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Aunt Agatha

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This is driven by curiosity on my part so feel free to ignore on the grounds of nosiness!


I thought it might be interesting to see when people are planning on returning to the UK and where to (just area/region if you want to keep things general) or when you returned and where if you have already done it.


We are planning to go back around Feb/Mar/Apr but it's a bit flexible dependent on jobs. Initially we were set on Northumberland but now it's expanded to "The North" first and "everywhere else" second. My latest favourite is York.


Anyone else happy to share?

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Hi Aunt Agatha, we are planning on going back next year, probably end of July. This will allow us enough time to save for the move and for our son to start year 3 in September. We will be returning to Cheshire as we have a house there. Me and my other half are from Yorkshire originally and while I often hanker after a return there, it is making more financial sense for us to move back into our house, especially as we are planning on looking for jobs once we get back.


I would also love to be near York, as I grew up not too far from there! However I worry about job availability and know that we would be in with a good chance being near to Manchester.

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Guest paul52

In 80 days (and counting) our house sale completes, probably a week after that we will fly home. Will have been here nearly 9 years to the day, cant wait

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I move back to Scarborough as that's where I am from, just to get better since developing anxiety in Oz. When my OH returned from Sydney done months later and I started work we moved to York. Lived in York previously and loved it. As I didn't have time to house hunt my OH did it.. so we live 2 streets away from the knaves mire. . It's just beautiful. .I was in the back of the motor bike the other day going over one of the bridges in the centre of York and I just thought. .I love in the most beautiful city in the world. Sun was out, people happily buzzing about, we had a lovely day planned together. . Just perfect.

I work in Leeds.. On the train to work as we speak. It's 25mins on the train. . Which is ace. So don't move to Leeds if you like York. . It's just down the road. Leeds has been converted into an amazing shopping place but I personally wouldn't want to live in Leeds. Look up the trinity shopping centre. . It's lovely. The plan is to move out of the centre when we can buy.. As I want a donkey.. ha! And a dog.

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Good luck @paul52 - does 80 days land you in time for Christmas?


Ooh @Wellers and Whitehead, I didn't realise the commute from York to Leeds was only 25 mins on the train, that's very good news. I have found a couple of lovely villages near Leeds so that may work but it's nice to know York is still a possibility. I love York, it's so beautiful and has such a great vibe. Will Google Trinity Shopping Centre, thanks. A donkey?! Excellent :-)

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Guest paul52
Good luck @paul52 - does 80 days land you in time for Christmas?



Yes, plan on being back in uk mid November, just enough time to get settled before our first proper family Christmas in 9 years. So much to do, im sure the 80 days will go before we know it.

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I'm also planning on returning to the UK in 2015, probably around April. Lots of factors to consider, i.e. selling house here in Oz and getting a job in the UK. I'm not 100% sure where to settle - most of my family live in Hampshire and my sister is in Surrey. Scary house prices in the south of England, however looks like things may be settling down a little. I don't want to live in a big city, so am going to wait until I get there and have a look around first and rent somewhere for six months or so. Very excited about the move, but also slightly overwhelmed at the amount of hoops to jump through. Silly me let my old British Passport expire many years ago, so currently going through the process of reapplying from scratch. They want so much more information and documentation these days!

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Im from a nice little village in the Ribble valley in Lancashire. I love york and chester too!! too expensive for me to live tho. Ive only been in Perth for 9 months so it is too soon for us to leave, but me and the hubby talk a lot about 'home' and where we would like to go back too and my answer would be, from exactly where we came as the village life, friends, cricket on a sunday and the nosy neighbours are what we miss most. Plus i worked and socialised a lot in Manchester which isn't far x

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where we would like to go back too and my answer would be, from exactly where we came as the village life, friends, cricket on a sunday and the nosy neighbours are what we miss most.


Ha, same here. Funny isnt it. what you want was right under your nose all along. Takes a move like this to make you see it though.


