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Nerves kicking in about leaving


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i posted something similar yesterday in general and had some nice responses. I thought I may get more replies if I posted in migration. The reality that we may get our visa granted soon has hit me and nerves are taking over. My emotions jump from real excitement to omg what am I doing which I think a lot of people will experience and is normal. I'm looking for support from people taking the same path either preparing to emigrate or who have emigrated. I sometimes feel that no one understands how I'm feeling so talking to others in the same situation will be a great help. I'm trying hard not to drive myself insane :unsure:

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Morning Elven , my wife and I had this very conversation last night , we applied for a 189 visa on the 28th of April , uploaded every document apart from the form 80 and each morning we check our e mails for any news and the waiting is driving us mad . Our emotions are also swinging from hurry up to my god what are we doing but deep down we know this is something we need to try or we would regret it for the rest of our lives . Our lives are good here in cold wet Scotland ,both have good jobs ,kids doing well in school , good friends etc but the pull of Australia for us is stronger , yes we will miss our friends and family but we have to live our lives for ourselves and not for other people plus we are teaching our parents how Skype works .

So you are not alone in feeling the way you do ,we are feeling it too , oh where are you guys heading to ? we are still torn between Perth and Melbourne

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We emigrated last Sept after 9 years in the planning. I met my OH in Sydney in 2002, we returned to the UK in 2004, planning for a couple of years stay then move back to Oz, life just took over though !!


We applied for the visa in Feb 13 it was granted in July and I think it then sank in we were going. Even more so when I finished work and got shipping quotes and booked our one way flights.


I did even the week before think to myself what the heck am I doing. Nice house, car etc, kids settled in daycare, friends, family all the things you are leaving behind and start to realise they will be there, but not accessable as easily any more. Skype is no substitute for a hug from your mum when your down. The next I would be excited about moving to a new country, how great the weather would be and what we could do with the kids we couldn't in the UK.


I'd lie awake at night occasionally worrying. The worst thing was saying bye to family and especially my grandad in the knowledge I may not see him alive again.


I think the emotions you are feeling are normal, I can say I defiantly felt the same, it's a huge move.


I found as it got nearer I had so many things to do I didn't think about it as much.


We are now settled in the Gold Coast, kids settled in Kindy. It got to 16 last night and I had a cardy on !!! My husbands family are here, hence why we came to this area, but I still miss my family.


Sorry this ended up slit longer post than intended !!


I hope it all goes well for you and for you Monk.



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Hi Elven,


You are not alone! But you must stay optimistic and positive. Myself and my OH (25 and 23) are moving out to Sydney in September but very nervous as we have never visited Australia before and it has all happened very quickly for us.


When I think about how many years people spend planning and saving up for a big move like this, I panic when I compare it to my situation. Here's how it all happened for us:


December 2013: My OH sent an email to a company he has links to merely enquiring if a job in Australia would be an option at any point in the future and how to pursue this if it was.


January 2014: The CEO of the Australian company flew to the UK to meet my OH. The OH took this as 'The big interview' so suited up and did his research. He was greeted by a friendly Aussie who immediately said 'Take your tie off, you're an Aussie now, we don't wear them!' (So looked like he'd already made his mind up)


February 2014: The contract was drawn up and a migration agent engaged by the company in Oz.


April 2014: The application for the 457 visa was submitted and granted less than 3 weeks later!


June 2014: We booked our shipping and started to panic!


We are due to arrive in September but dates are subject to OH's training so we still don't have an exact date to go by, scary stuff!


I agree with you that it is a whirlwind of emotions and a lot to take on board but I try to stay positive and think is this opportunity ever going to present itself to me again? and can I handle not taking it and thinking 'what if?' for the rest of my life? At the end of the day, the worst case scenario is that it doesn't work out, so you come back home and pick up where you left off with fantastic life-experience under your belt and some amazing stories to tell!


You only live once and the only person in charge is you, so make it count! - That's what I keep telling myself anyway :wink:


I wish you all the best and if there's anything that I can help with to make it less stressful, I'd be more than happy to!

