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Is this not the vilest woman ever.

Guest Guest66881

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I personally could not consider abortion, however, others do have the right to choose.


It's such a an emotive subject, but there are so many couples that are unable to have children. If a baby is unwanted then I would hope that the woman in question would have the courage to have the baby and give it to a family who can and does want to provide a happy life.

My Mother was raped when she was newly married. Both she and my Father felt unable to raise the baby because of the deep associated trauma. The baby was subsequently put up for adoption. My Mother could have easily had an abortion, but she wanted the child to be able to have a life. I will always respect her for that.


There are too many children in horrible conditions that should have been given up for adoption years ago, but their rights are not heard.


The woman in the article is a product of our society- it's all 'me,me,me' and the quick route to fame through the monster that is reality tv. It' our own fault, stories like that sell newspapers and advertising.


A traumatic experience for any woman. I too respect women such as your Mum but many women could not do that and choose the alternative. It's a very complex subject with many variables but I still believe in choice even though I may not agree with the choice they make.

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One of my 13 week scans. Definitely looks like a baby to me. Would not consider an abortion myself.



Wow, that certainly makes you think

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Abortion is not for me. On the subject of a baby being formed early on this was a picture taken at my scan when I was 15 weeks pregnant nearly 10 weeks before the cut off for abortion. I have lots of pictures very similar and very clear...


I am pro choice but I don't believe abortion should be used as a form of contraception or something that people should do without proper counselling and guidance as it can leave long lasting effects mentally. Sadly although 2 doctors have to agree to an abortion it is exceedingly easy to get one and IMO from what I've seen personally people are not given all options and the correct guidance or after care xx



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No I'm not and I don't need to be.

That is the whole question around this issue isn't it. when does a fetus become a baby ?


I think even at 12 weeks it is fairly well formed - fingers, toes etc. quite baby like.

Some of the ladies who have had scans will know a lot better than me though.


I've seen a 12odd week 'foetus' for real. Wish'd I hadn't (wasn't mine btw) but there it was. This tiny little human, head, arms, legs, etc etc. perfectly formed just tiny. It broke my heart. My babies were my babies the second we knew about them and luckily for us all the medical professionals (well, a large majority at least) referred to them as 'baby' and not 'foetus'.


I don't fully agree with you PC in that I believe abortion should be allowed in certain circumstances as I said but just because a doctor or medical book says it's a foetus doesn't make it any less of a baby at 12 weeks certainly.

My friend gave birth suddenly at 25 weeks, her daughter is now about 5 or 6 months old. It was a long tough road but they are getting there and the child is a little darling.

I still cannot understand how the abortion limit is still at 24 weeks. ?

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I'm afraid I don't really buy the view that many women treat abortion as a form of contraception. I believe it would be traumatic for any woman and not something lightly undertaken. However if someone could take that decision lightly then heaven help the child that they would then have if abortion was denied. Unlikely that they would give up baby for adoption in most cases.


It is an emotive issue because we are conditioned that human life, any human life, is precious. It makes many want to keep terminally ill people alive as long as possible and oppose both abortion and birth control. Yet animals, even treasured pets, are 'put to sleep' and that is rightly considered to be merciful.


And of all the creatures on this planet the one that there should be fewer of, beyond all others, is man.

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I've seen a 12odd week 'foetus' for real. Wish'd I hadn't (wasn't mine btw) but there it was. This tiny little human, head, arms, legs, etc etc. perfectly formed just tiny. It broke my heart. My babies were my babies the second we knew about them and luckily for us all the medical professionals (well, a large majority at least) referred to them as 'baby' and not 'foetus'.


I don't fully agree with you PC in that I believe abortion should be allowed in certain circumstances as I said but just because a doctor or medical book says it's a foetus doesn't make it any less of a baby at 12 weeks certainly.

My friend gave birth suddenly at 25 weeks, her daughter is now about 5 or 6 months old. It was a long tough road but they are getting there and the child is a little darling.

I still cannot understand how the abortion limit is still at 24 weeks. 


I understand that well over 90% of all abortions in UK are carried out before week 13. The later limit is for exceptional circumstances as certain abnormalities or problems are found I believe and are very rare. There may be arguments for reducing the number of weeks but that is a separate debate to those that are opposed to abortion full-stop.


Anti-abortionists may argue to reduce the term so that they can try to end abortion by degrees in the same way as some of those who are homophobic may oppose, say, gay marriage as a way of limiting gay rights potentially by degrees. They can also win more moderate people over to their point of view by taking the lesser argument.


