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Australia Post - Anyone know if they deliver?


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Getting so fed up with Australia Post slapping a delivery notice in my letterbox requiring me to go to post office to pick up parcels - Why can't they try the door from time to time? - Someone is always in at our house and it is annoying that they can't give a brief knock - Are they not obliged to try?? It would be easier for customers if we just got an email when our parcel is ready for collection :mad:

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I think it must depend on the contractor that they use for the deliveries.


We've been really lucky here, and the two delivery drivers that we have had will always knock. The one we have now knows that I drop the kids off to school and always comes after that. The delivery driver that we had whilst I was running my business (from home) was fab. He delivered in the next suburb over to us, where the kids school is, before he did our suburb, and if he had anything for me he would catch up with me outside school, or on a Wednesday he would come straight to playgroup (which is where I would be on a Wednesday morning straight after school drop off). I have to say though, that this is probably the absolute opposite end of the spectrum to many other peoples experiences of Australia Post!


Quite a number of my customers packages would get taken to the post office with no card left, and they would email to ask where their order was. To be fair in the 4000+ packages that Australia Post delivered for me, they only lost/misplaced two!

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Lived in Vic and never had a parcel delivered. Moved 7km into NSW and parcels are always delived to the door. Previously live much further into country NSW and the mail man was amazing, carried plastic bags and put parcels into them if it was raining as our mail box was at the bottom of a long driveway. Dont know if it is a state or suburb issue, but agree very annoying when you have to go to the post office and queue for ages just to collect a small parcel.

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When in NSW I must admit parcels were always left with a note saying "near birdy" who was Syd the cockatoo in his big cage round the corner, it always made me smile! Could you try leaving out a note asking them to leave in a covered area, or saying We Are Always In, please Knock!

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Guest ImmigrationOverseas

I think you are right. The customers should get email when their parcel is ready for collection., so that we will not miss it.

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Just had a personal delivery here this morning, as usual. Up a steep driveway and then up the stairs to the front door: I wouldn't blame them if they just left a card in the letterbox but they always try to deliver first.

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I think you are right. The customers should get email when their parcel is ready for collection., so that we will not miss it.


There is a scam going around at the moment where you may receive an email purporting to be from Australia Post about a missed delivery.


If you click on the link it installs the crypto locker malware on your pc. All files on your PC are locked.

You then have to pay a ransom of $200 within 2 days or your files are permanently lost.

If you pay up they send you the code to unlock.

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Well its nice to know over east your at least getting your post...eventually.


WA..nothing ever turns up.


robbing barstewards. I stress so much when an older rellie from the UK sends one of us anything, they post it weeks in advance. Then every phone call is, have you got the parcel yet...


i never know wether just to lie or not, just to save there feelings.


Am going thru it at the mo with my mum, bless her she sent a birthday parcel to me weeks ago, she always puts in an effort, but I know she has doubled it this year, what with my dad dying, bless her.


The parcel has gone, I'm sure of it, wouldn't be the first time.....I know if I tell her I didn't get her card n pressie she will so upset, but I don't know what the card or pressie was, so I can't fool her.


if only she was willing or get basic Internet savvy ....all probs would be solved.

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Well its nice to know over east your at least getting your post...eventually.


WA..nothing ever turns up.


robbing barstewards. I stress so much when an older rellie from the UK sends one of us anything, they post it weeks in advance. Then every phone call is, have you got the parcel yet...


i never know wether just to lie or not, just to save there feelings.


Am going thru it at the mo with my mum, bless her she sent a birthday parcel to me weeks ago, she always puts in an effort, but I know she has doubled it this year, what with my dad dying, bless her.


The parcel has gone, I'm sure of it, wouldn't be the first time.....I know if I tell her I didn't get her card n pressie she will so upset, but I don't know what the card or pressie was, so I can't fool her.


if only she was willing or get basic Internet savvy ....all probs would be solved.


that's awful :(. My mum insists on sending money thru the post - once the envelope came and you could see the $$ thru the rips but nothing taken. I fear for the package every year though. We also got some boots which were delivered to a neighbour opposite by mistake. Neighbour took them to the post office who posted them back to source(America). We were in the phone book, would have taken approx 2 mins to find our correct house number.

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Am going thru it at the mo with my mum, bless her she sent a birthday parcel to me weeks ago, she always puts in an effort, but I know she has doubled it this year,



Is it possible that she exceeded the maximum weight/size dimensions for airmail and it has been sent by sea, without her realising it? If so, it could take up to 3 months.

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Our service is up and down. I think the postman only comes about 3 days per week but no proof- except large deliveries some days, none on others. If it is raining - no delivery. Mostly we get parcels but maybe 1/20 will go missing. Not what it used to be in the old days when the postie had a whistle!

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I uIse to work for aust post you can track all your parcels now if you have the tracking no from the sending. All the parcel deliveries are done by private contractors they don't like to write the cards it takes too much time and they don't get paid for none delivery so they will try to deliver but won't hang around your front door if you don't answer straight away. If you have a bad contractor complaint to the delivery centre. Ring the complaints no and asks for the supervisor for your area ( ring before lunch they start and finish early) they will talk to the driver and you should get better service. If your relatives can afford it sent with some kind of tracking no it makes it so much easier to find and it is more likely to arrive. If a parcel doesn't arrive complain you could qualify for some compensation up to $50-00 without insurance but you have to push the post office moves really slowly. After 13 years I got really sick of how slow and slack the post office is it needs a really big kick up the bum sometimes.

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I have had a long protracted email conversation with Oz post (easily distracted when working from home). Postie will not leave bike to knock, will not toot horn, will not leave parcel bigger than mailbox. Them's the rules.... I did suggest not bothering trying to deliver parcels bigger than mailbox as they are unlikely ever to get delivered but I think that is a step too far.... Of course according to many of the posters, it seems that many Oz posties have already heeded this advice and squirreled your parcels away somewhere..... So if you fancy grabbing your parcel early, your only chance is to stalk around your mailbox and grab the postie before he or she can shove the little red attempted delivery notification into yer box....Back to proper work now :daydreaming:

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I have had a long protracted email conversation with Oz post (easily distracted when working from home). Postie will not leave bike to knock, will not toot horn, will not leave parcel bigger than mailbox. Them's the rules...


Can you ask them why "the rules" apply in only some states and not others? Our postie does all the above - consistently...and has done for years, so it's not a temporary aberration. And, from memory, (without tracking back through all the posts) it seems to apply in some other parts of Oz as well.

After my latest parcel arrived on Tuesday I received a survey email asking for feedback on Australia Post's performance in delivering that item. It seems strange that the standards are so different in different parts of the country.

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