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Hi Elven,


I'm in a similar situation - visa close to being granted and the big move not too far away.


I think at the moment I'm too busy with organising everything to really start worrying, but sometimes it just hits me really hard.

Leaving my family behind (although we are not currently in the same country they are still a lot closer and easier to reach than from Australia) and starting over in a new country that I really don't know that well.

My partner will have his whole support network there (family, friends) while I won't know anyone apart from the few people that I've met over my past visits. Lovely as they all are, this worries me sometimes which it shouldn't do as I've moved abroad several times before, always on my own and never had an issues with making friends.


But hey, that's what a move across the globe coupled with long months of waiting for a visa will do to you.


As @Haze9229 mentioned, it's such a brave thing to do and what if it doesn't work out? So what! At least you gave it a shot and won't be one of those people that look back and ask "what if".


Elven, it will all be fine and we're all going to have an amazing time in Australia. I mean, just look at the sunshine & the beaches ;)


@Dawn2002 we're heading for the Gold Coast too. Yay!

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Know exactly how you feel - we've just exchanged on our house and have started booking everything.


Our flights are now booked for 26 August, which absolutely excites, then terrifies me!! It's a real rollercoaster of emotions as each 'big step' happens.


You are definitely not alone! When and where are you looking to move to??

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Hi Rheia


Been here 9 months now !! Had a few wobbles but hey have passed. Got hold of some chocolate hob nobs and Branston pickle today and had 10 minutes of absolute home sickness/.bliss combined !!! Sounds like you are in a similar situation, OH family is here, they're great, but they're his family if you know what I mean !


I won't lie it has been a difficult 9 months, especially as I am a stay at home mum now, but I have met people through PIO, they have become good friends and it is good to speak to people who are going through similar emotions to you.


Please pm me with any questions you have on the Gold Coast,( and if you want to catch up when you get here). I can't profess to be an expert on the area as I am still discovering myself, but I'll try to help if I can.


So you know it was 24 today according to the car, but a bit breezy on the beach !!


Haze 9229 as you say positivity and giving it a go is the key.Good luck with the move, both of you.

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Thank you for your responses everyone, you's may have saved my sanity, well what's left of it lol. Hearing that you's are feeling the same way is such a support it really is. I knew my emotions were to be expected under the circumstances. My OH has a brother in Brisbane so we're looking at settling around that area but it really depends on where work take us. We visited Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Byron bay, surfers Paradice, Brisbane and a few other places in March this year and liked them all. I'm leaving my sons behind one is 26 and an officer in the army and the other one is 21 just finished uni but won't entertain the idea of coming with us :(

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Guest dannii28

Hi everyone!


Same here we are booking our flights this weekend and I'm terrified now hahaha could have them book now but I'm slightly stalling aarrgghhh hahaaa. We have lived on the gold coast in the past so we are heading back there to :-)


We will arrive end of October be great to stay in touch with others goin the Goldie :-)

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Morning Elven , my wife and I had this very conversation last night , we applied for a 189 visa on the 28th of April , uploaded every document apart from the form 80 and each morning we check our e mails for any news and the waiting is driving us mad . Our emotions are also swinging from hurry up to my god what are we doing but deep down we know this is something we need to try or we would regret it for the rest of our lives . Our lives are good here in cold wet Scotland ,both have good jobs ,kids doing well in school , good friends etc but the pull of Australia for us is stronger , yes we will miss our friends and family but we have to live our lives for ourselves and not for other people plus we are teaching our parents how Skype works .

So you are not alone in feeling the way you do ,we are feeling it too , oh where are you guys heading to ? we are still torn between Perth and Melbourne


If you're torn, go Melbourne. I know there will be Perthites who will howl, and Perth is a perfectly nice place - but the thing is, if you don't like it, you're stuck. It will cost you a fortune to move from Perth to anywhere else in Australia. If you're trying to find jobs in other states, you'll be spending a fortune on air fares (and flying the red-eye). Plus houses, and costs in general, are higher than in Melbourne.

