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A bit sad and emotional! :-(


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Hi all,


It is my last day at work today (we fly out to aus next Sunday on a PR visa) and I feel really sad and emotional! I absolutely love my job, but I think that combined with a bit of nervousness now it's all just around the corner and giving up a stable job is just adding to that. I have mixed feelings really! My husband finished work last week, and now he's had the week off sorting the house out etc he's fine now and ready to go so I'm hoping it's the same for me!


Anyone else felt felt like this after finishing work? X


Just to be clear, I don't have any doubts about going!

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Change is always full of mixed feelings I think. If moving house is one of the most stressful life experience, moving house and country must be wayyy at the top of the list! I think it's perfectly normal to feel a bit sad to be leaving your work if you enjoyed it. And even if you didn't there would be people there you would be sad to leave I'm sure. Accept the feelings, get through them, and then get ready for the next chapter of your life :wubclub:

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I can relate. Three weeks left until my last day and leaving a job I love with good people and feeling a bit down about it. That said, looking to the future and the adventure ahead and trying to remember this is just one moment in time and the sadness will pass.

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Change is always scary and if you've burned bridges you can never go back to what you had so the only way is forward - if it works, you win, if it doesn't work then you move on to something that does work.

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Just try thinking of all the reasons you made the decision to emigrate at the forefront of your mind. All things come to an end and the future is what we make it :-) Good luck with your journey and try and embrace the adventure.

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I quit the uk, aged 45, after 25 years service with one business. They made me work the 3 months notice. I handed my laptop and phone in on the Friday, got on a plane to Perth via Sydney on the Sunday, started work on the Tuesday.... I came out first, my wife said as I headed to the taxi, that I "Didn't have to go....".


Not wanted to look back. Enjoy the ride.

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I've worked for the same company for 15 years (from the start of the business) . But can't wait till the day I leave, its the start of a new adventure and life.


Best of luck to you!

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If its any condolence I and my wife are leaving stable employment(whatever that means these days)to go back to a uncertain future job wise in the uk.it is regretably par of the course in whichever country you want to make a go of.try and keep your job open too come back too if it does not work out.good luck to you

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Hi all,


It is my last day at work today (we fly out to aus next Sunday on a PR visa) and I feel really sad and emotional! I absolutely love my job, but I think that combined with a bit of nervousness now it's all just around the corner and giving up a stable job is just adding to that. I have mixed feelings really! My husband finished work last week, and now he's had the week off sorting the house out etc he's fine now and ready to go so I'm hoping it's the same for me!


Anyone else felt felt like this after finishing work? X


Just to be clear, I don't have any doubts about going!


I was the most emotional when it came to leaving work, I cried at the lunch, I sobbed in the car park with my friend and I was so upset that every time I tried to read my card I burst into tears again (took me literally about 4 days and even then I was still filling up).


This reaction totally shocked me and it was much worse than contemplating saying goodbye to family, I think on the day I suddenly realised that I would never see these people again, they'd been my friends and colleagues for years, we had a fantastic relationship and I was going to miss them, whereas, with family it was always in my mind that they'd never be entirely absent from my life.


Migrating has some very bitter sweet moments.

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I was the most emotional when it came to leaving work, I cried at the lunch, I sobbed in the car park with my friend and I was so upset that every time I tried to read my card I burst into tears again (took me literally about 4 days and even then I was still filling up).


This reaction totally shocked me and it was much worse than contemplating saying goodbye to family, I think on the day I suddenly realised that I would never see these people again, they'd been my friends and colleagues for years, we had a fantastic relationship and I was going to miss them, whereas, with family it was always in my mind that they'd never be entirely absent from my life.


Migrating has some very bitter sweet moments.



Hi guys!


Thanks for all your replies - well it's done,I'm

officially unemployed! My work friends made it so special for me, I couldn't of asked for a better day. Lots of tears but also lots of laughs - mainly at how shocking we all we're at bowling in the evening after a few glasses of wine! ;-)


i can totally relate to that! You don't realise how much you will miss them until it's time to leave! I spend more time with them in the week than I do my husband lol.


i got lots of nice gifts, particularly a kangaroo pandora charm which I thought was so thoughtful!


well as they say, onwards and upwards, I'm trying to keep positive - this is the just another part in the adventure xx

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I left England nearly two years ago after leaving my management job and the week of packing up the house was a sad one. You will find that you have your ups and downs! and will miss family and life long friends that you leave behind its not easy but it will be an adventure

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  • 4 months later...

So 4 months on, all settled! Got a job a couple of weeks after being here, husbands business is going well and our little girl has settled into childcare! Already been on our first break away to Melbourne and we go to Sydney over Christmas! Really loving it here, feel really homesick today though for some reason but so far so good! :-)

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