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Bulk billing is dead. Not a good time to be in Australia if you are sick


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I am just so amazed that people could not see the writing on the wall before the election. Compassion is an unknown word for the libs these days. No moderates there at all.


They say people can just give up their coffee etc and afford the costs. What they do not realise is that so many small businesses rely on those cups of coffee and other small items that the masses purchase. Wealthy people may eat out and spend some money but its the masses that spend the most money in business so restricting their income will cause a lot of grief I fear. Petrol and docs is going to make a big hole in retail spending according to my crystal ball :laugh:


People didn't tend to listen to anything beyond how bad the ALP was. Not matter what ALP did the public was not in the mood to listen.Lib's got away without scrutiny or having policy. The slogans took place of policy. In a sense the public must reap what they sowed. It was rather obvious to those of us they take an interest in politics with what was about to be unleashed. Far worse is in store further down the line.

Will the public listen or be bought again come next election?


The common procedure is get the tough policy out of the way early in a term and sell sweeteners closer to election time.

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Surley there will be a system in place for the vulnerable and needy hear too . They just won't refuse treatment in a dire situation that will be abuse Noway I don't believe it will happen there will be help for people .:biggrin:


Why don't you believe it? This is a government which has decreed that if you are unemployed and under 30 you will receive nothing for 6 months. So that's not a dire situation?

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Why don't you believe it? This is a government which has decreed that if you are unemployed and under 30 you will receive nothing for 6 months. So that's not a dire situation?


...led by a pathological liar who is totally in the pockets of big business! Possibly Gina has asked him to make sure Australians are so desperate they will work for her for - what was it? $5 a day, or something like that?


Takes a lot to make Clive Palmer start to appear attractive, but got to hand it to Tone, he's doing a bloody good job at that at the moment!


(Mind you, Attila the Hun, Hitler and Vlad the Impaler are starting to look attractive in comparison too!)

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Lets think about it, do we want an American style medical system or an English one! We as a nation have a mixture of folk, haves and have nots, some possibly self inflicted, and others accidents or organ transplants cancers whatever. These folk need our help they need regular Dr appointments. specialist appointments pathology x-rays etc After hearing Joe Hockey this morning on Sunrise admitting that this budget has been unequal and the lifting will be done by the lower to middle income earners, it took a badgering by the journo for him to say that, he also stated that if the heavy lifting was to be done by the highest income earners they would leave the country and go else where. Just perhaps the lower income people do not have this choice! cannon fodder maybe,

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Diane, you're frothing at the mouth again.

I like you a lot better when you argue rationally. And i know you can do it.


Whereas you are starting to sound more and more like the lone voice in the darkness, Parleycross. Is it lonely, up there in your ivory tower?

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Why don't you believe it? This is a government which has decreed that if you are unemployed and under 30 you will receive nothing for 6 months. So that's not a dire situation?


Yes it is , but I still don't believe there will be nothing at all available wether that be by food vouchers or some other form.

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Yes it is , but I still don't believe there will be nothing at all available wether that be by food vouchers or some other form.


Food vouchers, health vouchers, rent vouchers ,dental vouchers, clothes vouchers etc etc.....Hmmmm, might as well just reinstate the payment then, so people can actually survive.


See my point?

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Lets think about it, do we want an American style medical system or an English one! We as a nation have a mixture of folk, haves and have nots, some possibly self inflicted, and others accidents or organ transplants cancers whatever. These folk need our help they need regular Dr appointments. specialist appointments pathology x-rays etc After hearing Joe Hockey this morning on Sunrise admitting that this budget has been unequal and the lifting will be done by the lower to middle income earners, it took a badgering by the journo for him to say that, he also stated that if the heavy lifting was to be done by the highest income earners they would leave the country and go else where. Just perhaps the lower income people do not have this choice! cannon fodder maybe,



I think maybe he's right , the higher income earners would leave the country and go elsewhere that's what me oh said anyway , he said why should the higher income earners do the heavy lifting when they already pay more than anyone else as it is , I can see it from both sides though don't shout at me haha .

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Food vouchers, health vouchers, rent vouchers ,dental vouchers, clothes vouchers etc etc.....Hmmmm, might as well just reinstate the payment then, so people can actually survive.


See my point?



Yes i do see ya point . But they just making sure the money is going on what it should be going on . The times not here but in uk I've seen people in shops buying fags with milk tokens ect .... But I still sympathise course I do . But doesn't look to me unless every single person took a stance as it's going change hope it does for the genuine though .

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Didn't you have a new baby recently? Why should it be the general population's problem to pay for the birth and health care and schooling of your children? It has nothing to do with the general population if you and your wife decide to have a baby....but the other residents of the UK are expected to pay for them.