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Thank you for your responses everyone, you's may have saved my sanity, well what's left of it lol. Hearing that you's are feeling the same way is such a support it really is. I knew my emotions were to be expected under the circumstances. My OH has a brother in Brisbane so we're looking at settling around that area but it really depends on where work take us. We visited Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Byron bay, surfers Paradice, Brisbane and a few other places in March this year and liked them all. I'm leaving my sons behind one is 26 and an officer in the army and the other one is 21 just finished uni but won't entertain the idea of coming with us :(


You will probably miss your sons but they're grown up and doing their own stuff anyway. It will be harder when they start to have families - grand parenting on Skype sucks TBH - but by then you will have worked out what works for you. You will have to harden your heart with the expectation that you won't see some of your olds again, but them's the breaks.


Dont burn any bridges - take a career break, rent out your house etc and treat it as an adventure and it will probably be fine. Worst case scenario is that it won't be what you are looking for so you can move on. I'm pretty sure I never had any "OMG!" Wobbles but, then, I was younger and less risk averse. I didn't even have any "am I doing the right thing?" agonies when we returned maybe because I there is always the possibility of making another move if and when it is needed. Nothing is forever until you are pushing up daisies I reckon and in the meantime enjoy the ride!

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Hi Tina and Dannii and anyone who's going to brisbane and the Gold Coast area


Im so pleased with the responses and would like to keep in touch especially when we've landed and starting our new adventure. I like company and keeping busy so making new friends will be very important to me :)


Thanks Quoll, we're not burning any bridges and will be renting the house out. I also feel like taking a break from hairdressing and trying something different. I'm an outdoor person who loves swimming and keeping fit. Nothing is forever so taking one day at a time and trying not to over think things is the way forward.

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Totally agree it is very nerve racking and I didn't cry until the last day it's a very strange time


It is hard and you all have very tough times , my mum in law suddenly passed away just 6 months after we arrived she was young and well when we left


We never ever anticipated these things so early on in the journey and at first felt like there were just one thing after another being thrown at us


It is all worth it in the end but we make so many sacrifices coming here people back home have this "it's alright for you" attitude but that's so far from the truth


its about focusing on your long term goals and why you wanted it and believing in that during the hard times

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I posted on this subject a couple of weeks ago due to my last minute nerves! We fly out to Melbourne on 26 Aug - I'll never know until I do it whether or not it was a good idea but we've got to try it & we'll come back if it doesn't work out. Nothing ventured nothing gained - good luck!

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Just wanted to say hi and that by the looks of this thread you are sure not the only ones to feel like this. We ( family of 4, 2 boys age 11 and 8) are heading out in August also to Brisbane south side or Gold Coast. We have had our visa so long that actually going has felt like a far off thing and now that it's here I'm bricking it seriously.


I've been researching it for years but nothing can prepare us for the actual living there ! Torn between "can't wait" and "OMG". But as they say - if you don't go, you'll never know ! We feel in limbo at the moment as I've secured a job starting 1st Sept, waiting to exchange contracts on the house, scared to hand in my notice at work until house sale def goes through - potentially leaving us with a very small window between working out my notice, arriving and starting work - aargh.


Would love to keep in contact with some of you guys in the same boat as us.

Hope all goes smoothly for everyone



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Hi Elven


My visa won't be granted until end of July but I made the decision to go over on 3rd July to be with my fiancee. It was all very exciting but as it's only 4 weeks away nerves are kicking in. It's all becoming very real. Leaving my family and the fact that you just can't go back for a weekend is on my mind. I'm leaving my 12 and 13 year old daughter and son which has been the main sticking point. But you can't help who you fall in love with and as it's been mentioned that you just can't go through life with a 'what if' hanging over you. I'm 44 and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be doing this but what an adventure for myself and the fact my children can come over for long holidays to somewhere where they may never have visited in their lives.


