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Hong Kong

Aunt Agatha

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We're going to have a couple of days in Hong Kong on the way back to the UK in Feb and I'd love to hear some ideas for things to do/see please. I'll be doing my own research as well but you can't beat recommendations from those in the know.


We'll have our two children -aged almost four and almost two - with us so family friendly activities would be much appreciated, thanks!


Oh and family-friendly hotel recommendations would be great too!

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Thanks @Gbye grey sky, I should have mentioned that it's dependent on things settling right down in the region! If there is still unrest we will go via Singapore.


ETA: the Smartraveller website is still advising Australians to exercise normal safety precautions in Hong Kong so hopefully that will remain unchanged. Fingers crossed anyway!

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Would be surprised if Beijing lets the unrest continue that long! I have been to Hong Kong recently and my top tips would be:

- Lantao Island (Big Buddha, Monastery, amazing views and a fantastic cable car ride) - 1 day (see pics)

- Shopping (Tsim Sha Tsui and Hong Kong Island) - shopping malls everywhere

- The Peak on Hong Kong Island - the queues were too long but views again would be spectacular

- Ferry across harbour, harbour views


If you have small children, Disneyland Hong Kong is worth a trip. We went but we're thoroughly underwhelmed.


I would say 3-4 days would be enough.


it's an impressive place.









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I love Hong Kong, but I don't have any specific sights to see or activities. I just like to buy their equivalent of an Opal Card and hop on and hop off buses, trams, trains and ferries. I seem to recall there being a good zoo somewhere? On HK Island perhaps? I just enjoy the bustle. Nathan Road reminds me of Oxford St in London and the harbour and ferries remind me of Sydney. The Night Markets are good too. And if you want to go to Macau, you probably still need your passport. I left mine in the hotel so I could not go. Hotels are much the same. I think the last time I stayed in one of the YMCA hotels (Not a hostel!) in Kowloon?

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Brother lives there although currently on holiday. HK is open as usual just central apparently closed with diversions in place. Don't depend on big Budda cable car as was closed for ages and not sure if opened again. It is great and cheap if open. HK is simply amazing and would go back in a flash also love Singapore too. Need to get a little more settled here before hopping across to HK and to invest in a new Tag Heur watch, still very cheap when you know where to look.


i would not bother with Disney although not been brother and his wife plus kids go a lot and they report is is nothing special. Pick a clear night and definitely got to the peak by the train. We went at dusk so got daylight shots but most impressively night shots too.


enjoy and don't forget your walking shoes as you will walk loads of km's



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I went to Hong Kong on 1997. It was the old airport then and just landing in the middle of the city was an experience in itself!


I found the place had a real buzz and bustle to it compared to Singapore.


I particularly enjoyed the junk cruise in the harbour and going up to a peak which overlooked the harbour (Victoria peak?? don't remember the name).


We're flying to the UK in December via HK and were not planning on stopping over. Then after we'd booked the flights, discovered there was a disneyland close to the airport. Tried to change flights for a 1 night stopover but ridiculously expensive. Was a bit disapointed but reading the disney reviews on here, maybe not worth it anyway - thanks for the heads up.


I'm sure you'll have a great time, just immersing yourself in the hustle and bustle of it all is an enriching experience in itself!

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Thanks so much for all your feedback. Singapore is a bit of a last resort as we have visited several times.


We are definitely not interested in Disneyland or theme parks - our kids are a bit young for it and we can pop over to Disneyland Paris from the UK at a later date. Would really like to go "up" and see some great views, visit a temple or two and a night market. Really like the idea of a junk cruise on the harbour too.


I think we'll only have three nights and two full days so will have to both plan carefully the must-sees and leave a bit of room for serendipity. It seems like the sort of city where just being out and about will be interesting - lots of different sights, sounds and smells.


Thanks for the photos @srh82, it looks amazing. I especially like the cable car shot and look forward to taking a similar one.

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If you go for a Junk Boat then you can book them with wine and beer included in the evening which is great as you get to see the nightly laser and light show from the river with free flowing drink.


Not a bad evening out.



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Oh and family-friendly hotel recommendations would be great too! We stayed at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile, Nathan Road about four years ago (2 adults + 2 children) on a 3 night stopover. The accommodation is fairly standard but location is brilliant. The breakfasts were absolutely amazing!! I recommend booking a tour on the first day - it really gave us a good overview of the city and surrounds. We loved the cable car ride!

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I loathe all of it, made up asylum seekers, fabricated terrorists, its all lies..dont trust your Govt or the media..even though they have your best interests at heart..


Wow, I think I'm going to lock myself up in a safe room somewhere and maybe come back out in a couple of years!


