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Time to move back


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All we can say is that you should go back before you sell off here. A lot has changed in the UK and not for the better. Prices are up and wages are not, plus the country is flooded with people from all over the world, especially EU countries like Romania etc. And the lifestyle hasn't got any better, nobody has moved the country into a better climate.


I think you will regret it but that is up to you. Go back first and look around and I am truly meaning it. You get ups and downs everywhere.We are mainly here because of the lifestyle so you should think it through....


Warning - long post


I just thought I would share our experiences at the start of our journey out of Oz. We came here in 2003 net expecting better or worse, just different. I was lucky enough to get a job before I came and we settled in well to the Northern Suburbs of Brisbane. We have had a fantastic time travelling all over the country, 4WDing on Fraser etc etc. The kids were 5 and 18 months when we moved out here and are now 17 (just finishing yr 12) and 13.(yr 8)


Over the last couple of years things haven't been so great. I was made redundant and the 2 years before that were horrible. Its really hard to work somewhere where you know you are not wanted, but because you are so busy trying to defend your existence, don't have time to find another job. I did get a job pretty much straight away but on a lot less money, so things have been tight. IN addition to that we have a small business that is bleeding money. Its up for sale but no takers as yet. this is causing lots of stress and worry. Finally life is just too damn complicated. We have made the decision to move but there is soooo much to sort out and until the business is sold (if ever!) we can't do anything.


WE have let our parents know what we want to do and they think we are insane - apparently Australia is paradise on earth and they doth get what we want to do. Not that it matters but the comments get a bit tiring. We had my father in law over here for 2 weeks and the whole time he was telling us what we were were thinking about was stupid. they keep telling us if we MUST move, then leave something behind just in case. This sounds reasonable in principle but I am not sure we will ever come back. I just can't see myself growing old here.


Regardless of the last couple of years, I think we have got itchy feet because we have been in the same place for too long. 12 years is a long time in one place and in one house and i think it is time to try something else. If I could get work in Canada we would go there for a bit but it looks very difficult so with the language as a barrier, it only leaves the US, South Africa or the UK. (NZ is too close). I don't want to go to the US or SA so it looks like the UK for a bit at least.


My issue at the moment is the decision is made BUT we can't set a date as we have so much to clear up here. Its like being in limbo - knowing that we are off but not knowing when and having to wait for things to fall in to place and it all seems to happen so slowly.


Just a bit of a whinge really but it is nice to get it off my chest. There is only so many times you can talk about it between yourselves and I can't really tell anyone else because I don't want work to know. We don't hate OZ, there have been some good times but more recently some bad ones and this maybe colouring our perspective and pushing the move but I think our time here is at an end. WE have 'done' Australia and its time for some new adventures. I just wish it would happen sooner.

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And Australia is'nt multi cultural? I'm guessing you're a brit who has moved to Oz?So you're actually contributing to flooding Oz with "people from all over the world!As for the UK being flooded from people all over the world,I havent heard one foreign accent in my town.I'm not saying other area's are'nt,but pleae don't generalise!Where are you from Maggie2012 in the UK?

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No Melza, I am (we are not). We are skilled with and we came here bringing something to the table as well paying close to $10000 to the OZ government so we could do so. We do not take and get any benefit from the government here and we do not send our funds back to the UK like most people going there do, on top of having to pay nothing to enter and bringing nothing to the table. So there is a big difference mate.


I assume you have never driven out of your bubble in the UK. I suggest you visit East Anglia, Peterborough, Cambridge etc. and see how many Polish, Russian and Romanians etc. you can count.


Secondly, we are a multi- cultural/national couple, who not only contributed to society wherever we went but raised thousands in monies for people such as you so No matter in which country you are from, you'd have a better chance against fighting cancer and serious illnesses. And we are doing it even here, dedicating some time to society as volunteers. Do you???


If you are stating that the UK is still as glorious as it used to be, you are definitely living in the past. There is no way, that someone who moved here 11 years ago will be better off in the UK than here. And if you are suggesting/advising mrsdawnrazormay to move back because you think the UK is so fab still, I think you are giving ill advice.


