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David Cameron to introduce tough new laws on EU immigration in response to UKIP election wins.


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Phew, now you're asking, if you could continue with the condem coalition that'd probably be my least worst option, I like the Labour philosophy, but they are so useless at running the country it's hard to vote for them, Greens=Nutters, UKip wouldn't even consider them until they weed out the loons they put forward as candidates, Conservatives, to much of a risk of a Tory UKip coalition, so I suppose thats only the Libs left, I don't really care for them much, but at least they curbed some of the Torys worst instincts.


As a Tory, I actually hope that we get another Tory / LibDem Coalition. This government have been by far the best in ages, benign, acting in the National Interest. Whilst there are obvious tensions, Vince Cable seems to think he is the font of all wisdom, the tensions are nothing compared to those between Blair and Brown, Major and his "Bas***ds, Maggie and the wets, Callaghan and the TUC, so I think we should congratulate them, not condemn them.

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Why the hell do people vote for the far right ? Everyone knows people lose their jobs when they come into power.


As I said earlier on this thread the BNP have largely taken Labour votes, in Labour seats..........such as in the North West of England. Nobody seems to have commented on, or challenged the post.

We have fortunately never had a far right government in the UK, but, equally, we have never had a Labour Government that has left office with unemployment lower than when they came into office.

If you are genuinely concerned about working people losing their jobs you should be joining the Tory Party, and prosecuting their policies..................unless of course you aren't really concerned about the unemployed.

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you should report him stacey, its what these tory scum bastards want, to turn everyone against each other


Shocking language, but can I thank you on behalf of the Tory Party because it was exactly this type of language, from the Militant Tendancy Loving Extremists that kept dear old Margaret Thatcher in power for so long.

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People need to start voting for local independents rather than political parties. I don't know why people vote for random guy from Eton/Oxford who isn't from the area and has no clue about the real world.


Or in the case of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair...........Fettes, Scotland's top Public School.

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Whereas the Labour scum bastards just want to take money away from every hard working person, and give it to disabled, lesbian, Somali, single parent, immigrants along with houses taken from British folk.


It's answers like yours which disincline me to post here.


If only they did, they just wasted most of it. And please don't refer to people as "scum bastards."

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I personally hope the UK exits the EU.


I would like to see closer economic and political ties with our traditional Anglo-Saxon allies - the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. We all possess similar forms of government, speak the same language, have similar economic systems and share a degree of common heritage.


The idea the British share anything in common with countries such as Bulgaria or Romania is, quite frankly, ridiculous.


Eastern Europe is nothing more than a collection of barren ex-Soviet peasant states who bring very little economic benefit to the UK. The recognition and attempted integration of these Eastern European states has never been anything more than an attempt to limit the Russians by carving away some of their former territory.


It will be good to see a referendum on our EU membership - the political elite have denied us all a say in this matter for long enough.


It is time for the Eastern Europeans to go home and stop sponging off the economic success of Western Europe.

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I personally hope the UK exits the EU.


I would like to see closer economic and political ties with our traditional Anglo-Saxon allies - the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. We all possess similar forms of government, speak the same language, have free market orientated economies and all share a degree of common heritage.


The idea the British share anything in common with countries such as Bulgaria or Romania is, quite frankly, ridiculous.


Eastern Europe is nothing more than a collection of ex-Soviet peasant states who bring very little benefit to the UK. It will be good to see a referendum on our EU membership - I think most English people see very little benefit from the EU.It is time for the Eastern Europeans to go home.


Call me 'racist' if you want - but their are millions who feel exactly the same as me and we won't be silenced forever.


Personally I feel I have far more in common with a German, French, Italian, or Polish person that I do American or Canadian. Granted I'd put NZ and Aus first though as a lot of UK emigration there has been a lot more recent (last 50 years).


Implying all Eastern European countries are feudal peasant existances is ignorance of the highest degree. Sure somewhere like Moldova or Romania might not be great but the Czech Republic and Slovenia are as developed as any Western European country.


You might want to look up where us anglo saxons are from too.

