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Nerves kicking in about leaving


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Hi Proview .. I'm as prepared as lll ever be and determined to make it work. Not looking forward to the goodbyes but lll be face timing and keeping in touch. Just can't wait for the visa the waiting is hard work. Can I ask why you returned to the uk and now returning back to Australia? Good luck :)

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Hey Mark (if your name is Mark)


Aww not long now and you'll be reunited with your fiancée. So you were out there when it was really hot, how did you cope? Hope you find work ASAP I'm sure you will. Did you have an agent? We're not sure how to contact our CO. I should think we'll have one by now. We have an agent.

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Hey Mark (if your name is Mark)


Aww not long now and you'll be reunited with your fiancée. So you were out there when it was really hot, how did you cope? Hope you find work ASAP I'm sure you will. Did you have an agent? We're not sure how to contact our CO. I should think we'll have one by now. We have an agent.


Hi, yes my name is Mark :-)


The first 2 weeks in January were really humid and I did find it hard as we don't have air conditioning (making sure our next house does though).


I didn't bother with an agent. I did all the forms myself. My CO contacted me a month after the visa was received at the embassy. I've recently contacted her to inform her of going over to wait for the visa to come through. She's told me she can grant mine at the end of July as it will then be 8 months until our wedding. We couldn't wait so I'm flying over 3 weeks this Thursday. The countdown has begun

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Hi Proview .. I'm as prepared as lll ever be and determined to make it work. Not looking forward to the goodbyes but lll be face timing and keeping in touch. Just can't wait for the visa the waiting is hard work. Can I ask why you returned to the uk and now returning back to Australia? Good luck :)


the Main reason home sick, no matter what people say...oh you have to give it two yrs...well yes you do, but when your in that situation of having home sick its not easy, work is not easy to find either, but stil prepared to give it another shot.

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Homesickness will be tough I know it takes a good few years to settle. I lived in Germany for 9 years. I find doing things you enjoy and having fun a great help. Personally I enjoy swimming and fitness my saviour. I enjoy it and it releases all those good endorphins. I also love being out about with nature and animals. My eldest son was in Afghanistan for a 6 month tour of duty last year that's when I hit the swimming every day which I'm sure helped me get through. Good luck second time round :)

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Hi Tina and Dannii and anyone who's going to brisbane and the Gold Coast area


Im so pleased with the responses and would like to keep in touch especially when we've landed and starting our new adventure. I like company and keeping busy so making new friends will be very important to me :)


Thanks Quoll, we're not burning any bridges and will be renting the house out. I also feel like taking a break from hairdressing and trying something different. I'm an outdoor person who loves swimming and keeping fit. Nothing is forever so taking one day at a time and trying not to over think things is the way forward.


Hiya Elven,

We are in the same boat too, we are flying out to Brisbane two weeks on MondaY !!! We are all really excited and nervous but are so busy trying to get the house sale completed and finishing packing up that it all feels surreal!

We will be settling in Ipswich (crumbs its a small world really eh!) which i think you mentioned your brother in law lives there...We like it its near enough to most things we need and its where my sister and family are living so initially seemed a sensible place to land! We'll be living in Easter Heights or Flinders view - 2 lovely leafy subburbs

I too am very sociable and love a good get together so please add me to your get together list and PM with any questions or dates for drinks!!

Keep smiling.... thats what Ive found to be the best solution, along with a little bit of chocolate, the occasional glass of wine and a well organised list!! :eek::laugh: x

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Sorry to be late to the party...


Emigration is enormous. People who haven't done it can't possibly understand. You are tossing in your home, your job, your friends, your family and looking for something new. Every possible anchor you have in your life is being pulled up, all at the same time. The night before the move, sitting in a hotel with no address is a very weird feeling. My advice is not to look back. It's like jumping off the top board at the swimming pool. It's scary and it won't be less scary by over thinking it, so best to just accept that the decision has been made and jump. Accept what's coming and look forward to the future.


Good luck.

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It's a major decision and very stressful. One way to make it easier and change the perspective is to set yourself a trial period. For instance, you could say OK lets go and live in Australia for 2 years, after 2 years we will reassess our situtation. It creates a target date, and takes the pressure of in one way or another.

We have set ourselves a target of obtaining Australian Citizenship, and then will reassess our situation after that. My gut feeling is that we will settle here, but who knows what the future will bring. Life is too short to waste.