I am sure that this does not apply to anyone on this forum though.

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I believe in pro-choice and I think that we should respect everyone's opinions even if they aren't our own. I think too many statements on this thread are trying to push their views on others.


Personally (again only my view) is that there should be a far earlier limit on abortions. Say 8 weeks before the baby forms into what we perceive as a baby and the brain starts forming. I agree, that some people should be allowed to have an abortion rather than bring up children into terrible lifestyles (drugs, alcoholism, abusive relationships). Yes the child has a choice, but I know personally, if it was the choice of not being here and being none the wiser and being brought up in a lifestyle such as above, I know which I would choose.


If this women truly did state that to the public media then I hope that she gets what's coming to her. Unfortunately, whilst we live in a world where people find Big Brother, TOWIE and the likes entertaining then I doubt we will get rid of these vile people and their thoughts. I will however, hold out my hope that this was media speculation. I refuse to admit that people can be this up front (although I am often proved wrong)!


Just remember, this is a personal subject that would have touched people on this thread and unless you are in a situation where you have had to do it, you are not in a position to judge. Its not always about choosing your career first, or not having enough money to survive. Its usually far more personal.

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I believe the blaze attitude of the lady in question Is the sickening aspect....for me personally anyway. However I believe we all have a choice to make our own decisions however hard or controversial they may be. Contraception is not 100% effective, people aren't all perfect... And we certainly all make mistakes.

I'd bet my bottom dollar that almost every woman who chooses abortion does so after much deliberation and mental torture, weighing up what she feels best for herself, the prospective child/foetus/embryo, the children she may already have, the impact it will have on futures/finances/mental wellbeing etc etc.....there will be a minority I believe who are just braindead and really don't have the intelligence to realise the enormity of it or even care....to me the attitude of this woman is what disgusts me not the act of abortion itself.....however my views are grey... Not black... Nor white......as I don't believe life is that simple.

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I wonder how many professional/ career women have terminated pregnancies for their own gain . Difference is they didn't publicise it and the papers took no interest . The woman's obviously got psychological/ self esteem issues greatly advanced by drivel TV ,magazines and the hoards that watch or read it

Personally , abortion should be a choice but not a fad or form of contraception . I've seen twins of 24 weeks fighting for life . Sadly one lost .

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I wonder how many professional/ career women have terminated pregnancies for their own gain . Difference is they didn't publicise it and the papers took no interest . The woman's obviously got psychological/ self esteem issues greatly advanced by drivel TV ,magazines and the hoards that watch or read it

Personally , abortion should be a choice but not a fad or form of contraception . I've seen twins of 24 weeks fighting for life . Sadly one lost .


Barbara Windsor had 5 abortions and said she never wanted children due to her own father rejecting her.

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Abortion should be rarely used IMO. Should be limited to rape victims or people with mental or medical problems. Should never kill an unborn child cause its inconvenient. That is ****ed up. Life is life. Babies can be given up for adoption in cases where mothers are unfit.


Women need to take responsibility for having had sex and not taken precautions. If abortion wasnt so easy then attitudes would most likely change and there would be fewer unwanted pregnancies.

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Abortion should be rarely used IMO. Should be limited to rape victims or people with mental or medical problems. Should never kill an unborn child cause its inconvenient. That is ****ed up. Life is life. Babies can be given up for adoption in cases where mothers are unfit.


Women need to take responsibility for having had sex and not taken precautions. If abortion wasnt so easy then attitudes would most likely change and there would be fewer unwanted pregnancies.

Yes and fathers need to take responsibility for their off springs and not just sod off and let the mum get on with it or the state and think no more about it as what happens in plenty of cases, know what I mean?

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Guest Guest66881

They might if they got the chance, the OP's 'woman' would leave no man no choice as shes doing it for financial gains, just a common slag in my eyes.

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They might if they got the chance, the OP's 'woman' would leave no man no choice as shes doing it for financial gains, just a common slag in my eyes.



I am not talking about the lady in the op as she I quite clearly a brick short of a hod full but generally, a lot of men think nothing of having one or many children and then sodding off and leaving the poor mum or state to pick up the bill and the children fatherless.

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It takes 2 to make a baby, if more men ensured their seed wasn't sown there'd be less unwanted pregnancies. Contraception is not just the responsibility of the woman. I take it all those against abortion have never had a one night stand or unprotected sex then? Ever? If not you're being a tad hypocritical.

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