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Personally I feel I have far more in common with a German, French, Italian, or Polish person that I do American or Canadian. Granted I'd put NZ and Aus first though as a lot of UK emigration there has been a lot more recent (last 50 years).Implying all Eastern European countries are feudal peasant existances is ignorance of the highest degree. Sure somewhere like Moldova or Romania might not be great but the Czech Republic and Slovenia are as developed as any Western European country. You might want to look up where us anglo saxons are from too.


I am aware of the origins of the Anglo-Saxons - as are you - this does not however remove the countries I mention from having a common heritage.


Your attempt to reduce the origins of states and peoples to oblivion must not be allowed here - since the signing of the Magna Carter in 1215 the Anglo-Saxons have shared a set of common values which have slowly evolved: these broadly being representative non-arbitrary government and the rights to life, liberty, property and equality before the law - all set within reasonable bounds by a fair legal system. These beliefs have at times been strained and abused by some - however - these core beliefs have generally been applied throughout the ages and have allowed us on average to become wealthier and live longer happier lives than our Eastern European / Slavic comrades. These are the core beliefs we, the Anglo-Saxons, share in common.


It is why we can vote on matters, such as Scottish independence, without a decent into severe street violence or civil war (which would be expected in Eastern Europe).The British used to govern half the known world - we are quite capable of making our own decisions without the input or oversight of a Franco-German Euro-Socialist alliance.


It is an entirely reasonable argument to have a sensible immigration policy which only allows entry to skilled people - most countries recognize this. There are millions of normal, intelligent, middle class and entirely non-violent people across Britain who are regularly denied a say in this matter when they are simply whitewashed by the political class and media as 'racists' for even mentioning the subject. The major crimes of Farage are that he is white, somewhere in the upper middle class, pro-business and doesn't believe the state should run our lives. This does not represent a extreme point of view and is entirely in line with our history as a nation.


If it is economically beneficial to allow millions of non-skilled Eastern European immigrants into a country - why don't the Americans, Canadians or Australians allow uncontrolled mass immigration? Do we claim to know something they don't? Why is Europe one of the only areas of the world in economic decline? Is our decision based on purely moral principles yet unworkable in reality?


We need to leave this failed, declining and disintegrating socialist trading block and set our eyes further afield and reengage with our common English speaking ancestors.

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Did I really start this thread? Reading this one and, say the one about the Free Trade agreement with China, it's hard to know whether people want more immigration or less immigration, or more immigration but without foreign investment and ownership. Are Chinese welcome in Australia as long as they actually immigrate and become citizens? I imagine some like to 'hedge their bets' and retain residency and funds in both countries.


There are so many things I don't understand!? For instance, when there is so much inter-racial, inter-religious, inter-tribal, etc, violence in so many countries, isn't it likely to happen sooner or lately in Britain and Australia? We are generally a welcoming people, but eventually, as seen by the rise of UKIP, people get 'irked!'


I was talking to a couple of guys - refugees - from Rwanda I think, from the minority tribe. What an awful place that sounds, not bloody 'sounds' - it IS!

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Used to love a good old cowboys and Anglo Saxons movie me!,that Daniel Day Lewis one was good too,what was it,last of the Anglo Saxons?,love the soundtrack too :)


ETA,Nah,seriously though,Cameron's just playing to public opinion isn't he.

Ironically! he might be going after the UKIP voter(IE halfwit),lmao

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There are so many things I don't understand!? For instance, when there is so much inter-racial, inter-religious, inter-tribal, etc, violence in so many countries, isn't it likely to happen sooner or lately in Britain and Australia? We are generally a welcoming people, but eventually, as seen by the rise of UKIP, people get 'irked!'



We are generally a welcoming people - however a large majority of people in the UK feel immigration and the EU has simply gone too far. These people are not 'half wits', extremists or loonies - they are normal people, such as myself, who are white, middle class, earn close to the national average, live in a normal house and just want their opinion heard.


The three major political parties refuse to engage in the immigration/EU debate in a sensible manner - which leaves us only one other choice - vote UKIP to force the debate. Most of us don't want to see UKIP in power - we simply recognise it as a way of expressing an opinion which, time and time again, is whitewashed as racist by our political elite and will not be heard.


