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Premier , Barry O'Farrell resigns

Guest Dave53

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Guest Dave53

It's just been announced that Premier Barry O'Farrell has resigned . He's been sprung lying about a bottle of $3000 wine , he claimed yesterday that he never received ,something he should have declared as a gift and just a few hours later , a thank you note has appeared he sent to the sender .. He's either a lying tosser or he has a very bad memory ... We are supposed to place some trust in these people .. What a joke ...


Dave C

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I really know nothing about the guy, as I don't have the right to vote, I don't follow Australian politics. But resigning so quickly shows some kind of principle, even if a bit belated, compare to the stories in the UK when MPs have clung on for dear life regardless. And perhaps he did forget about the wine.


To be honest, if he was the best man for the job, as judged by the electoral process, then it is a bit petty and nobody really benefits.

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The thing was he was trying his best to protect his image. If the guy had the balls to own up and say yes he did receive the wine as it was a gift to congratulate him on his election victory, he would still have his job.


Also the wine wasn't a bribe at all the guys were friends but there may have been some conflict of interest so he should have declared it.


Such a stupid thing to lose your job over.

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Guest Dave53
The thing was he was trying his best to protect his image. If the guy had the balls to own up and say yes he did receive the wine as it was a gift to congratulate him on his election victory, he would still have his job.


Also the wine wasn't a bribe at all the guys were friends but there may have been some conflict of interest so he should have declared it.


Such a stupid thing to lose your job over.


The sender of the wine was reported as trying to secure a government contract .. Does that make it a bribe ?


Dave C

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The sender of the wine was reported as trying to secure a government contract .. Does that make it a bribe ?


Dave C


it depends if you see it that way. I'm sure lots of pollies get gifts when they arrive in office. If you declare it there's no problem plus he was naive at the time to not realise that. It was just an error of judgement IMO. The boss of Sydney waters led an extravagant lifestyle so it would seem that he wasnt new to vying lavish gifts for people.

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Like me, he probably couldn't tell the difference between that and a bottle of Banrock Station and he probably got lots of similar gifts at the time, I certainly don't remember every bottle of wine given to me as a gift in the past. It's a shame really but he did the honourable thing which is more than can be said for a whole swag of others.

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Like me, he probably couldn't tell the difference between that and a bottle of Banrock Station and he probably got lots of similar gifts at the time, I certainly don't remember every bottle of wine given to me as a gift in the past. It's a shame really but he did the honourable thing which is more than can be said for a whole swag of others.


Really, doesn't know the difference between a '59 Grange and a cheap bottle of plonk given to him by a a company connected to the Obeid family.......yeah right, pigs might fly too.

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it depends if you see it that way. I'm sure lots of pollies get gifts when they arrive in office. If you declare it there's no problem plus he was naive at the time to not realise that. It was just an error of judgement IMO. The boss of Sydney waters led an extravagant lifestyle so it would seem that he wasnt new to vying lavish gifts for people.


Just to clarify, the $3000 bottle was effectively paid for by the taxpayers of NSW as Australian Water Holdings who sent it (and who were lobbying the NSW government for a lucrative water infrastructure contract) invoiced the publicly owned Sydney Water for it - though why SW kept paying these large invoices has never been explained as far as I can see.

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Corruption was rife for 20 years under Labor but nothing ever reached ICAC. Now we lose the first politician in that time whose government is trying to get NSW "back on it's feet" over a $3000 bottle of wine! It's ludicrous.

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Agreed Ellie they lose a good politician over a lousy bottle of wine. More damage is done to the govt now he's left at a crucial time and the Royals are visiting which makes the Govt look even more stupid.


Sorry Prince William our premier is unable to greet u cause he's had to resign cause he forgot about a bottle of plonk he was given as a gift years ago. Welcome to Australia !!!!

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Corruption was rife for 20 years under Labor but nothing ever reached ICAC. Now we lose the first politician in that time whose government is trying to get NSW "back on it's feet" over a $3000 bottle of wine! It's ludicrous.


Ok, so at what monetary value do we ignore it? $3000 is ok? What if it was a $50,000 car or painting or whatever........should we then start to object to accepting gifts from pecuniary interests.

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Corruption was rife for 20 years under Labor but nothing ever reached ICAC. Now we lose the first politician in that time whose government is trying to get NSW "back on it's feet" over a $3000 bottle of wine! It's ludicrous.


If was $3000 that isn't now available for your kids health treatment you'd have a different story.

The trouble with stories like this, and there seem to be loads of examples of bright blokes over here suddenly getting amnesia when it comes to them being corrupt, is the public then think it's an acceptable example to follow and then we have people like you condoning it because it's "only" $3000. That's more than ludicrous, it's insane.

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If was $3000 that isn't now available for your kids health treatment you'd have a different story.

The trouble with stories like this, and there seem to be loads of examples of bright blokes over here suddenly getting amnesia when it comes to them being corrupt, is the public then think it's an acceptable example to follow and then we have people like you condoning it because it's "only" $3000. That's more than ludicrous, it's insane.


I in no way condone corruption and the $3000 would not have paid for any of my children's healthcare as I have always had private cover. You obviously have no idea what went on with the previous government. NSW was virtually bankrupt when the Libs got back in and my point is that the other lot got away with millions and B O'F ,who is getting the state back into working order, does the right thing over a piddling amount of money, whilst the other lot go scott free. I wouldn't call that fair or ethical.

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Ok, so at what monetary value do we ignore it? $3000 is ok? What if it was a $50,000 car or painting or whatever........should we then start to object to accepting gifts from pecuniary interests.


You obviously miss my point, as have others. B O'F has done the right thing but in all those years of Labour many people got away with millions and sent this state almost bankrupt. Is that fair? I think not, especially when the person concerned is working so hard to get the state's economy moving again.

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You obviously miss my point, as have others. B O'F has done the right thing but in all those years of Labour many people got away with millions and sent this state almost bankrupt. Is that fair? I think not, especially when the person concerned is working so hard to get the state's economy moving again.


No....I don't miss your point at all BO'F has misled parliament by not declaring a gift of a $3000 bottle of Grange....whether he forgot (which I doubt) or thought he could get away with it is irrelevant.....as I said he is guilty of failing to declare a pecuniary interest....fairly simple. He is now like yesterday's newspaper.

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Guest Guest66881

What was his name again, you know that old fella who accepted a bribe then forgot about only admitting it when the letter was found?

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I in no way condone corruption and the $3000 would not have paid for any of my children's healthcare as I have always had private cover. You obviously have no idea what went on with the previous government. NSW was virtually bankrupt when the Libs got back in and my point is that the other lot got away with millions and B O'F ,who is getting the state back into working order, does the right thing over a piddling amount of money, whilst the other lot go scott free. I wouldn't call that fair or ethical.


It's not a question of blame and saying that if one lot got away with corruption, so should the next lot.

When you get into power on a ticket saying you're going to clean up corruption, it's best not to be corrupted yourself.

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I applauded B O'F for doing the right thing. Never suggested he get away with anything because the others did! Wonder where ICAC was when Labor was in power. Oh, silly me, they had a majority and so nothing would get through to ICAC. That's what the "fair and ethical" comment was pertaining too

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There has to be some common sense applied. It's a bottle of wine whether he knew the value or not. Why can't he be held accountable in another way that doesn't involve him losing his job.



Why doesn't he just get a fine and be some with it. NSW govt keeps one of their 'most honest' pollies and they can get on with things without interruption and embarrassment.



BTW I wonder how many gifts the Queen has received over the years that have been paid for by taxpayers. Spose she should lose her job as well since she's a public servant too.

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