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What is the cost of a de-facto application on a 457 visa?


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Hi there,


I have been gathering my evidence for a while now and I am just about ready to submit my application to join my partners 457 visa. However......... I have just been informed the fee rose from $450 to $900 last July!!!!!!!!!


Is this correct??



I can't find any info on the de-facto partner application cost on Google, only dependants and nominations. The immi site isn't loading correcting in my browser today for some reason!


I don't want to click 'submit' if I then dont' have the money to pay the fee for a couple of weeks.


Thanks in advance.

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Now then, I'm not sure!


My partner is already sponsored and has been for the past 12 months. We have only been together for 18 months but have been living together properly for the past 12 months. That's why I am only applying now! I have a letter from my partner's company confirming that they support the application, if that's what you mean?


Basically I'm a subclass 457 subsequent entrant.

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No need to call anyone. It's $1,035 for the VAC. If you previously applied for your current visa in Australia and intend on applying for the new visa in Australia you will also incur a $700 subsequent temporary applicant charge. You cannot submit the application without paying for it, so the system will tell you all this anyway.

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So this is the situation...


I'm currently on my second year WHV and DID apply for that whilst in Australia. I also intend to apply for the 457 subsequent entrant visa in Australia.


Is this going to cost me a total of $1735?

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Do you know what they are charging $700 for?


That is outgrageous!!



Thanks for your help though.


Because they can! The government makes a lot of money from migration every year. My guess would be that the subsequent application charge was designed to discourage or at least make an income from the people who would keep hopping from one temporary visa to another to remain in Australia.


The 457 visa program got hit hard with the increases. 2 years ago a family of 5 renewing their 457 visas in Australia would have been charged $350. Today that same family would be charged $6,350....Outrageous indeed

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I definitely should have done more research on this before now!


Kicking myself for it now. Ah well. It is what it is. I'll just have to take the hit and hope for the best!!


Thanks for your replies.

:wubclub: Great attitude to have and with that attitude I predict you'll make a great success of living here. Good luck!

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Here's one for you...


I emailed a migration agent that came highly recommended from a friend who did the whole spouse visa thing (she's an Aussie who married an English guy), regarding this $700 additional fee - this was the response:




Hi **,

I have researched the migration law and policy and discussed this with my colleague and neither of us can find any information relating to an additional fee of $700.


The fee for the application is $1035.







I can't find this info on the immi website (as it won't load on this computer) and the only other sites I can find details on are other migration agent sites.

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Well if it was my application that wouldn't instill much confidence.....





Clearly says if you're applying for a 457 visa while holding a WHV that was applied for in Australia you'll incur the $700 charge. It's immaterial anyway, when you go to submit the application the system will price it up before you can lodge it.

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I know what you're saying. I'm not going through an agent anyways I am just doing it on my own but thought I would try and get some further information.


Apologies, the links aren't working on my computer here for some reason. The immigration site just isn't working. I will try and load the link on my phone later on.


What a kafuffle.

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Here's one for you...


I emailed a migration agent that came highly recommended from a friend who did the whole spouse visa thing (she's an Aussie who married an English guy), regarding this $700 additional fee - this was the response:




Hi **,

I have researched the migration law and policy and discussed this with my colleague and neither of us can find any information relating to an additional fee of $700.


The fee for the application is $1035.







I can't find this info on the immi website (as it won't load on this computer) and the only other sites I can find details on are other migration agent sites.


It is called the subsequent temporary application charge. It can be difficult to work out whether it is applicable or not as it is based on visa history.


Put simply,



  1. if you are applying for a visa while in Australia; and

  2. the visa you are applying for is specified on a particular list (such as the 457); and

  3. the visa you hold is specified on another particular list (such as the 417); and

  4. you were in Australia when you applied for that visa; then

  5. the subsequent temporary application charge applies, except in certain circumstances where it doesn’t.


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