We have on numerous occasions been denied a referendum on EU membership - the latest manifestation of this being the blocking of a EU referendum bill by the unelected House of Lords. This bill passed through the House of Commons by a huge majority of 304 to nil and is a clear sign that a large majority of MPs, who generally try to represent the people, desire a vote on this matter.

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Does that mean if you are not white, middle class and earn close to the national average, then you are not normal ?


To a degree - yes.


White, normal and average would generally be considered to represent a large majority of the population (aka: Middle Britain).


I consider myself to be part of this group.

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We are generally a welcoming people - however a large majority of people in the UK feel immigration and the EU has simply gone too far. These people are not 'half wits', extremists or loonies - they are normal people, such as myself, who are white, middle class, earn close to the national average, live in a normal house and just want their opinion heard.


The three major political parties refuse to engage in the immigration/EU debate in a sensible manner - which leaves us only one other choice - vote UKIP to force the debate. Most of us don't want to see UKIP in power - we simply recognise it as a way of expressing an opinion which, time and time again, is whitewashed as racist by our political elite and will not be heard.


We have on numerous occasions denied us a referendum on EU membership - the latest manifestation of this being the blocking of a EU referendum bill by the unelected House of Lords. This bill passed through the House of Commons by a huge majority of 304 to nil and is a clear sign that a large majority of MPs, who generally try to represent the people, desire a vote on this matter.


I noticed that, in the course of my arguments with a fellow PIO-er (sic), he said that it is wrong to send a large number of people from a different race/culture/relgion to Nauru because Nauru is too small and has a concentration of one particular race.


If you agree with that statement, then it surely follows that any country would eventually reach a point where the 'native' population will react unfavourably to immigration by people who are 'different?' Which I guess is basically what you are saying about the UK? And if enough people from 'alien' races come to Australia (and some people want unlimited intake as long as they say they are asylum seekers or refugees), then it must happen here too?


Again, the oddity about the example of Nauru, if true, is that it is right that the inhabitants of Nauru feel resentment to this influx, but when Brits or Aussies express similar resentment, they are wrong and racist!?


Plenty of countries around the world experience rioting, and much worse, when diverse peoples fall out. Generally speaking, it does not happen here or in Britain. 'Cronulla' did not lead to nationwide rioting or civil war. If another 'Cronulla' occurs, somewhere in Australia, whose fault will it be?

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I personally hope the UK exits the EU.


I would like to see closer economic and political ties with our traditional Anglo-Saxon allies - the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. We all possess similar forms of government, speak the same language, have similar economic systems and share a degree of common heritage.


The idea the British share anything in common with countries such as Bulgaria or Romania is, quite frankly, ridiculous.


Eastern Europe is nothing more than a collection of barren ex-Soviet peasant states who bring very little economic benefit to the UK. The recognition and attempted integration of these Eastern European states has never been anything more than an attempt to limit the Russians by carving away some of their former territory.


It will be good to see a referendum on our EU membership - the political elite have denied us all a say in this matter for long enough.


It is time for the Eastern Europeans to go home and stop sponging off the economic success of Western Europe.


Nothing to do with ethnic commonality and everything to do with business and power elites. No chance of any meaningful Anglo Saxon alliances beyond cultural in the globalised world of today where a few nation reign supreme in the world of trade. UK interests certainly are better served being with in a Union, regardless of the obvious faults.

That is one problem Australia has, having to fend for itself in a hostile world requiring it to enter into agreements not always, some may say rarely in its favour. Europe as a block is a powerful force to be reckoned with but as with any group of diverging interests there will be a degree of difficulty.

'No returning to the past I'm afraid.

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I noticed that, in the course of my arguments with a fellow PIO-er (sic), he said that it is wrong to send a large number of people from a different race/culture/relgion to Nauru because Nauru is too small and has a concentration of one particular race.