1 asylum seekers, people trying to improve their lives and the imbalance they believe is present....and that is from a blue blooded right winger. The world is a very fluid place now and Australia is one of the hardest countries to enter legally or illegally. I have been lucky enough to be invited into Australia and I know that millions would love the opportunity I/we have.


2 fabricated terrorists, unfortunately there are people out there wishing to cause harm. Myself I have a religion (sort of) but I'm ashamed of some of the people who represent it especially in America! Most people of my age and living in UK during the 80's will remember the threat the IRA caused.....not much really only the 24 hour media which hypes everything up more recently and gives sick minded people as recently demonstrated the opportunity of their 15minutes of free publicity and ability to promote their twisted causes. RIP Alan Henning.


3 don't trust your gov't, does anybody? Most people now vote for the personality involved or the least bad party! Any government is meant to represent its people collectively not individuals, I guess I may have slightly different views to you Echidna66 and would not appreciate you representing me as a government leader however if the rest of the country supports you then that's my bad luck, it's called democracy.


4 media, that's your main problem. To get people's attention all media inflate stories for rating purposes, take any headlines with a pinch of salt otherwise they will drive you insane. Love them loads for Sky but Murdoch's empire are the worst for this



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Hong Kong is fab. We stopped for 4 nights on our way over with a 3 year old and 10 month old. We stayed in the central district near Hong Kong Park. The park was great with the kids for playgrounds, etc. it also has a really good walk through aviary. We got the Tram to Victoria peak near the park which I would highly recommend for the amazing views. HK is not very stroller friendly so I would recommend a back pack style carrier if you need something.

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There is another theme park too. I forget what it's called, but it's as good as, if not better than the Disney one.



It's Ocean World and yes, actually a really good day out. It's a mixture of animal park and rides.


BUT...when in February is very important! Essentially an entire week in Feb is a Chinese holiday. Queues at places like Ocean World (everywhere actually!) will be enormous! I'd imagine hotel prices will be through the roof too. In this week you'd probably want to avoid anywhere Chinese tourists go en masse!



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Note that there are at least 2 night markets. One is known as the Ladies Night Market, which Mrs CDU preferred. There is a huge market out at Stanley. You can take a local bus out there for a couple of dollars, and take in the sights on the way, such a Repulse Bay. On the waterfront at Stanley, a couple of minutes walk from the market, are some Brit style pubs where you can get a decent meal.

Be sure to take a ferry across to the island from Kowloon. There is a huge shopping mall to one side of where the ferries leave from, right next to the cruise ship terminal. We found it a tad expensive in there, and got out as quickly as we could.

If the cable car is open to the Big Buddah, it is well worth taking it for the experience alone. It runs for what seems like miles.

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Great tips, thanks @ekf! Will make sure we take our carrier for our youngest.

@bcworld I had completely forgotten about Chinese New Year, thanks for the heads up. We'll be there the first week in Feb - I just Googled HK holidays and CNY is 19th and 20th Feb in 2015 so we'll miss it. It would have been a fun experience to be in a Chinese environment for CNY but I'm quite glad we'll miss it as it will be really busy and full-on, especially for the kids I think.


They all sounds like just the sort of activities we would enjoy @Celt Down Under! Like you, I am not too interested in big, expensive shopping malls so will give it a miss. I love cable car rides so hope it is open. DH is not so keen on heights but I think he'll give it a go!

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Most of the tourist and "must see" stuff has been mentioned, but I should add my voice to the tumult that Victoria Harbour is possibly the world's most excellent (and I'm Sydney-born, so that's saying something). It beats Sydney's because it is still a working harbour, and not just a playground for the rich. For a dirt-cheap taste, you have to do the Star Ferry, but also catch a longer ferry ride out to one of the smaller places or fishing villages like Tai O.


Tourist stuff aside, just immerse yourself in Kowloon. Get off the MTR at Mongkok and go upstairs to soak in the street life. It's one of the most densely populated places on the planet, and the energy is amazing. Try to avoid the train in peak hour though.

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I haven't been to HK so can't offer any advise on that but having just been to Disneyland Paris, i would say don't rule out going in HK.


I will declare I am a big fan of Disneyland, we went before having children and took my son at 18 months and then again at 3 and 5 to California. He got something different out of it each time but I never felt he was 'too young' - in fact taking him to Paris this year at 11, I was worried he was 'too old' but I needn't have worried :)


The thing is with Paris it is SO expensive - the parks are pretty much carbon copies (California and Paris are anyway) so it doesn't matter which one you go to really but Paris hotels and food is so much more expensive. We did it 'cheap' and without the flights it cost us about £850 for two days at Disney plus food costs! We said we wouldn't go to Paris Disneyland again purely because of the cost - with the current exchange rate and the cost of eating out in the US we'd have been better off going there.

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