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To stopover or fly straight through????


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Hiya all


After getting the wonderful email grant a few weeks ago and after FINALLY sorting out a few things we are now looking at booking our flights home....YIPEE!!!!!


Unfortunately this in itself brings up another dilemma which I am hoping others on here have some advice about please.


We are a family of four - my partner, myself and our two children (daughter who will be 3 in late November and son who is currently 20 months).


We are looking to fly out the first week of November with Singapore Airlines (through Changi Airport).


My question is do people think we should do a long(ish) stopover and book the hotel inside the airport so we can rest, relax and refresh before doing the final leg home. Or should we simply just deal with the minimum 5 hour stopover to get it all over and done with as soon as possible.


If we do the longer stopover it means leaving London in the morning/early afternoon when both kids will be at their peak in exuberance and wanting to run around so will be more of a handful (perhaps) on the plane for the long first journey. It also means they will likely sleep in the hotel at Changi airport but not be wanting to sleep on the second leg of the journey even though that is a night flight as well (landing in Adelaide around 8am the next morning).


If we do the short stopover it means not boarding the plane until around 9pm at night when both will be overtired and excited because of the new experience of flying and all the people around so may get grumpy and teary and be noisy and annoy other passengers somewhat. It does mean however that they will eventually fall sleep and stay that way for most of the flight. We would have approx 5 hour stopover in Changi where we would let the kids run free and go on the skytrain to the play area so they are worn out and ready to sleep again on the second leg of the journey.


My thoughts were to go for the second option and just get it all over and done with asap but I have heard multiple horror stories of both options so am curious as to what other families have done when taking their children to Australia.


Any and all advice and suggestions and experience stories would be greatly appreciated (we are not interested in exploring Singapore and stopping over for a few days to break the flights up - just want to get home asap).




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Guest The Pom Queen

Have you considered having a short holiday in Singapore? I think I would do this if making the journey again.

Ive had family who have done both options and both said they would never fly straight through again. I remember when we came over we stayed in the transit hotel and because the kids didn't want to sleep we took it in turns. One of us would take them to the pool whilst the other would have a sleep and then swap over.

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I have stopped over for 2-3 days before and it's a nice way to do it. Singapore is a great location for both children and adults. It also makes adjusting to the time zone a little easier, in my opinion. I'm currently in Australia at the moment and flew direct from Amsterdam to Sydney, with a short stop over in Dubai and am doing the same on the way back to London this weekend. However, we're travelling business class which makes the non-stop flight a lot more tolerable!


EDIT: I realise you said you're not interested in exploring Singapore, but I would still highly recommend it. :)

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For a holiday in Australia (or in the UK from Australia) I would whole heartedly agree with a longish stop-over in Singapore but for the initial one-way migration trip I wouldn't, mainly down to the amount of luggage you will have - even if you aren't travelling with the double allowance it is amazing what you will be able to carry - your 3 year old will have a full luggage allowance - a large hold bag, a carry-on bag and a 'handbag' (sounds daft but believe me you will want to squeeze every last thing in) as well as the same for you of course, plus you may have strollers too. Personally I think at that point just get there and get it over with.


If you can stay for a few hours at Singapore airport without your luggage then that is worthwhile, it is a really lovely place but from the timing you give, I would go for getting a 9pm flight, you will probably find they will sleep pretty much to arrival which will be much easier for you. That said whatever you do they will be awake at the wrong times and tbh I see little point in paying for a transit hotel if you are not going to get a sleep - and with two under fives i don't think you stand much chance of them both being asleep at the same time! Sorry :)


I have travelled long haul with my son since he was 3 months old and it has never been a bad experience (well there was that one time but that was an internal UK flight and due to incompetence by Easyjet staff!) - you will survive honest!!!

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Nah, get it all over and done with in one hit. I've done it direct and done it with stop overs and much prefer straight through - getting back on the plane for the second leg is a chore. If you're stopping over for a week it's more worthwhile I suppose but usually I want to get to my destination to spend time there. The kids will be just fine - better than you, probably!

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We've opted for a 13 hr stop over in Changi. I've booked a hotel so we can get a few hours sleep. The last time we flew we just had a couple of hours but.....my son does not travel very well. He chucked up on the plane, cinema seats at the air port, in the loo, in a bag boarding the plane, not good! He had to lock himself in the loo for an hour when they brought the food round. So for us a dose of travel meds and a sleepover is the way to go!

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We flew out in June with our 2 and a half year old with Singapore Airlines, we had a 1 hour stop over from Singapore to Australia - having done the journey i was glad to just get it all out of the way! Plus with the service you get with Singapore airlines, our little girl was very comfortable! x

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In my opinion you've paid for the flights so you're getting a very cheap holiday in an exotic destination if you stopover somewhere for a week or two.



That's my policy too! Unless you are constrained by needing to be back at work by a specific date, take the stopover!

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OK here is my experience when flying the same route with young child.