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Thanks for the sound advice I'm finding it a massive help :) we have set a goal of getting Australian citizenship. Wow good luck Samdom1 you lucky thing I wish it was us. I'd like to keep in touch and maybe one day meet up over a glass of wine and toast our new lives lol. I also find chocolate and wine good stress relief. I will keep smiling :) hope you do too :) hi Quinkla im not brave enough to dive of the high board at my local swimming pool but I am brave enough to dive into my new life and make the most of what ever opportunities come my way. Even though I'm scared I'm still going to do it. Good luck CaptainR your right life's too short to waste I hope you's are settling nicely into life in Sydney.

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I know exactly how your feeling. We fly to Brisbane next week (18th) and my husband mentioned that when lying in bed last night he thought 'wow, I can't believe we're actually doing this, such a big move'. Luckily he confirmed he wasn't having second thoughts. Phew!!


We are now too busy to be worrying about it too much though, so I think in a way it gets easier the closer to the date you get.


I am obviously sad that we are leaving friends and family behind, but for me the most difficult part has been coming to terms to leaving our dogs behind. Lots of tears have taken place, but I know they will be fine.


Best of luck with your move. Don't think about everyone else you're leaving behind, life will go on as normal for them. Think of your little family, call Australia home from the minute you land and enjoy every minute. Well that's what I'm going to attempt, not sure how easy it will be in reality.....

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Hi BestyBlue thanks for writing. Wow how exciting your jetting off in 4 days! I can imagine how you must be feeling leaving your dogs behind. We had a little dog (Pheobe) who we sadly had to put to sleep last November she was 15 :'( we're all heartbroken and miss her very much. She was a big part of our family and a lot of fun. So are you having celebrations this week end if so have fun. Hope everything goes smoothly for you's and you's settle in nicely. If you have the time it would be nice to keep us updated on your progress. My wine consumption has gone up too but my tolerance hasn't I'm still a light weight lol. Good luck with your farewells keep smiling and focus on loving every minute of your adventure :)

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I think that's what started my recent 'wobble' over leaving - the cost of taking our cats had gone up so much with the increased quarantine fees, we have made the decision to leave them behind (with my OH family, so I can still Skype them!). I am heartbroken, but know its for the best (they're struggling with the heat here at the mo - Brisbane would kill them!).

I've been a bit better the past few days, but I can feel that it wont take much to make me wobble again. There are no doubts that we are doing the right thing, it's the emormity of it all that's getting to me!!

Good luck everyone :-)

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Hi Tina, it's sad your leaving your cats but your right the heat would be too much for them plus you can still see and talk to them on Skype :) I think having regular doubts about it all is normal and becoming quite a regular occurrence for me. I just want to get the visa granted then the full on preparations and plans can start. The waiting is awful but all part of emigrating.

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I am loving reading everyone's posts and support.

me and my partner are on 417 visa arrived in Melbourne February 2014. We have been given the opportunity to be sponsored so I think we are going to get the ball rolling within the next few weeks.

The feelings and emotions you feel are so strange! I kind of don't want to go home again just to say goodbye!

We currently have flights book for the UK in fen and unsure what would be best Go home for 2 weeks or postpone them for longer .


I have learnt over the last few days you need to put your own life first. I feel I would rather try and fail than not to try at all.


Roll on summer time :-)

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Hi Rachandian hope your enjoying Melbourne we were there in March this year we loved the city. I know what you mean about about your emotions being strange I remember feeling the same. I wished I didn't have to fly home and could just stay it would of been so much easier that way. I'm at the stage in my life where I want to put mysef first I think I've earned it too. The waiting for the visa to be granted is awful. Been 2 weeks today since our medicals. It just can't come soon enough. If we get it of course. I want to plan and start our new adventure ASAP :)

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Hi Elven,

We moved to Brisbane 2 weeks ago and all going good so far although still feels very surreal!!

I had many wobbles in the months before our move, I am really close to my family and I have broken my Mum's heart with the move which is the worst feeling in the world.

My feelings tended to be weather dependent!! When it was cold, grey and rainy I couldn't wait to get on the plane, but when the weather was sunny I was convinced we should stay in UK!! Must say that the Brisbane weather has not disappointed, lots of sunshine!!

Found the last few weeks in UK emotionally exhausting, so many goodbyes, it was really tough.