All is relative: there are hard times everywhere. We have it too good in the west and I think that we will have a hard time awakening when one day East will meet West. Make your life better by putting in, not just taking. as said, we are here to give back not just take, except for the sunshine of course.....





And Australia is'nt multi cultural? I'm guessing you're a brit who has moved to Oz?So you're actually contributing to flooding Oz with "people from all over the world!As for the UK being flooded from people all over the world,I havent heard one foreign accent in my town.I'm not saying other area's are'nt,but pleae don't generalise!Where are you from Maggie2012 in the UK?
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Lots of us volunteer, gold stars all round.


There is no way, that someone who moved here 11 years ago will be better off in the UK than here. And if you are suggesting/advising mrsdawnrazormay to move back because you think the UK is so fab still, I think you are giving ill advice.


All is relative: there are hard times everywhere.


There is no way that you can accurately make such a sweeping statement. People are pursuing different goals, different jobs and different salaries. It also depends on your definition of "better off". A friend of mine with a disabled child moved back to the UK to be near family. She is "better off" with the love and support of her extended family than she was in Australia. Another friend moved from the UK to Australia to pursue a love of marine biology, she is "better off" with access to the Great Barrier Reef though she earns the same. You said it yourself, all is relative.


As for "most" people from Poland/Russia etc. "bringing nothing to the table", another sweeping generalisation. Not everyone shares your view that a multicultural Britain is somehow a less glorious Britain. Perhaps Melza and the OP are among those culturally aware Brits who embrace the benefits and diversity immigrants bring to the UK.

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Maggie2012,if you re read my post I did state,that I hear no foreign accents in my town BUT(quote)I'm not saying other area's don't!FWIW,so what if eastern europeans are in the UK "Bettering their lives"because is'nt that why some people choose to emigrate to Australia?Are'nt you doing the exact same thing?Lets hope the aussies embrace your nationality and welcome you with open arms,it might actually teach you something!

I'm not living in the past,as you suggested.I'm just stating my views as I see them.As for helping other people,yes we (myself and my OH)have built a school in India a few years ago,and part of my wages helps fund the teachers salaries,and on going running costs of the school.

Yes we have driven "out of our bubble Maggie.My OH used to work as a relief farmer,which meant we moved to all different area's of the UK.We did this for 9 years,so sorry,you're wrong.

I actually embrace multi culturalism.I recently spent 6 mths back in Oz on a career break (Did I mention I also lived in Oz for 30 yrs???)and I'd like you to tell me the difference between say a polish worker in the UK picking veg,or an indian taxi driver in Oz?Alot of these people are actually skilled people,who can't get skilled jobs.

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I live in East Anglia - hardly a sh*t hole though I admit Peterborough has long been home to the "odd" - not just with recent migrations either! (I remember having that discussion on a plane with a Peterborough native about 25 years ago! We were both laughing about it) Although grooming gangs are a worry - got them in Aus too though, just the PC brigade haven't allowed them to see the light yet.


The lifestyle, opportunities, weather, community are all so much better for us here! Only one of my acquaintance struggled to get a job around here and TBH it had more to do with his personality than the nationality of other workers. It's a bit rich for a newly arrived migrant in a foreign country criticising newly arrived migrants in the country they just left IMHO.

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No Melza, I am (we are not). We are skilled with and we came here bringing something to the table as well paying close to $10000 to the OZ government so we could do so. We do not take and get any benefit from the government here and we do not send our funds back to the UK like most people going there do, on top of having to pay nothing to enter and bringing nothing to the table. So there is a big difference mate.


I assume you have never driven out of your bubble in the UK. I suggest you visit East Anglia, Peterborough, Cambridge etc. and see how many Polish, Russian and Romanians etc. you can count.


Secondly, we are a multi- cultural/national couple, who not only contributed to society wherever we went but raised thousands in monies for people such as you so No matter in which country you are from, you'd have a better chance against fighting cancer and serious illnesses. And we are doing it even here, dedicating some time to society as volunteers. Do you???


Maybe it was not your intention but your comments give the impression that you moved primarily for altruistic reasons to give Australia the benefit of your input and because the UK no longer deserved you.


It does appear that you have many fine qualities but a little humility would be good.