I pay my taxes thanks, i think i would be safe to say that we contribute more than we take. And yes you are right we did just have a baby, thanks for remembering. Thinking about your other points, it would be easier if everyone paid their own way, but that wouldn't work would it now, or should it jus be the ones that earn over a certain amount? A couple having a baby and supporting that baby together is what should happen, a couple that split up and then complain about not enough help is a different matter. Especially when one parent is not paying their way and leaving it up to the tax payer.

Do you have a view on that?

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It's lovely to have optimism, but to me that just feels like brushing the issues under the carpet and assuming everything will be alright.


Just because we ignore something does not mean that it is not there.

Thats right Sammy. Forget single parents for a second what about the elderly, they were brought up in a different generation and are incredibly proud, at the moment they go to the doctor and feel OK about that as they have there health care card but for them to have to go and ask for special help because they dont have the $7 many will simply not go to the doctor.

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Sounds just like the UK all over again, you poor labour voters can't win in either country. Parley, leave the thread alone mate, they will continue the moaning amongst themselves not even realising that no one is listening.


Let's also add that the government has cut 30 billion to education.


If I am considered to be moaning, well then so be it.


I prefer to think of it as debating and taking an active interest in what is happening, in what has been a tumultuous week for many.

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Let's also add that the government has cut 30 billion to education.


If I am considered to be moaning, well then so be it.


I prefer to think of it as debating and taking an active interest in what is happening, in what has been a tumultuous week for many.

You are right, you are taking an active interest in what is happening, so are others, it's just some have different opinions, but hey must be wrong mustn't they?

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You are right, you are taking an active interest in what is happening, so are others, it's just some have different opinions, but hey must be wrong mustn't they?


So a cut of $30 billion to education is not wrong? Oh, ok then.

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I wonder how many turned up as 'rent a crowd'?


looks like there were a few discrepancies in crowd numbers, but anyway if there were say 15000 max in each state, take out 'rent a crowd', say half then that doesn't leave many does it? I thought most of the country were up in arms about the budget? Even if only 1/2 the country is, it's a pretty poor turnout for something that apparently is so wrong.

Just my thoughts reading the article you posted and this thread.

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Food vouchers, health vouchers, rent vouchers ,dental vouchers, clothes vouchers etc etc.....Hmmmm, might as well just reinstate the payment then, so people can actually survive.


See my point?

At least having cash to pay for the basics at least gives people some dignity. Sure there are some who wont care and will do anything for free, but that is not the majority they want to work and as i have said many do work but they still cant make ends meet. Thank God for the salvos and such like but soon they will be over run. Watch the grim rate go up, as people end up steeling to survive, marrages break down through the stress and if this is just the beginning heaven help us.

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So a cut of $30 billion to education is not wrong? Oh, ok then.

Cuts and tax rises and job loses are all wrong but money needs to be saved. Out of interest can you post me a link so I can see where the 30 bil is being cut from? I don't remember seeing a figure like that when I was reading about the budget last week.

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At least having cash to pay for the basics at least gives people some dignity. Sure there are some who wont care and will do anything for free, but that is not the majority they want to work and as i have said many do work but they still cant make ends meet. Thank God for the salvos and such like but soon they will be over run. Watch the grim rate go up, as people end up steeling to survive, marrages break down through the stress and if this is just the beginning heaven help us.


I am with you 100%

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I pay my taxes thanks, i think i would be safe to say that we contribute more than we take. And yes you are right we did just have a baby, thanks for remembering. Thinking about your other points, it would be easier if everyone paid their own way, but that wouldn't work would it now, or should it jus be the ones that earn over a certain amount? A couple having a baby and supporting that baby together is what should happen, a couple that split up and then complain about not enough help is a different matter. Especially when one parent is not paying their way and leaving it up to the tax payer.

Do you have a view on that?



Without a shadow of doubt we definitely pay more into the system than we get out. We rarely visit the dr, our children go to an independent school and we obviously take nothing in benefits. Do I begrudge paying? No, of course not, because I happen to believe in society being more important than the individual.

Having a healthy and educated workforce benefits all of us - we have a stronger economy, pay less in benefits and have more tax money coming in.

I also want to do my bit by supporting those, who, through no fault of their own can't work. People who have disabilities, life limiting /changing illnesses and those who care for them.

Yes, absent parents should be hounded and be made to pay for their children, but why should everyone else be penalised for their choices (including the children who have no choice).

Preventative healthcare and early intervention has been shown to benefit not only individuals, but wider society and the economy.

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