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A photographic journey around Western Australia

Guest Guest55385

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Guest Guest55385

Hey guys,


I thought I would share a different blog post with you all today.


We spent 2 years in WA and I created this photo blog as a result: http://www.thelighthouseunderthestars.com/2014/04/27/2098/


I'm always happy for feedback, so please let me know what you think.


We now live in Brisbane, sadly, and we do miss the natural beauty of WA.



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Wow Wow Wow is all I can say.


Ive been to all these places, but your photos really do them justice.


I really cant believe im so lucky to live in just an amazing place....who needs to go anywhere else:jiggy:


Thank you for posting your wonderful photos

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For some reason I opened your page and all I see is the writing and no photos. First time I've heard Cottesloe described as being famous for pub brawls? Fair enough their was a guy pushed through a window last year who died but that's the only incident that's been bad. My son goes to the Sunday sessions there sometimes and he thinks it's a good place.


We went to a wedding reception in one of the caves at Yanchep. Best reception I've ever been to, what a tremendous place, very spacious and they must have got someone in to do the lighting, really professional job.

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Loved these pictures. They brought back lovely memories. I just can't wait to get there for good. Love Perth and it's surroundings. I've been as far North as the Pinnacles (truly awesome) and south to Bunbury. I can't wait to explore even more. Perth itself is just beautiful and you have brought it back to life for me. Thank you.

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Bumping this thread....cos it did first appear while the UK slept.


for anyone thinking of making WA home...even for a short while these pictures sum up beautifully why the majority of us love living in Perth and having these incredible places on our doorstep

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Guest Guest55385

Hi guys,


Thank you so much for all your comments. I am sorry I didn't respond straight away, for some reason all these messages went into my spam box???


WA was very special for its natural beauty. I loved to explore there and so much was on the door step.



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Guest Guest55385
Amazing photos! Thanks for sharing. I would love to get into photography and capture the beauty of WA as well. What kind of camera have you got and will I need a few different lenses to get decent photos like yours?




Hi Jim,


I have a Nikon D7000 and a number of lenses. It has taken me 2 yrs to learn how to use my camera properly and get the best out of it. I have learnt that you can use a cheaper camera and still get great results, you just have to learn how to use it. it is great fun but it can be very frustrating lol. You should give it a bash :)



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