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Bondi Beach shark shock!


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Why....that sharks inhabit the Pacific (as well as every other) Ocean.......who would have believed it


How dare they :shocked:


Well if I go in the water and they think I'm a big fat seal or something :laugh: then you can all tell them I don't want anybody to go shark hunting!

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I thought the Great White was protected?As I always say,go into the ocean at your own risk.Sharks,Jellyfish,whatever.They have more of a right to be there than you do,so???? Btw did anyone see Life Story last night with that amazing little fish who makes beautiful patterns in the sand to entice a mate?Truly spectacular!

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I thought the Great White was protected?As I always say,go into the ocean at your own risk.Sharks,Jellyfish,whatever.They have more of a right to be there than you do,so???? Btw did anyone see Life Story last night with that amazing little fish who makes beautiful patterns in the sand to entice a mate?Truly spectacular!


Do sharks and jellyfish have a greater right than humans to be in the water? I'm quite happy to leave them to it of course! I suppose too, that rips and large waves are as 'natural' as sharks, but we still expect to have lifeguards there to save us if we get into difficulty. Those nets are there to try to discourage sharks from setting up a territory - sure I read it in that original article - and they don't stretch right across beaches, though they do in some of the harbour beaches, like Parsley Bay for instance.


I see there has been a second shark found dead caught in the net at Bondi.


On the subject of predators, if anybody fancies catching a Funnel Web spider, they need extra specimens to 'milk' to produce anti-venom.

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Do sharks and jellyfish have a greater right than humans to be in the water? I'm quite happy to leave them to it of course! I suppose too, that rips and large waves are as 'natural' as sharks, but we still expect to have lifeguards there to save us if we get into difficulty. Those nets are there to try to discourage sharks from setting up a territory - sure I read it in that original article - and they don't stretch right across beaches, though they do in some of the harbour beaches, like Parsley Bay for instance.


I see there has been a second shark found dead caught in the net at Bondi.


On the subject of predators, if anybody fancies catching a Funnel Web spider, they need extra specimens to 'milk' to produce anti-venom.



Is that a serious question?

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The great white is a vulnerable species (according to the IUCN, who monitor such things), and are a protected species within Australian waters as far as I know. There will always be the chance of an attack by a shark when you use the sea, even if it is incredibly small. Three sharks have now been caught/spotted at Bondi, so I would certainly think twice about getting in the sea there or nearby. Makes you wonder if something is attracting them to the area.


As for the question of who has greater 'rights' to be in the water, well I would say that all rights are equal. Humans are usually at the top of the food chain, due to our large brain and ability to manufacture and use weapons rather than our large pointy teeth or sharp claws. When we enter the ocean, we simply slide down the chain by a small amount.

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The poor shark was just a juvenile, Sydney waters are full of them.... the state of our oceans is shocking, articles like that just serve to create more psychosis :dull: very sad.


Drowned, what a shocking way to go just because some tossers want to show off around Bondi.

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Come on MR2 you can't be serious?:laugh:I would imagine most species that actually live "IN"the water (as opposed to seals ect)have more right than us to be there considering if they were out of the water they would die?


I don't want to exterminate all the sharks, snakes and spiders in Australia to make it safer for me! The real dangers are from 'us' on the streets. I thought those nets were just to deter sharks. I knew they did not stretch right across the beach, and I'm sure this is almost unprecedented for two or is it three sharks now, let alone one.


I swim mostly in enclosed areas at beaches like Watsons Bay, Neilsen Park, Parsley Bay, Red Leaf, where the sharks can't get in but neither can they get caught up, at least, I've never heard of any getting 'snagged'. At Bronte, there's a natural rock pool that I like, and at Clovelly a reef across the opening to the bay.

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I don't want to exterminate all the sharks, snakes and spiders in Australia to make it safer for me! The real dangers are from 'us' on the streets. I thought those nets were just to deter sharks. I knew they did not stretch right across the beach, and I'm sure this is almost unprecedented for two or is it three sharks now, let alone one.


I swim mostly in enclosed areas at beaches like Watsons Bay, Neilsen Park, Parsley Bay, Red Leaf, where the sharks can't get in but neither can they get caught up, at least, I've never heard of any getting 'snagged'. At Bronte, there's a natural rock pool that I like, and at Clovelly a reef across the opening to the bay.




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Guest littlesarah

The reality is that most ocean users are more likely to die getting to the beach than they are to be taken by a shark. I think it's horrible that a shark was killed while just doing what they do - personally I think nets should be removed and swimmers should be reminded that they do so at their own risk (even though it's mostly surfers and open water swimmers that are attacked).

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All I noticed was mismatch of swimming costumes


I asked my sister about this last summer when she turned up with a black bikini top and white bottoms.


Apparently it's the in thing.


But they don't come as a pair, you have to buy each separately.


Slick marketing by someone.

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