I never understand why some who have left the UK feel it is their place in life to warn others of the 'dangers' of moving back to a country allegedly on the point of collapse. The UK has its issues of course but it is still a country where many would aspire to come to visit or to live. Generalised negative posts about the UK fool nobody and always say more about the poster than they do about the country they are referring to.

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I came here as a child and would have been devastated to be forced leave after 12 years. By then I felt I was Australian and the UK was basically a foreign country. I did return to the UK as an adult but that was my choice. I wasn't impressed with the UK and was glad to get back to Oz. I would do what is best for the children.

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To the OP...good luck, I would imagine you merely came onto here to say what you were thinking & ask a little advice etc. you know your family & what is best for you personally. I can't stand it when we (people wanting to mbttuk) post on here then get shite for wanting to mbttuk?! Surely this is the place to post?!? Anyway that's my rant over, good luck & enjoy whatever life brings ?

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I assume you have never driven out of your bubble in the UK. I suggest you visit East Anglia, Peterborough, Cambridge etc. and see how many Polish, Russian and Romanians etc. you can count.


We are originally from East Anglia (and only been here 14 months so can I can make a quite recent judgement of whats its like)


There are many more asians here in Aus than there are polish, russian and romanians etc combined in East Anglia. (well where we came from)


I can honestly say that there are more 'foreigners" living in our road here than the village/town we used to live in, in East Anglia.


I cant speak for the whole of East Anglia (nor can you) but comparing where we are now to where we were from I have to disagree with you.

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apparently Australia is paradise on earth and they doth get what we want to do.


I empathise with this. My family are similar and whenever I mention we might like to spend more time in the UK they are horrified. They only know Australia as a holiday destination, while I know both countries to live in, so that is why I trust my opinion more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I thought I would give a bit of an update. Got back onto the decorating and have completed another room. Its slow going and the motivation comes and goes. We are going through a bit of a phase of crossing thing of our list of things to do, and today we are going to Straddie for what might be the last time. some of the other things have fallen into place, others are frustratingly slow, but all we can do is wait. Today is probably a bad day as something we thought was straightforward is becoming complicated but I guess all we can do is realise that what will be will be.

I am not looking forward to another Queensland summer, but again we will cope until things sort them selves out.

Hopefully next time I give an update I can give some positive news.

Sorry for the winge :-)

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Well I thought I would give a bit of an update. Got back onto the decorating and have completed another room. Its slow going and the motivation comes and goes. We are going through a bit of a phase of crossing thing of our list of things to do, and today we are going to Straddie for what might be the last time. some of the other things have fallen into place, others are frustratingly slow, but all we can do is wait. Today is probably a bad day as something we thought was straightforward is becoming complicated but I guess all we can do is realise that what will be will be.

I am not looking forward to another Queensland summer, but again we will cope until things sort them selves out.

Hopefully next time I give an update I can give some positive news.

Sorry for the winge :-)


i couldn't handle Qld summer (humidity) but can easily handle 40C here in the ACT. That's why its mandatory to move around Oz to find the area that suits one

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The weather was jus a throw away comment - We didn't move here for the weather and aren't moving to the Uk for it either.

All but 6 weeks of the year here is great - I love the winter, spring and Autumn.

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i couldn't handle Qld summer (humidity) but can easily handle 40C here in the ACT. That's why its mandatory to move around Oz to find the area that suits one

Bollocks, of course you don't have to move around the country to find an area that suits. It's all Australia, what's the point of banging your head against the same old brick wall for years when you could move on to somewhere you actually belong. 40C in Canberra is bloody debilitating as it is elsewhere!

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Well I thought I would give a bit of an update. Got back onto the decorating and have completed another room. Its slow going and the motivation comes and goes. We are going through a bit of a phase of crossing thing of our list of things to do, and today we are going to Straddie for what might be the last time. some of the other things have fallen into place, others are frustratingly slow, but all we can do is wait. Today is probably a bad day as something we thought was straightforward is becoming complicated but I guess all we can do is realise that what will be will be.

I am not looking forward to another Queensland summer, but again we will cope until things sort them selves out.

Hopefully next time I give an update I can give some positive news.