I'm off to North of Brisbane, Warner. my fiancee hasn't heard good things about South of Brisbane - apologies to those that might live there and like it- maybe you could enlighten us. Once I'm over we're looking to move more towards Albany Creek/Bridgeman Downs area. There's a group of Brits that meet together ever month in North Lakes. There's one second week in July. See the Thread about moving to Brisbane - http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/queensland/175487-anyone-moving-brisbane-2014-a-10.html


So excitement and nerves all rolled into one isn't a bad thing at all

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I'm off to North of Brisbane, Warner. my fiancee hasn't heard good things about South of Brisbane - apologies to those that might live there and like it- maybe you could enlighten us. ...


Talking demographics, I think while the north side does have the most higher socio-economic areas your fiancée has been somewhat misled as the main thrust of higher socio-economic areas is west/north-west to east/south-east, not due north/south (see map).


Due north and south of Brisbane are fairly similar overall with good and mixed areas...a suburb close to the city centre on the south-east would often be seen as more desirable to many than a suburb far away from the city to the north, for example. Of course, that desirability increases prices so if it's not your thing you may prefer the cheaper more distant areas.



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Talking demographics, I think while the north side does have the most higher socio-economic areas your fiancée has been somewhat misled as the main thrust of higher socio-economic areas is west/north-west to east/south-east, not due north/south (see map).


Due north and south of Brisbane are fairly similar overall with good and mixed areas...a suburb close to the city centre on the south-east would often be seen as more desirable to many than a suburb far away from the city to the north, for example. Of course, that desirability increases prices so if it's not your thing you may prefer the cheaper more distant areas.



That's great thanks very much. My fiancee moved from NSW and is still getting used to the areas herself. She's only going on what others have told her so the more information we the better.

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Hi Mark

Good luck on you new adventure I hope everything works out for you. Leaving your children behind will be a hard thing to do but you'll be giving them opportunities to visit and maybe even emigrate one day them selves. The time you's will spend together will feel even more precious. My brother in-law lives in Brisbane I think the area is called ipswitch. It's very nice . We seen lots of lovely well kept areas and a few not so good just the same as here back home. Have you been to Oz before and is your fiancée from Australia?


The waiting game is tough and seems never ending. Trying patiently to wait for the visa to be granted one minute very excited and the next thing you know the "omg" what am I doing creeps in. I don't expect you'll get that feeling too much as you'll be eager to be reunited with your fiancée :)

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Hi Rachel

Wow good luck and well done on securing a job to go to. I hope the sale of your house goes through ASAP then you can hand your notice in and make the move. I bet you felt that day would never come. Very exciting but scary all at once. I would like to keep in touch as well so feel free to write or pm me. Eeeeeekkkkkk! I'm excited for you .. Good luck again to you and your family :)

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its not an easy ride by any standards, we started the process of emigrating in 2008, its has been a rollor coaster of a ride, we lived in QLD for 12 mth, and then back to the UK, Guess what........ we are on our way back to live in Australia again, every one has emotions in many different ways, im sure you will be fine but be prepared for it!!


good luck.

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Hi Mark

Good luck on you new adventure I hope everything works out for you. Leaving your children behind will be a hard thing to do but you'll be giving them opportunities to visit and maybe even emigrate one day them selves. The time you's will spend together will feel even more precious. My brother in-law lives in Brisbane I think the area is called ipswitch. It's very nice . We seen lots of lovely well kept areas and a few not so good just the same as here back home. Have you been to Oz before and is your fiancée from Australia?


The waiting game is tough and seems never ending. Trying patiently to wait for the visa to be granted one minute very excited and the next thing you know the "omg" what am I doing creeps in. I don't expect you'll get that feeling too much as you'll be eager to be reunited with your fiancée :)


Hi there,


yes I've been there twice now. The last time was 6 weeks over Dec and January. The wait has been very tough. It will have been 6 months since I've seen Claire. Strangely enough there's even more anticipation and longing now we know we'll be together in less than 4 weeks time. Emails to my CO I know she will be issuing my visa at the end of July. Then it's all about finding work.

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