But so far all good, my gut feeling is we have done the right thing, think we are going to love it here!

Good luck!

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wow two weeks ago lucky you. It sounds like your settling in nicely. I know exactly what you mean about the weather I do the same on nice warm sunny days I think it's lovely here why not just stay, but then the dull rainy days arrive with a chill in the air and it reminds me that yes I want to go. I dread the cold dark winter months I don't do so well in the cold weather. I'm dreading the build up to leaving but feel sure once I arrive lll be fine :) good luck :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys I'm just wondering how everyone's doing? Those who have made the move and those still preparing. We had our visa granted a few weeks ago so now the planning starts. I'm still nervous but don't seem to have as many wobbles :)

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Good morning

I am feeling the exact way. My visa got granted last month. The whole 7 months we were waiting i was excited couldn't wait for it to come through. then once i had received the email it became real..I was so emotional for a couple of days i couldn't talk to my family without crying. So many emotions going through my head, i have never been more than 20 minutes away from my family i see my sister and nieces and nephews everyday and i keeps hitting me how hard it will be to not see them all the time. Our flights are not until 26th October so we still have a couple of months together. Think positive :):) x

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Hi Emmie, I was the same full of excitement the day the visa was granted but the following days the reality hit me hard I was very weepy. I love my family but don't tend to see them regular. I'm not thinking about the goodbyes yet it's just a drain on my energy and emotions. Have you's got jobs to go to and where will you's settle? I'm more focused now than ever and keeping positive .. Most of the time :)

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Hi Elven.

We haven't got jobs sorted going out and basically starting everything again :S

My husbands parents live near Perth so we will be staying with them until we have jobs sorted and enough to put deposit down on a house.

Where about are you moving too?

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Hi guys I'm just wondering how everyone's doing? Those who have made the move and those still preparing. We had our visa granted a few weeks ago so now the planning starts. I'm still nervous but don't seem to have as many wobbles :)




Been here exactly 1 month now and love it! Been busy month, loads of stuff to sort but love Brisbane. Weather been amazing and so much to do and see. It's obviously very early days but really happy.

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Hi Elven! Know how you feel. We had our visa's granted waaaay back in October 2013 after a pretty quick processing time and put the house straight on the market. My partner has been working on the Gold Coast since February and ive been stuck here alone wondering if it was really ever going to happen and not thinking about it a great deal to avoid disappointment. I finally accepted an offer on our house a couple of weeks ago, survey has been done, mortgage accepted and all going well we should have an exchange date next week. Im aiming for mid August to fly out and its all started to become seriously real - mum has been talking about farewell parties, ive been sorting through my life and putting it into keep, sell and bin categories, trying to time everything that needs to be done with military precision, looking at rentals for my OH to go and check out, budgeting for pet shipping, new car, rego, phone, pet stuff, insurances etc etc and im starting to get pretty terrified. Its amazing how much you can hate a country and everything it stands for until you are faced with leaving and suddenly, you see it in a different light. As bad as this country is, where I am in the Forest of Dean really is beautiful. Its quiet, serene, you can walk through the forest for hours and not see a single soul. I have a beautiful house, a nice car, great job, fantastic and very close family, good friends and though I am far from rich I want for nothing. When we move it will be like starting again from the bottom rung of the ladder and its a very sobering thought. But not many people get the opportunity to start fresh, do something different with their lives and move to the other side of the world. Exciting times ahead - wish you the best of luck with it all :wink:

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My other half has a brother in Brisbane so that's an option but if a job offer comes up we'll probably go wherever that is to start. At least you'll have your in-laws Emmie, who'll know the area etc that must be some comfort.


I'm so pleased for you Jayne one month in must feel good if alls going well :) I bet it's a relief your there and starting to build a new life, I think the build up to leaving is hard.


I hope your house sale goes through emj and you can join your partner very soon. Everything you've said is basically running through my mind. I do love our countryside and cities, I have a good life here with nice friends. We'd like to rent our house out for a few years before we sell. I'm gonna look at it as a 2 year army posting then if we're settled it'll be easier to except because we will have put down some roots and it'll feel like home. I was a military wife for 9 or so years most of them spent in Germany. I do feel grateful for this opportunity and intend to make the most of it. It feels like there's a door waiting for us to step through into a new adventure a bit like stepping into Narnia .. Talking to others in the same situation is an enormous help, thank you :)

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