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CV re writing advice needed!


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Hi All,

I am looking for a new job and have spent the last few weeks applying for jobs I am suitable for but getting no interviews. I think my CV is 'too British' and not suitable for the Australian job market so want to re write it. From looking online there are a number of companies that can re do it for approximately $95.


Has anyone used a service like this? Can you recommend anyone?


I would be grateful for any advice!



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Something like 6% of Australians are actual Brits with an Ozzie passport and something like 55% of all Australians have British heritage.


Only recently the Sydney Morning Herald ran a story that claimed the recruitment market in NSW had been cornered by the British and Irish.


The biggest foriegn ghettos in Australia are in some of the towns south of Perth where over 70% of residents are....British.


I think I'd be tempted to keep hold of my $95 and my CV just as it is. My British CV worked just fine getting me a second job here - good luck!

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It's worth having your CV reviewed if you are not getting interviews. Perhaps you have a friend or friend of a friend who works in recruitment or HR who can give your CV a quick once-over review with feedback? Might help...ask around!


There are some good websites around for basic CV pointers, and cover letter pointers as well. Just google... Plenty out there that is free for you to look at.


Good luck!

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Have a read through this thread from a poster on here, gives a lot of tips



Some me really good general advice; not sure I'd agree with all of it but each industry is a little different.


The only concessions I really made was to spell out some of the common British abbreviations e.g. National Health Service for NHS, add "UK" in front of Government Departments names' to avoid confusion.


i also translated budgets into dollars at the approx rate at the time, so a $5m project 12 years ago would be a $15m project not a $9m project as it would be now.

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It may not be your cv that's the problem - it may be the way you are responding to the selection criteria. Try http://www.bom.gov.au/careers/guide2SC.shtml for some guidance. Each position has to be dealt with individually - just whacking your cv out there won't cut it. I'd suggest an appointment with one of the recruitment agencies for advice on how to target your resume (send them a copy first and be specific about your expectations if the consultation)

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My British CV got me my job too.


But look, the job market might be a factor in this as well, with the APS cutting staff it is quite competitive at the moment. What sector are you looking for work in?

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Hi All,

I am looking for a new job and have spent the last few weeks applying for jobs I am suitable for but getting no interviews. I think my CV is 'too British' and not suitable for the Australian job market so want to re write it. From looking online there are a number of companies that can re do it for approximately $95.


Has anyone used a service like this? Can you recommend anyone?



I would be grateful for any advice!




I have felt your pain ! ....then an agency was honest enough to usefully reveal they get so many .....they are looking for key words that match the criteria. Make sure you quote "medical background" etc if that's what stated in the ad. Also change the email address to non-uk as this also gets puts in the reject pile when they often have 200 applicants per position ? I was invited for an interview within 3 days of taking their advise.

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l was in the same boat as you.... best money l paid for was going to a book store and buying a how to write an aussie CV/ Resume $19.95 especially in some sectors they are looking for something different than in the uk.... they don't want ur entire history for start.

Hi All,

I am looking for a new job and have spent the last few weeks applying for jobs I am suitable for but getting no interviews. I think my CV is 'too British' and not suitable for the Australian job market so want to re write it. From looking online there are a number of companies that can re do it for approximately $95.


Has anyone used a service like this? Can you recommend anyone?


I would be grateful for any advice!



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