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Move back to Aus again?


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Hi, this is my first post on PIO so here goes :-) - sorry its so long!


I moved over to Perth WA in Oct 2011 from London with my partner, after a horrific 2 year wait for a visa for him to start a company in Perth. 8 months into our move we amicably broke up and still to this day remain great friends. I continued on in Perth with great jobs and travelling around until May this year when I got mysteriously ill, and the doctors in Perth couldn't figure it out. I decided to go back to London for a 3 week trip to spend some time with my family (and to get away from a horrible breakup), and luckily I did because 2 days after landing my appendix ruptured - the NHS is amazing! I recovered well and started dating a long time friend so decided to stay for the summer at least. I now have a contract job for the next year and have been travelling around Europe on weekends which is brilliant.


That being said I have a dilemma at the moment. Now that I have recovered and its winter here (I haven't really experienced one for 3 years!) I am deciding whether to go back to Perth or not. I guess this is down to the fact that when I left in May I didn't realise I wouldn't be going home. I went back to Perth for a week in August which turned into a mess as I bumped into my crazy ex and the encounter left a bad feeling, but I cant judge a place based on one person. I loved my time in Perth for the 3 years I was there, most of it being single and without any family which I didn't mind that much. I had a great life there, brilliant salary, lovely friends and the outdoor lifestyle I always wanted as I wakeboard and run. London is fantastic too, but I feel like I really grew up in aus because of being alone and maybe thats why I feel like its home now.


My new boyfriend who I've known for years has family out there, and said he will happily go. But I am so used to my decisions just affecting me, and its difficult to ask someone else to give up the life they know just for you. But in my heart I know I want to go back and if I wasn't in a relationship I would. Do I give it more time as its only been 5 months, or just go for it again?


Thanks guys :-)

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Just wanted to say my OH went to three Bristol Hospitals who couldn't say what was wrong with him and it was only when his appendix burst that the 3rd one did. So yes thank goodness for the NHS my sister is a fab NHS Nurse, but not sure that bit is relevant . Anyway you sound like you already have your answer. Give it a go nothing has to be forever. Life is a fluid moving thing.

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Thanks Que Sera, Sera :-) My nurses were especially brilliant, so all the respect in the world to your sister.


I'll talk it over with my sister and friends a bit more, but I think you're right I do already know, it's just how to do it now.


Thanks again and best wishes

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"When I left in May I didn't realise I wouldn't be going home..."


I think you just answered your own question.


Also, time spent in a relationship means nothing really when it comes to passion. If it's right, it's right! I moved to the UK from Perth, WA and less than a year after being here, I met an Aussie guy (from Perth) online, and he's moved to the UK to be with me while I go through the PR process. I'm not trying to make this about me (I promise!) but it does just go to show that you should go with your gut. What your gut and heart are saying is obvious.


If he is prepared to go, what's stopping you? I suppose my only advice would be to ensure your relationship is well-documented if he is going over on a WHV. If you plan to live together, keep a record of rental payments, etc. This is just in case he doesn't end up with sponsorship during this time, and you decide to continue the relationship. Hope this makes sense!

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The fact that you called it "home" speaks volumes - sounds like you have nothing to lose. All the same you both should take career breaks just in case when you get there it isn't "home". You can never go back to what you had. Good luck!

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