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Do you miss the money once you've moved to the uk?


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Just wondering if anyone has moved to the UK after living in Australia and struggled with money back in the UK and maybe wishing they never moved because money was better in aus? Is it true what they say that you just work to survive and pay the bills in the UK and in aus you have more money?

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No it's not true, you work to survive anywhere...well I do...I work as many hours as I need to to pay the bills and be comfortable. I do find we have more ability to save here though but I reckon it's highly subjective and dependent on role/area/company/hours/outgoings and more.

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We're a working class couple and have never just worked to survive to pay bills!We're actually about to jet off to Sri Lanka for 2 weeks (And we've also been to Turkey this year,and I took a career break,in Adelaide for a few months to help look after my Mum,came back to the UK,and a week later,Mum passed away,so I flew back to Adelaide for a month to arrange the funeral,clear up her house and so on).Off to India next Feb,we like abit of heat at the end of a british winter!lol

We are lucky we don't have debts.We manage our finances carefully,but we also go out alot too!Went out Friday night to a gig,today we're having a 2 course lunch,at one of the posher pub/hotels in our town,so you can be earning thousands and be broke,or you can earn a fair wage and be living life to the full.Its up to the individual!

We recently got rid of both our cars.This was our choice.We both live and work in our town (moved here last year from a village)so it seemed pointless running cars.Our utility bills are minimal too.We don't pay over the odds for these,but there is only two of us at home now,so maybe thats why they are reasonable.

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We are worse off in Australia than we were in the UK but you can put a lot of that down to going from two full-time incomes in London with no kids, to only one full-time wage in Brisbane with two kids. Plus lots of youthful foolishness with spending in between!


I can only go by my UK friends experience having been away 11 years but they are all thriving, living in nice homes and enjoying nice holidays etc. so can't be struggling too much.

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Is it true what they say that you just work to survive and pay the bills in the UK and in aus you have more money?


Bit of a generalisation there....who is they?


By anyones standard, I was on pretty good money in Oz, but it just wasn't the place for me. I came home, got a new job with take home pay at least 50% more than it was in Oz.


For me, quality of life and standard of living is much higher in the UK, but I can appreciate that might not be the same for everyone. Guess its down to attitude and skillset....if you think the world owes you a living, then you'll have problems anywhere..

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We were definitely better off financially in the UK than we are here in Australia. We knew we would have less money here, partly because house prices are so much higher here than the area we left in the UK. Everyone's situation will be different and some people will be better off in the UK and some in Oz.

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I've been back since July. Both of us now earning more than we did when we left UK 3 years ago. I am on almost the same money as Oz but OH gets less, made better by the fact he has a 4 min drive to work (lucky sod). Are we better off here? OH seems to think life here has got more expensive, utility bills are certainly higher and petrol is expensive. The rest is down to personal choice IMO. We run just one car, shop online because we are less tempted by "offers" and don't go to posh restaurants as the pub is just fine. We will assess after 12 months as we have had a lot of unexpected costs, but my suspicion is that we won't find much difference, with the added positive that I am paying off my mortgage and living in my own home as opposed to renting.

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Just wondering if anyone has moved to the UK after living in Australia and struggled with money back in the UK and maybe wishing they never moved because money was better in aus? Is it true what they say that you just work to survive and pay the bills in the UK and in aus you have more money?


It depends entirely on where you were in Australia and where you are in the UK. Just look around the forums and see how many people struggle to survive in Sydney, even though they had a nice standard of living doing the same job in the UK. On the other hand, if someone moved from Brisbane back to London, they'd find London horrendously expensive by comparison.

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