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Iphone 6


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I think smartphones have plateaued somewhat for the last couple of years. Next time I get a new phone i'll probably get one a generation out of date for the savings. The hardware is already way beyond anything I need out of a phone.

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It will be slightly better, but not massively.


That is the whole Apple business model, each model is slightly better, just enough to encourage people to upgrade.


Are you happy with your current phone is probably the key question ?

Yes I'm happy with my current phone, but my partner who isn't into phones needs a new one, so he could have my old one. :-D

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the wife recently upgraded from the 5 to the 6XL


I believe the camera is slightly better, but for her the biggest advantage is the bigger screen and bigger buttons for her old eyes and bad typing LOL.


Also another big advantage is more memory. She now has the 64gb (old 5 was 16gb), so plenty of room for music, but still heaps left over for photos & videos without filling it up.


downside with the larger phone is that its a bit heavy, but she is generally very happy.

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the wife recently upgraded from the 5 to the 6XL


I believe the camera is slightly better, but for her the biggest advantage is the bigger screen and bigger buttons for her old eyes and bad typing LOL.


Also another big advantage is more memory. She now has the 64gb (old 5 was 16gb), so plenty of room for music, but still heaps left over for photos & videos without filling it up.


downside with the larger phone is that its a bit heavy, but she is generally very happy.

I like the look of the XL as I'm as blind as a bat.

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I wish I could upgrade my memory, but I think im too late for that :)


Just insert a new MicroSD card? Oh that's right this is Apple we're talking about :wink:

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Hi people.

I've got an iPhone 5, and I'm just trying to work out if I should up grade to the 6. Has anyone had both? Just wondering how much better the camera is?


I was going to start this thread this evening Blossom! :laugh:

I've had my iPhone 4 for over 4 years and I've been thinking of getting a new one for a while, just can't decide what to get!

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I upgraded to the iP6 last month (128gb model). The camera is much sharper and responds very quickly compared to my old iP5. Much better in low-light situations too. I'm a fairly heavy camera user at work and I usually used to charge my old iP5 at least once during the day as well as overnight. For me, battery life is the biggest bonus; the battery in the iP6 lasts way longer than the 5. I only need to charge the iP6 overnight and I've not really come close to running out of charge yet.

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Got a 6+ a few weeks back, seemed massive at first after my 5, now the 5 seems tiny. 6+ works well but it is large - biggest downside is its easy to tilt it a long way from mouth when talking due to its size but yeah, I'm happy enough with it.

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I've got the 6 and have had the 3, 4 and 5. This is by far my favourite. I love the size of the screen and think the camera is much better than the 5. Very happy.


You are Apple's perfect customer, upgrading every other year exactly as instructed.

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You are Apple's perfect customer, upgrading every other year exactly as instructed.


I like them, they do what I want and work well with all the other Apple stuff we own. I've been involved with Apple computers since the early 90s, they may not be everyone's cup of tea but Apple suits me just fine.

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Hubby has an iphone 6 - he loves the camera (slow mode is hilarious when filming kids on swings etc) his main bug bears are that:

a) he has to stretch to press some buttons and still hold the phone (& he has giant man-hands).

b) it's very curved edges make it a slippery little sucker... seriously I'm just waiting for the day it smashes.


My main issue is that it's fingerprint access so I can't steal it!

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