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You are offered a one way ticket from OZ to UK on one condition. You can't come back.


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It is HH but I can get a return flight from the UK for under £900. If I couldn't get back regularly I wouldn't settle.


Not much better for me. Return flights to Brisbane, to see my Daughters and Grandaughter are never cheap when I can go and I've got to pay for two adults with my sons. $1500 last time, ridiculous :swoon:

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Knowing Harpo well, I'm sure that he wouldn't mind if I confirm what you've just written HH. In fact, he has posted to that effect in the past. But, like a large number of people, he doesn't buy into the whole 'Australia - it's all good' mindset. Like myself, he takes the p*ss out of the place, particularly the aspects of life here that aren't that great. I personally think it's a good thing to have an active critical filter to screen out the sales pitch, the mediocrity, the bullsh*t that you might be exposed to anywhere in the world. The alternative seems to be to just passively wave everything through to the keeper and say "Oh well, it's all good." People might see that as being an 'Oz-hater,' but I'd argue that it's just a case of subjecting Australia to critical scrutiny, and I don't think there's any harm in that.


His critical scrutiny seems to consist of hating Tony Abbott, 2GB & Rupert Murdoch in equal measure, with very little actual positive posts about life in Australia.

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My critical scrutiny to screen out the bullsh*t and the mediocrity has led me to place 3 members on ignore so I don't have to read the negativity.


It is something about me but I absolutely hate being around or listening to people who are relentlessly negative.

I just find it so mind numbing and depressing.


So I try to avoid those sorts of people whenever I can.

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His critical scrutiny seems to consist of hating Tony Abbott, 2GB & Rupert Murdoch in equal measure, with very little actual positive posts about life in Australia.


Well, his hatred of that trio would be shared by quite a significant minority (nay, majority?) of native Aussies, I reckon...

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Knowing Harpo well, I'm sure that he wouldn't mind if I confirm what you've just written HH. In fact, he has posted to that effect in the past. But, like a large number of people, he doesn't buy into the whole 'Australia - it's all good' mindset. Like myself, he takes the p*ss out of the place, particularly the aspects of life here that aren't that great. I personally think it's a good thing to have an active critical filter to screen out the sales pitch, the mediocrity, the bullsh*t that you might be exposed to anywhere in the world. The alternative seems to be to just passively wave everything through to the keeper and say "Oh well, it's all good." People might see that as being an 'Oz-hater,' but I'd argue that it's just a case of subjecting Australia to critical scrutiny, and I don't think there's any harm in that.


Yes, this is exactly right - large parts are vaguely comical (the ubiquitous 1980s-cheesiness of the TV, the bumbling bureaucracy, the AFL obsession, the laughably un-self aware xenophobia, etc) and it would be wrong not to pass a jaundiced eye over it - a genuine larrakin Aussie would expect nothing less...


I assume at my citizenship ceremony this afternoon (yes, really) the above won't be held against me...

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Yes, this is exactly right - large parts are vaguely comical (the ubiquitous 1980s-cheesiness of the TV, the bumbling bureaucracy, the AFL obsession, the laughably un-self aware xenophobia, etc) and it would be wrong not to pass a jaundiced eye over it - a genuine larrakin Aussie would expect nothing less...


I assume at my citizenship ceremony this afternoon (yes, really) the above won't be held against me...

Don't bank on it, if Scotty M finds out that you hold such 'unAustrayan' views you might find yourself locked up in an off-shore camp :wink:
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I love the UK, and miss it dearly sometimes.


I make no attempt to hide the fact that I hate the policies of the current Abbot government.


I'll never 'get' AFL and have absolutely no intention of doing so.


I'll never support Australia in the Ashes.


The TV is dire.


Some of the people are complete idiots, but I'm coming to the conclusion (based on what I've read on here) that a large number of them are British expats.



BUT...I've just returned from a lovely 'Aussie' holiday with my lovely Aussie wife and Aussie kids, in beautiful southern NSW. I live in a nice town, have a really nice job, nice house, nice friends, nice life.



On balance, I'd say that a part of me will always be just a bit Australian, regardless of whether I get citizenship, which I KNOW is a real bone of contention for some on here. :biglaugh:


So, no I'd have to decline.

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I love the UK, and miss it dearly sometimes.


I make no attempt to hide the fact that I hate the policies of the current Abbot government.


I'll never 'get' AFL and have absolutely no intention of doing so.


I'll never support Australia in the Ashes.


The TV is dire.


Some of the people are complete idiots, but I'm coming to the conclusion (based on what I've read on here) that a large number of them are British expats.



BUT...I've just returned from a lovely 'Aussie' holiday with my lovely Aussie wife and Aussie kids, in beautiful southern NSW. I live in a nice town, have a really nice job, nice house, nice friends, nice life.



