's not until you have been in a place that long that things begin to feel normal and you stop comparing things to how they were before. So for us that's what we did and have never looked back (we become citizens next week). So consider all the factors but if you do decide to go through with it then give yourself a chance to settle before giving up.



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To be honest if people don't have some sort of 'wobble' they probably haven't fully thought it through It's similar to any big lifetime decision - marriage, job, moving house but emigrating can include a number of these all at the same time. For us friends and family were the big thing, I think people can take for granted having friends you have done the years with, who know you and funny little ways, 'in jokes', history etc. It gets tiring having to start from scratch with every relationship and having to explain yourself. I remember reading on here that if you do go then make sure the minimum time you give it is 2yrs - it's not until you have been in a place that long that things begin to feel normal and you stop comparing things to how they were before. So for us that's what we did and have never looked back (we become citizens next week). So consider all the factors but if you do decide to go through with it then give yourself a chance to settle before giving up.




agree but 3 years not 2

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Hi not really in your position as we're here temporary on a 457 but we are in Adelaide and loving every minute of it, so when you get here make contact, Poms in Adelaide site and we can try to make you feel welcome and help with the transition. All the best and enjoy a traditional cold christmas - that really is hard to get used to !.

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What you are feeling sounds pretty normal to me though I didn't consciously feel that . i just kept having nightmares about dark gloomy houses and poverty- neither of which happened I'm glad to say! It is probably one of the most scary things you will do in your life I guess so it would be strange not to have a few doubts and misgivings. Soldier on! Adelaide is a lovely place I am sure you will love it.

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Oh yeah, I think it's very common.

I certainly had it and actually had a freak out on the day we left, and when we arrived.

It is a massive thing!

We have been here 2.5 years now and pretty much love it. There will always be moments, such as when something happens back home and you can't be there, but overall we are very happy.

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Thank you for all the words of support. i think its familiarity here at home im struggling with,my family i know will visit regular my dad within 3 months lol. plus offered promotion at work the week i put my notice in argh lol.


As well as people saying why....and dont go.....and a man lol


however, though i put notice in they are giving me sabbatical leave for 2 years and i never asked for it........so all doors not closed :) .


I am positive about going i am looking forward to it and as a few said on here .....its an adventure that planes go both ways.


But yes its a huge thing to do so wobbles are natural....right toughen up now


Thank you again xx

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