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Abbott - Disturbed mind crying out for therapy

Guest The Pom Queen

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Hopefully the G20 will be our big chance to show the world what a prize plonker we have as PM.




They know already, don't they?

A while back I saw a list of damning criticisms of Abbott in the overseas press. I think there were about 40 of them. And that was before this latest crop of corkers.

Those Aussie vernacular words "drongo" and "galah" should now be better understood overseas.

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I think it was more that Labor infighting lost it for them, or maybe a combination of that and extremely favourable mainstream media coverage for the LNP and Abbott! Regrettably Labor aren't much better than the LNP in so many ways - and considering the material they are being given, are pretty ineffective in opposition too - so there's no guarantee that Abbott will be One Term Tony as many hope.


On the plus side though, the Chaser team are back on TV tonight!


Yeah I'm looking forward to that! Hopefully they nail it.


I like Mad as Hell but the format is just annoying and IMO Micalef is missing out somewhat on what must be the best period for Australian satire in decades!

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Hmmm. If Australia is a 'mere blip on the landscape' why it's it a member of the G20?'


And why should small democracies keep quiet about big dictatorships, particularly when that dictatorship was complicit in the murder of a number of Australian citizens?


I mean, you do know what happened to the MAS jet don't you?


You do know it was shot down by Russian backed and controlled forces using Russian arms?


You do know that Russia then made sure that no international air investigators could get to the site until the incriminating evidence had been removed.(No wonder so many people avoid Aeroflot?)


When I think of it I am ashamed to be associated with people who hate our PM so much they prefer to align themselves with one of the nastiest dictators on the planet.


How many newspapers has Tony Abbott closed down?


How many journalists has he murdered?


How many political opponents had he imprisoned or murdered?


Was Tony Abbott ever a high ranking member of a secret police force like the KGB?


And yet you want him to keep quiet and not offend Putin?


No doubt you would have felt the same way about Hitler and Stalin.


<Is your rant over?> Glad you got that off your chest.


I'll overlook your personal insults.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Hmmm. If Australia is a 'mere blip on the landscape' why it's it a member of the G20?'


And why should small democracies keep quiet about big dictatorships, particularly when that dictatorship was complicit in the murder of a number of Australian citizens?


I mean, you do know what happened to the MAS jet don't you?


You do know it was shot down by Russian backed and controlled forces using Russian arms?


You do know that Russia then made sure that no international air investigators could get to the site until the incriminating evidence had been removed.(No wonder so many people avoid Aeroflot?)


When I think of it I am ashamed to be associated with people who hate our PM so much they prefer to align themselves with one of the nastiest dictators on the planet.


How many newspapers has Tony Abbott closed down?


How many journalists has he murdered?


How many political opponents had he imprisoned or murdered?


Was Tony Abbott ever a high ranking member of a secret police force like the KGB?


And yet you want him to keep quiet and not offend Putin?


No doubt you would have felt the same way about Hitler and Stalin.

Calm down Hun you will give yourself a heart attack.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Are maryrose and parley abbotts only fans on here?

I would say so, I have no idea how the idiot got in to be honest. 99% of the people I have spoke to didn't give him their vote.

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I've never liked Abbott but I find myself feeling embarrassed for him and even a little bit sorry for him for making such a fool of himself and Australia. Being from NSW he doesn't understand the AFL term "shirt-front". It's basically an assault that has been banned from the game - it is a front-on charge at the body which usually results in serious injury to the victim. Putin must think Abbott is a complete idiot.


A disgrace for sure. Just wish the person that passes himself of as Australia's PM would behave a little dignified and statesman like. Even more I wish he'd cease playing to the gallery of the ill informed and making a laughing stock of himself and the country in general.


Amazing so outspoken on this a diplomatic matter but keeps under wraps things Australians should be aware off. How low can be go? Afraid quite considerably lower I'm afraid.

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Pio is extremely left wing Stacey. (Not sure why).


But out in the real world is is pretty close. something like 53% to 47% in favour of Labour.

Probably to be expected given the tough budget, but plenty of time before the next election.


Joking of course. A few of us attempt to keep the flame of enlightenment burning, but the right leaning brigade go out of their way to dull the flame. This forum is as a rule very right wing, but their arguments seldom hold up to scrutiny and as such may well appear less in number as they certainly do in argument and impact than they really are.