Sorry for the winge :-)

Unless you can pack that case and jump on a flight the day after you make the decision, there will always be complications that will put a spanner in the works but if it's what you all truly want to do then you'll overcome all the obstacles and one day you'll be posting that your flight is booked! Keep up with crossing those to dos off your to do list! Good luck x

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Bollocks, of course you don't have to move around the country to find an area that suits. It's all Australia, what's the point of banging your head against the same old brick wall for years when you could move on to somewhere you actually belong. 40C in Canberra is bloody debilitating as it is elsewhere!


It isn't of course but a pom like you I guess it is. Everybody else gets on just fine with everyday life.

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I couldn't handle QLD summer (humidity)...


This has to be one of the greatest urban myths in Australia, which I strongly believe is perpetrated by those living 'south of the border' in a bid to stop their extended families packing their bags and heading for the sun! Most of the people who come up with this old chestnut have never even lived in Queensland. It's up there with 'Melbourne has 4 seasons in one day' when it's more like a 'couple of seasons in one week if you're lucky', but that's far less evocative, isn't it?


I'm originally from Derby so hardly accustomed to hot weather. I lived in Brisbane for 7 years and could probably count the number of days that were unpleasant on the fingers of one hand. If you are fortunate enough to live on the coast then it's usually a couple of degrees cooler there, even on the hottest days. For the last 3 years I've lived in Cairns and I would concede that it's too hot for too long up here but then I've never lived in a place with air-con because I'm too mean to spend the money, so I can't really complain. It'd be like living in Britain in the middle of winter without any heating and complaining you're too cold :-)


Apologies to the OP as this has nothing to do with your original post, but then we are POMs so talking about the weather is what we like to do!



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I've lived in Melbourne, i reckon there's two weeks of extreme heat every summer for the last ten years i've been here. Which isn't too bad.

The thing i hate is that the sun burns you after five minutes.

40 degrees is OK, but normally 40 degrees means strong northerly winds and bush fire. Hardly fun.

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It isn't of course but a pom like you I guess it is. Everybody else gets on just fine with everyday life.


Until it gets to over 40-45 for two weeks straight like it is doing more often in southern and eastern Oz come summer. Last summer here in Adelaide was the hottest i have felt in 30 years. The power bills come in very high as AC is a must especially as one ages.

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This has to be one of the greatest urban myths in Australia, which I strongly believe is perpetrated by those living 'south of the border' in a bid to stop their extended families packing their bags and heading for the sun! Most of the people who come up with this old chestnut have never even lived in Queensland. It's up there with 'Melbourne has 4 seasons in one day' when it's more like a 'couple of seasons in one week if you're lucky', but that's far less evocative, isn't it?


I'm originally from Derby so hardly accustomed to hot weather. I lived in Brisbane for 7 years and could probably count the number of days that were unpleasant on the fingers of one hand. If you are fortunate enough to live on the coast then it's usually a couple of degrees cooler there, even on the hottest days. For the last 3 years I've lived in Cairns and I would concede that it's too hot for too long up here but then I've never lived in a place with air-con because I'm too mean to spend the money, so I can't really complain. It'd be like living in Britain in the middle of winter without any heating and complaining you're too cold :-)


Apologies to the OP as this has nothing to do with your original post, but then we are POMs so talking about the weather is what we like to do!




I find Sydney humid, Brisbane is horrendous. But then there's Darwin, beyond comprehension...................

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Until it gets to over 40-45 for two weeks straight like it is doing more often in southern and eastern Oz come summer. Last summer here in Adelaide was the hottest i have felt in 30 years. The power bills come in very high as AC is a must especially as one ages.


AC is nice but one still has to go to work, go shopping, go and do the horse etc. For poms that don't like the heat why on Earth do they move to Australia??

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I must admit @Stephen Page\-Murray maybe people have enjoyed the heat of Spain or Greece and imagine it's similar? I knew Brisbane was sub-tropical before I arrived so was expecting heat and humidity but the reality of a Brissy summer was still a bit full-on. I love the weather here nine months of the year but I find the summers harder to handle as time goes on. I don't think it's them getting hotter, just me getting older and less able to tough it out!

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