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The Royal Tour - Kate Will and George in NZ and Australia


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Quite easily when you pay for there lifestyle.


I pay towards the lifestyle and lifestyle choices of a lot of people. Would rather be paying for the royal family who generate income and goodwill and at a fraction of the cost of the rest.


Anyway I went down to the Opera House today, I had no intention of doing so, but I was in the area and I saw a news clip saying they just landed and were heading that direction. Got a three second glimpse and someone handed me a flag to wave.

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Guest Guest 47403
I pay towards the lifestyle and lifestyle choices of a lot of people. Would rather be paying for the royal family who generate income and goodwill and at a fraction of the cost of the rest.


Anyway I went down to the Opera House today, I had no intention of doing so, but I was in the area and I saw a news clip saying they just landed and were heading that direction. Got a three second glimpse and someone handed me a flag to wave.


Your choice the whole flag waving and bowing to another human being just because they were born into something really doesn't sit well with me.

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I love reading all the press reports and watching the TV reports on William and Kate (and George) in NZ and now Australia. I don't care about the alleged expense, and in any case, believe that the costs are recouped through increased tourism, and the like - Kate's dresses selling out, for instance. I read in the paper that there has been increased interest in travel to New Zealand since their visit.


I'll never vote for a republic, either in Australia, or in the UK. I like our constitutional monarchy and our history. If anybody can show me how a republic would improve my life, I'll be interested to see it, with examples of other countries that have made the change, and the alleged improvements.

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Guest guest30085

I don't have anything against them personally, I'm not a Royalist mind, but they do create a lot of tourism for the UK. I was in London a couple of weeks back and the numbers queuing to see anything 'royal' was immense, including £22 per visitor into the Tower.


Yes, they cost a lot of money with regards to security and expenses, but there are far more other cases that our taxes go to, which annoy me far more. Plus without the Royal Family .... Spitting Image would never have quite been the same :biggrin:

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I think they give back more than they get.


Lets see if wills and kate give back the 2 million quid its costing the public to do up their 4 storey 20 room "apartment",not like they have any other places they could move in to like is it,good to see them being so frugal at a time when food bank use has rocketed,we're all in it together ..

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As a Victorian and they are not coming here, sour grapes, why I do not want to contribute to a visit that does not include my State. So take that on board Government.


I believe we will be a republic it was interesting to look at the crowds, predominantly Caucasian faces.


I believe that the silent majority in Aus will go for a republic and we should. I have said it before, look what Brits have to do just to come and live here, so why should we be headed by the Queen. Not friendly the visa system on either side if we are supposed to be in this big happy commonwealth family.

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As a Victorian and they are not coming here, sour grapes, why I do not want to contribute to a visit that does not include my State. So take that on board Government.


I believe we will be a republic it was interesting to look at the crowds, predominantly Caucasian faces.


I believe that the silent majority in Aus will go for a republic and we should. I have said it before, look what Brits have to do just to come and live here, so why should we be headed by the Queen. Not friendly the visa system on either side if we are supposed to be in this big happy commonwealth family.


I believe in Australia the majority of the population is Caucasian, so it is not surprising that the crowds appeared that way is it? Having said that, I was in the crowd yesterday and there was plenty of interest from Asians as well.


Personally, I don't care whether Australia is a republic or not, I think that is a choice that belongs to home grown Australians.

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Guest Ptp113
How does it feel to be in a minority?


I agree with him. Useless bludgers that appeal to simple minded folk........

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