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He was speaking to Australians.


Putin needs to be stood up to. Appeasement and being nice to him does nothing.

He only understands sanctions and condemnation from the international community.


He invaded Crimea (part of another sovereign country) and annexed it so it is part of Russia now.

He backed the rebels who shot down the plane that murdered 38 Australians.


So I don't think using some colloquial Australian language is a big issue.


Not all leaders deserve to be feted.


I'm sure you'd agree that The Diggers could be kicking down the gates to enter Moscow by Christmas. Only way to show them we mean business I'm afraid.

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Did you hear the offending speech though? He actually said..."you bet you are" which he quickly corrected to "you bet I am" so obviously the term "shirt-front" was something that had been written by someone else for him to say - whether that was on an autoprompt or via earpiece which I believe is how most of his pre-written speeches are fed to him.


It's almost enough to make me feel sorry for him - obviously some of his 'advisors' (or puppeteers) are not bothered how ridiculous he comes across in the rest of the world - as I said on another thread, I have visions of them sitting around, having a beer together, saying "bet we can make him say <insert ridiculous term of your choice> this time!"


Is it just me that keeps reading "shirtlift" instead of "shirtfront"? Yes, probably..... Knowing how against same sex partnerships both he and Putin are!


They are pretty much peas in a pod. Job swaps perhaps? Six months in each others jurisdiction?

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I sometimes fear the worst myself for the poster. Perhaps an emergency warning button could be installed so poster could inform the forum assistance required in the event of a medical emergency?


I'll be all right by Saturday, when the EPL comes back on line.


In any case I heard some EXTREMELY good news tonight, on the ABC no less. I missed part of it, but apparently a Federal Judge has made a wonderful ruling, subject to the inevitable appeal of course.


What I think it means is, no more coming here illegally and then expecting to have a baby in Australia as a means of staying here permanently.


Nice one judge! (whoever you are!)

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Joking of course. A few of us attempt to keep the flame of enlightenment burning, but the right leaning brigade go out of their way to dull the flame. This forum is as a rule very right wing, but their arguments seldom hold up to scrutiny and as such may well appear less in number as they certainly do in argument and impact than they really are.


I was corrupted by my father, I'm afraid. Just the sort of person we would not want here in Australia of course. He was brought up during the Depression, one of a family of ten, enlisted in the British Army in 1939, served all over the place - Dunkirk, Monte Cassino, etc, gave away his youth for the country, never had a day on the dole in his life, lived in Germany after the War, which probably corrupted HIM, because, yes, he was a right wing conservative voter.


How awful it must be to live in countries dominated by conservative governments, especially 'right here, right now' in OZ. I mean is there anywhere in OZ that still has a Labor Govt? I know there is one state, but there do not seem to be too many 'refugees' from Toryism clamouring to get in there. I wonder why that is?

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Hmmm. If Australia is a 'mere blip on the landscape' why it's it a member of the G20?'


And why should small democracies keep quiet about big dictatorships, particularly when that dictatorship was complicit in the murder of a number of Australian citizens?


I mean, you do know what happened to the MAS jet don't you?


You do know it was shot down by Russian backed and controlled forces using Russian arms?


You do know that Russia then made sure that no international air investigators could get to the site until the incriminating evidence had been removed.(No wonder so many people avoid Aeroflot?)


When I think of it I am ashamed to be associated with people who hate our PM so much they prefer to align themselves with one of the nastiest dictators on the planet.


How many newspapers has Tony Abbott closed down?


How many journalists has he murdered?


How many political opponents had he imprisoned or murdered?


Was Tony Abbott ever a high ranking member of a secret police force like the KGB?


And yet you want him to keep quiet and not offend Putin?


No doubt you would have felt the same way about Hitler and Stalin.


As you rightly point out, Putin is a nasty piece of work....which makes it so much worse when in comparison to Tony Abbott, he is coming across as the more sane and balanced of the two!

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As you rightly point out, Putin is a nasty piece of work....which makes it so much worse when in comparison to Tony Abbott, he is coming across as the more sane and balanced of the two!


He is and as a world leader of a powerful nation deserves not the tabloid treatment from our embarrassment of a PM. Nothing to do with the likes or otherwise of Putin, but everything to do with statesmanship. What a pathetic nation this has become.

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