We opt for the night flight out of Heathrow every time. We travel up during the day, when son was younger he'd nap or as he got older he did other things. We like a coach to the airport as it means son can walk around, we don't have to worry about driving and can spend more time occupying kidlet.


We take the nightflight, usually the 10-11pm window but sometimes a bit earlier. You check in a couple of hours ahead, head through immigration and security and can then relax a bit. Let kids wander round, go stock up on anything from the shops you may need on the flight, get the kids something to eat. Then when we get down to the gate and before boarding, we would change son into his PJ's and go through his nighttime routine as much as possible. People with kids are some of the first to board. Once on the plane hubby got our bags sorted and I got son into his sleeping bag and got him settled on my lap. By the time we had taken off and the seatbelt sign went off he had conked out. He had a seat to himself (they bumped someone up to business so it was spare next to us) and so we put him in that and could eat and relax a bit. He slept for 8 hours and only fell out of the seat twice, both times we just scooped him up and put him back. Woke 3 ish hours before landing and I got him some breakfast (too early for airline brekkie so had my own for him). Had Weetabix and I had a small carton of milk to pour over it. I also had a mini pack of Cornflakes and he eats those dry. Then he had a drink and by then everyone was waking up so he went for a wander. I also stock up on snack foods for when he was hungry, things I knew he liked and would be happy to see. Also I had hand luggage for him with small toys, colouring book and a few small books.


Changi - Fab airport with kids. Just go with the flow. We usually head for the swimming pool in T1 on the hotel roof (take bathers, towels/showers are included in the pool fee) via the skytrain from the other terminal, they run very few minutes and are another bit to the adventure. Pool is open to everyone and not expensive. Son loves a splash, can lounge around by the pool and we all shower and freshen up and then relax in one of the play areas. Kids usually keep going through this and by the time boarding comes round at about 10pm Singapore time its getting closer to their UK bodyclock and so we find son will conk out soon after take off. Again at Changi we feed him if he is hungry, get some fresh air by the pool and just let him wear himself out. Slept for about 3-4 hours of that flight then woke, had some breakfast, watched some TV and got excited when we saw Glenelg beach in the distance.


I really like the 5 hour or so stopover at Changi. Last time when we were getting ready to head down to boarding, we popped son into his PJ's and caught the sky train back to T3 and he was happy as anything as they had another small play area for him to run around in.


So yeah, night flight gets my vote. Both legs its the kids bodyclock nighttime IYKWIM and they do tend to sleep (other kids I noticed tended to be the same as ours). Sure some get grumpy and tired but they do tend to conk out and can sleep pretty much anywhere. As son gets older we may go for daytime flights more but I get really bored awake for 13 hours on a plane so my preference is still nightflights.





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I choose flights with a big gap between flights, stop over at Changi airport, have a snooze in the cheap hotel, shower and breakfast and on the plane again... If it's a hassle getting kids stuff on and off then may not be worth it, but do find my approach helps you arrive half human! ...or get business class :)

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When we emigrated we had a 2 year old and had a stopover in Singapore for a couple of days. It didn't cost much more than flying straight through as Singapore airlines seems to want you to stay over for a couple of days, must do their economy good. Didn't stay at the airport hotel though, they organised a really nice one in town. It was a nice relaxing time and felt like a holiday, got us on the right time zone and we felt as though we'd seen somewhere we might not get chance to again.


If the cost is not a lot more I would do that. Wouldn't bother with a short stay at the airport hotel, the kids might be bouncing around no matter what the time and you might be tired. There is a pool at the airport where you can go and relax but apart from that you will just be delaying getting back on the plane for another few hours flight.

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I've done both options and I would definitely say a day or so stopover is the way to go. Book into a hotel and just rest. You are much more with it when you arrive at the other side. Its hard enough being jet lagged but I reckon it would be even harder with kids! Safe trip

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Our flight from Heathrow was delayed once so missed our connecting flight in Singapore and had to catch a later flight that same day, but boy were we looked after, exclusive passport check, coach transfers into a city hotel, room with lunch and evening meals, wake up call in time to get evening meal and coach back to airport, bags stayed at airport so no lugging and checking-in, some people needed their bags and that was no problem too. Would not say we were any more refreshed once in Brisbane, more like refreshed for the 8 hr flight.

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Jet lag is a serious matter so I would stop over for as long as possible to help adjust to the new time zone when you finally land in Adelaide


Only if you do suffer from it, though most people will tend to suffer from it to a greater or lesser degree (hence the varying advice on this thread), and it also varies dependant on which direction you are going, and the times of travelling etc. etc.

Personally speaking it has little effect on us, we just try to live local time asap, so if we land in the morning we do things to stay awake until something like normal bed time that evening. Also with the greater choice in flight times now we try and get flights that land later in the day so we get to bed sooner. All harder with little children I know, but you get to know what is the best way that most suits you and yours.