On balance, I'd say that a part of me will always be just a bit Australian, regardless of whether I get citizenship, which I KNOW is a real bone of contention for some on here. :biglaugh:


So, no I'd have to decline.


Which part of you is that then? :wink:

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Well, his hatred of that trio would be shared by quite a significant minority (nay, majority?) of native Aussies, I reckon...


My life moves along, with all the usual 'ups and downs' we all experience, but these 'ups and downs' are largely unaffected by whosoever is in government at the time. At a personal level, I do not particularly care who is Prime Minister, and as far as TV and radio programmes, and newspapers, that I don't like, well, I don't have to look, listen or read them.


If I hated Tony Abbott, 2GB, and Newscorp as much as he does, well, I would move countries, although most of the English speaking democracies have Tory governments in power, and of course, 'your darling Rupert' owns media in most of them too.

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You can talk! I've heard you crap on at great length how much you hated 'Juliar' (oh how I laughed!) and 'Krudd' in their 6 years of power.


Build a bridge and get over it, I ain't going anywhere.


BTW your tory bilge fest will end, eventually, enjoy your time in the sun.


My life moves along, with all the usual 'ups and downs' we all experience, but these 'ups and downs' are largely unaffected by whosoever is in government at the time. At a personal level, I do not particularly care who is Prime Minister, and as far as TV and radio programmes, and newspapers, that I don't like, well, I don't have to look, listen or read them.


If I hated Tony Abbott, 2GB, and Newscorp as much as he does, well, I would move countries, although most of the English speaking democracies have Tory governments in power, and of course, 'your darling Rupert' owns media in most of them too.

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You can talk! I've heard you crap on at great length how much you hated 'Juliar' (oh how I laughed!) and 'Krudd' in their 6 years of power.


Build a bridge and get over it, I ain't going anywhere.


BTW your tory bilge fest will end, eventually, enjoy your time in the sun.


My life will be just as great when Tanya Plibersek is PM but you will still be bitter.That is difference between me and you.


And hopefully she will not repeat Juliar A to Z OF how not to run a country.


I don't mind Tanya either as she is socialist. Made good ie combined 3 or 400000 income and nice home in inner city well away from any plebs!

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My life will be just as great when Tanya Plibersek is PM but you will still be bitter.That is difference between me and you.


Well Dave, if you've got a straw, clutch it, that's what I always say :smile:

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I turned on news at 6pm and I turned it off before 601. Too depressing. I'm sick of The Middle East, Eboli, etc. But would it be any different under ALP Govt?Of course not. Bill Shorten is "All the way with LBJ " because he has seen the same intelligence as Tony Abbott.


Or because he doesn't have the wit or the courage to offer anything different?. You can't get a cigarette paper between the two major parties in Australia (not much different in the UK either) in terms of policy, on just about anything. Ah well, at least I'm not legally obliged to vote for either of them.

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Or because he doesn't have the wit or the courage to offer anything different?. You can't get a cigarette paper between the two major parties in Australia (not much different in the UK either) in terms of policy, on just about anything. Ah well, at least I'm not legally obliged to vote for either of them.


And what is your alternative? Lots of different parties with lots of different agendas, thus leading to endless coalition governments that continually fall apart, generating endless elections. Or perhaps you would prefer a dictatorship?


Bill Shorten backs up Tony Abbott on this issue because he knows there is no alternative, and he knows the consequences of not following the same policies.

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Not a lot of used to me since I'm already here but if I'd been offered it in 2013 I'd have still said no, however certain I was that returning to the UK was the right thing to do and so far it has definitely worked out that way, I wouldn't have closed the door before knowing that for certain, why do that for under $1000? Even now, i wouldn't give up my Australian citizenship easily, who knows my son may migrate one day and never day never.

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And what is your alternative? Lots of different parties with lots of different agendas, thus leading to endless coalition governments that continually fall apart, generating endless elections. Or perhaps you would prefer a dictatorship?


Bill Shorten backs up Tony Abbott on this issue because he knows there is no alternative, and he knows the consequences of not following the same policies.



Yeah Dave, because having choices, different ways of approaching governing is a bad thing right?. One of the reasons why there is such political disaffection in the UK is the perception among voters that the parties are 'all the same,' all part of a remote Westminster Village which takes core voters for granted and is unconcerned about their lives. As much as I dislike UKIP, you can see where some of their popularity stems from, they're not yet tainted in the eyes of voters as being part of a remote Westminster elite.


So your answer is for parties to adopt a right of centre consensus where there are the LNP and the LNP-lite (or Labor as they're otherwise known) and it doesn't matter who's in power because there is no other way of doing business? Yeah cos choices, and the prospect of parties doing things differently from each other are really confusing for voters aren't they?


And you suggest that I'd like a dictatorship. Are you sure it's not you who'd like one?


What do they smoke in Strawbo Hills?:biglaugh:

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