We are from a small village in Suffolk, lovely part of the country and I remember going to the post office or shop and hearing people talking about other people and always seeing someone I knew no matter where I went and them all hearing something about me, my wife, our kids or our friends (most of it rubbish) but at the time I thought "god I wont miss this in Aus" but....I do, its made me realise that I was part of something and wasnt invisible like we seem to be here.


Anyhow, time will tell.

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Ha, same here. Funny isnt it. what you want was right under your nose all along. Takes a move like this to make you see it though.


We are from a small village in Suffolk, lovely part of the country and I remember going to the post office or shop and hearing people talking about other people and always seeing someone I knew no matter where I went and them all hearing something about me, my wife, our kids or our friends (most of it rubbish) but at the time I thought "god I wont miss this in Aus" but....I do, its made me realise that I was part of something and wasnt invisible like we seem to be here.


Anyhow, time will tell.


I understand as I last lived in a village in Nottingham, and even though had moved away for quite some time when visiting would pass people in the street, who would say, haven't seen you for a while, made me smile as we probably hadn't lived there for years It was nice, but somehow we had moved on, and we had changed, where as they were still living the same life. Nothing wrong with that of course it was just that we had changed, hope you fit back in.

don't get me wrong we still have great friends there who welcome us back on every visit, we all go out for a great meal, enjoy ourselves, and then they say we haven't done this since your last visit.

We keep regularly in touch with many friends there, but we wouldn't move back there, we left over 20 years ago, and our children have grown up and live their own lives, which is why we have done our own thing in retirement.

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We're already back in the UK - we moved back to Falkirk, it's not where we are from but it is where we moved from to Australia and it is where our son was born plus we had an investment property there so it meant we didn't have to rent. I'm originally from the North East and my OH from the North West, we had lived 13 years in the South East before moving to Falkirk originally in 2002 so Falkirk was as much 'home' as anywhere else.


We actually didn't plan to stay long-term, we were going to move closer to Edinburgh but a year on we realised that we couldn't have been happier - we did need to move house though so just two weeks ago we moved to our new home in the same village. We're only 20 minutes from our sons school in Edinburgh so it is do-able and the last train for nights out is 12:30 - at my age that's late enough!

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Since last discussing this on here, we have literally been priced out of essex! unless the market radically changes in 12 months we cannot live near family. Both the buyers and rental market have gone nuts in the south east- we cannot justify the rental prices on a normal family home. We are now in another limbo, trying to work out somewhere we both could live happily in, accessible within 2 hours to family. it sort of leaves us with dorset suffolk kent etc. we have also considered the south west but that again puts hours on our support networks. really peeved and hoping the market goes back down again. nothing against moving somewhere new but a real headache deciding on a location and researching.

leeds is a great city and lived there before moving there, but sadly it's a great city surrounded by quite a lot of bad suburbs with a lot of crime. york would be the go imo.

good luck to all- making the most of our last hot summer this year- and the semi affordable rental prices here in SA.

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we have literally been priced out of essex! unless the market radically changes in 12 months we cannot live near family


You will be able to live closer to them than you currently are in Australia...every cloud and all that.....


it sort of leaves us with dorset suffolk kent etc.


all lovely places, suffolk especially, its where we are from and havent lived anywhere as beautiful and picturesque yet. Accessible to London, hours drive to Stanstead airport..so Europe on your doorstep basically. My wifes parents live in france and we usually have breakfast at home and are sitting down in their garden for lunch...what more can you ask for!

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Sorry to hear that @thinker78 I know how much work goes into researching areas to live, especially when you have to factor in school catchment areas too. Can you head north of Essex? You might get a bit more for your money.


I'd definitely prefer to live in York over Leeds but the work seems to be in Leeds. Commuting is possible but I'm wondering if it would just be easier to find a nice village close to Leeds. Our criteria for our next move was schools, commute, village/suburb with the right "vibe" in that order.

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We have a BIG triangle

South of Birmingham to Exeter, Across to Southampton then back up the M40 to Birmingham.

Depends where I can get work.

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