If you agree with that statement, then it surely follows that any country would eventually reach a point where the 'native' population will react unfavourably to immigration by people who are 'different?' Which I guess is basically what you are saying about the UK? And if enough people from 'alien' races come to Australia (and some people want unlimited intake as long as they say they are asylum seekers or refugees), then it must happen here too?


Again, the oddity about the example of Nauru, if true, is that it is right that the inhabitants of Nauru feel resentment to this influx, but when Brits or Aussies express similar resentment, they are wrong and racist!?


Plenty of countries around the world experience rioting, and much worse, when diverse peoples fall out. Generally speaking, it does not happen here or in Britain. 'Cronulla' did not lead to nationwide rioting or civil war. If another 'Cronulla' occurs, somewhere in Australia, whose fault will it be?


Following you down your logical rabbit hole (this one anyway, your world is full of inconsistencies), how can you possibly defend the Australian govt sending refugees to an island with a mono-cultural population of 10,000, with an area of 21 sq km, and a 90% unemployment rate?


Using your 'logic', you should be up in arms that such monstrous deliberate social engineering is being imposed by a rich country on an impoverished one.


And once again, there is zero comparison between what is being DONE to Nauru by Australia, with an influx of migrants to an already well established multicultural society with a population of 23 or 60 million.

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I noticed that, in the course of my arguments with a fellow PIO-er (sic), he said that it is wrong to send a large number of people from a different race/culture/relgion to Nauru because Nauru is too small and has a concentration of one particular race.


If you agree with that statement, then it surely follows that any country would eventually reach a point where the 'native' population will react unfavourably to immigration by people who are 'different?' Which I guess is basically what you are saying about the UK? And if enough people from 'alien' races come to Australia (and some people want unlimited intake as long as they say they are asylum seekers or refugees), then it must happen here too?


Again, the oddity about the example of Nauru, if true, is that it is right that the inhabitants of Nauru feel resentment to this influx, but when Brits or Aussies express similar resentment, they are wrong and racist!?


Plenty of countries around the world experience rioting, and much worse, when diverse peoples fall out. Generally speaking, it does not happen here or in Britain. 'Cronulla' did not lead to nationwide rioting or civil war. If another 'Cronulla' occurs, somewhere in Australia, whose fault will it be?


Big difference comparing a bankrupt island nation of a handful of residents having numerous outsiders imposed on them and a large immigrant nation as Australia.

Australia was built on immigration and looks to continue to be so. The present government as well as previous one though are faulty in wanting a Big Australia built on immigration numbers. Not race but overwhelming numbers. If another "Cronulla" did break out in Australia it would like be the result of groups taking advantage of bad policy making.


It should be remembered Australia is a nation with already 10% of its population either born in or of Asian decent to date. This has passed rapidly from almost nothing when you arrived in 78 to the present time. How many millions in a year must Australia take in to equate the Nauru percentage?

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Following you down your logical rabbit hole (this one anyway, your world is full of inconsistencies), how can you possibly defend the Australian govt sending refugees to an island with a mono-cultural population of 10,000, with an area of 21 sq km, and a 90% unemployment rate?


Using your 'logic', you should be up in arms that such monstrous deliberate social engineering is being imposed by a rich country on an impoverished one.


And once again, there is zero comparison between what is being DONE to Nauru by Australia, with an influx of migrants to an already well established multicultural society with a population of 23 or 60 million.


You just beat me to the gun. I'm just amazed that such a comparison can in all honesty be even considered.

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He doesn't do logic flag.


He likes to pretend to, but in reality he can't.


Big difference comparing a bankrupt island nation of a handful of residents having numerous outsiders imposed on them and a large immigrant nation as Australia.

Australia was built on immigration and looks to continue to be so. The present government as well as previous one though are faulty in wanting a Big Australia built on immigration numbers. Not race but overwhelming numbers. If another "Cronulla" did break out in Australia it would like be the result of groups taking advantage of bad policy making.


It should be remembered Australia is a nation with already 10% of its population either born in or of Asian decent to date. This has passed rapidly from almost nothing when you arrived in 78 to the present time. How many millions in a year must Australia take in to equate the Nauru percentage?

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