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WOW thank you everyone for your advice and suggestions. As one poster mentioned there isnt much consensus on what to do and it all makes me think no matter the decision we take it is going to be an interesting 24+ hours.


My general feeling is that the children are too young to really get any benefit out of stopping and exploring Singapore (almost 3 and almost 2) so the stop would be for me and my partner and we both hate weather which is high humidity so stopping would just put us both in a bad mood and make the trip harder.


We flew to Aust once with my daugther when she was 7 months old and we had a bit of a hard time getting her to settle when we took the night flight as it was way past her bedtime but she wouldnt sleep as she was so excited with what was going on around her and there was a food service before the lights went out so she was awake and grumpy which was rough but she did eventually sleep (on me pretty much the whole flight), it was just the start that was difficult, other than that she was really good.


This time around we have seats for both the kids (paying a bit extra to get one for our son even though he isnt technically 2 when we fly and we could not, but he is so dead against being held all the time we know that it would be better all round for him to have his own space) so hopefully that will make things a bit easier on us but i have my suspicions that they will sleep on us as opposed to in their seats.


From what others have said Changi has some good entertainment for the kids and enough to occupy them for a few hours before we have to get the next flight (and enough to hopefully wear them out). They dont swim (to be rectified once we hit Aust) so the pool option is out but the play centre looks great and my daughter loves trains so she will like being on the skytrain.


The thought of having to check out and then check back in with our luggage and pram and carry ons just sends me into a tailspin as I dont like the idea of having to live out of a suitcase for a few days and then have to pack it all back up again and getting the kids to sleep in a hotel would just be frustrating. I would prefer to get them settled into their new rooms/beds in Adelaide as soon as possible.


My mum is collecting us in Adelaide and has said she will help watch the kids if my partner and I flake out from the jet lag/time difference so that is one plus for flying straight through. I know from past experience that I will end up having a nap for about an hour or two but still go to sleep in the evening no problems, so having someone there to take the pressure off us with the kids for a few hours is great and a definite bonus to flying straight through.


Thank you everyone for your advice and suggestions, just reading about everyone's experience has helped me put things straight in my mind and I am definitely leaning towards taking the night flight, a short stopover in the airport and then the connecting flight to Adelaide all in the 24 hour period. Get it all over and done with asap is what I am thinking. 24 hours is going to be enough let alone stretching it out to a couple days or more.


Cheers again :)

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Snifter I am hoping you might be able to help me out with this query - I am stressing about what I can/cannot get through the airport security food/snack wise for the kids. My kids are rather fussy eaters so I doubt they are going to eat much (if any) of the food the airline supplies so I want to be able to bring as much as I can that I know they will eat. I know I can order some items from the Boots past security so we can collect them before flying but I am just wondering what I can take through security as its all so confusing.


Did you bring anything through security or did you buy it all in the airport before boarding? If you took it through security what items did you take?


Thank you :)

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We had a holiday on the way over. 3 nights in L.A and 5 nights in Fiji. It was the best thing we could have done - we arrived fresh and relaxed. The luggage was a bit of a pain but manageable.


I don't see the point in a one night stop over. It just prolongs the journey.

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It's drinks you can't take through the initial security. Well, any fluid over 100ml.


You can get all kinds once the other side. Sealed cartons are good IMHO over bottles. I got some of those small apple juice packs from Smiths or Boots.


Food wise, you can take stuff through that's sealed or pre packed. So crackers, chew bars, flapjack, biscuits, mini packs of cereal, that sort of thing. The airline can provide you milk for the cereal though I got a mini pack of Uht from Boots before we went to the gate.


Don't forget you can also eat at one of the cafés or restaurants after clearing immigration and security. We went and had a meal, son scoffed spag bol down with gusto.


And Singapore airlines do lovely food. The kids menu was great, a really nice pasta dish, lots of fresh fruit and yogurt. Plus snacks. Cooked breakfast or continental.


If you get them to eat a meal before you fly (if on a night flight) they will only really want/need breakfast and snacks on the first leg. Same again on the second.


ETA - Changi are also strict on liquids from the airport between flights. So take a bottle you can empty before you go through security to board and then fill up afterwards. Its simple enough, lots of fountains around.

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Snifter I am hoping you might be able to help me out with this query - I am stressing about what I can/cannot get through the airport security food/snack wise for the kids. My kids are rather fussy eaters so I doubt they are going to eat much (if any) of the food the airline supplies so I want to be able to bring as much as I can that I know they will eat. I know I can order some items from the Boots past security so we can collect them before flying but I am just wondering what I can take through security as its all so confusing.


Did you bring anything through security or did you buy it all in the airport before boarding? If you took it through security what items did you take?


Thank you :)


It's no problem to bring through packaged food such as crisps etc but anything that could be classed as liquid wouldn't be allowed through.

Some airports won't even allow you to take bottled water on board that's been bought airside! At Abu Dhabi, I was made to drink mine or dispose of it.


Most airlines provide special meals for kids and serve them before the adults.

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