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Malaysian Airways Jet feared crashed - 6 Australians on board


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Now that the pro terrorists and war mongers have had their turn at stirring up trouble, guess what ? They are talking about this being an accident again.


If the debris has indeed been found in the Indian Ocean this would backup the theory that the pilot turned back to Malaysia because he had a problem. The scenario being there was explosive decompression and the airplane ran out of fuel before ditching in the sea.


Also what the news fails to tell you is that airplane under autopilot can climb descend and change direction (as reported by an aviation expert)


The news is in the terrorism business not in the reporting facts business.


But the damage has been done the pilots names have been trashed and the families left in unbearable pain. Well done Malaysia airlines you guys are unbelievable.


So what I was saying 7 days ago about this being similar to the Heilos flight in 2005 could be true. I sincerely hope they find the debris so we can put an end to all the wild speculation and the families can find some peace.



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I know parleycross but the pilots were good guys as reported by the many people that knew them. And to have the media treat tthem the way they did with absolutely no evidence is a complete disgrace.


If I were their families I would be launching legal action against those claiming they were at fault.


They haven't got any evidence they don't know what happened or where the plane is and accusing the pilots of being either suicidal or terrorists is a complete disgrace.


As I said many planes have gone down due to technical problems but people just can't wait to jump on the terrorism bandwagon today because of 911. And don't get me started on that pile of crap either.



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Guest Guest 47403

Hopefully the Aussies have sorted out this terrible mess, and it turns out to be the most plausible explanation an accident and the families of those involved can finally get some answers and closure.


No doubt all those that love conspiracy theories will be hugely disappointed TOUGH!

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Exactly baz the most plausible explanation being an accident. It's ****ing been staring people in the face. You don't fly an airplane for 9 hours and not report a problem or any of the passengers report a problem. These airplanes have phones, email everything today! They are so wired it's unbelievable, do much has changed since 2001.


Had to be decompression. The pilots must have faced horrible circumstances. My gut feeling is Boeing is being unbelievably quiet cause they don't want faults to be reported on their lucrative 777 business.



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Guest Guest 47403

Lets hope it is coming to an end, decompression or smoke inhalation it's horrible to think what they went through but the media circus etc needs to end.


The 777 needs to be looked at by Boeing they need to be proactive on this one in case there is an underlying fault not yet discovered, I understand that area of the Indian ocean has some of the deepest waters in the world so should this turn out to be where the plane crashed I wonder if the plane will be salvageable should it be found.

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So...trying to understand, would they have been trying to head back to Asia or To Perths airport.


Wouldn't that have shown up in the Perth control tower.


I know nothing about aviation, but I am a bit of a nerd when anyone close to me is flying, I like to keep an eye out for where they are using the flight radar 24 app.


so who would be watching that bit of airspace?....anybody?...nobody?

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So...trying to understand, would they have been trying to head back to Asia or To Perths airport.


Wouldn't that have shown up in the Perth control tower.


I know nothing about aviation, but I am a bit of a nerd when anyone close to me is flying, I like to keep an eye out for where they are using the flight radar 24 app.


so who would be watching that bit of airspace?....anybody?...nobody?


There's no radar coverage at sea. Hence why planes space out about 3 times as much as over land.


Civilian radar at Perth or anywhere else wouldn't have picked up the plane as the transponder was off. Military radar would be your only hope and then if it was in a known commercial flight corridor or in the radar shadow of another plane it would probably have been ignored. If it wasn't though, then it should have been picked up assuming there was some military radar coverage.

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I'm sure there is some satellite data somewhere with this plane identified. I just thing the coordination between authorities had been terrible. If they have fine with a plausible explanation to begin with they might have found it sooner. The plane went down after running out if fuel on a direct return to Malaysia.


if I was a Chinese relative I'd be really pissed with Malaysian authorities right now .


As Sherlock Holmes said :-


'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?'


- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Watching ABC 24 News this morning ..... and the date at the top of the satelite pic is 16.3.2014..... why are we only just hearing about this? According to the ABC the satelite pic came from USA authorities!


I understand it's because they have needed to trawl through thousands of satellite images covering a vast area at very high resolution to find something so (comparatively) small. It would have come from USA authorities because it was a US satellite.

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I understand it's because they have needed to trawl through thousands of satellite images covering a vast area at very high resolution to find something so (comparatively) small. It would have come from USA authorities because it was a US satellite.


thanks Skani... get that.... but also wondering about "them" keeping facts from the rest of the world..... but I guess after 9/11 we all now think conspiracy issues....

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I am still confused that if people think it may be an accident whereby some issue caused decompression and everyone to fall asleep.

We were previously told that someone deliberately turned off the transponder, then turned off ACARS. Then turned the aircraft to the West.

The pilot then said calmly ""Äll Right, Good Night" (after turning off the transponder etc.


Doesn't make sense to me.

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They're still saying it was human intervention, innocent or otherwise, with the course change, and that it was impossible for it have changed without human intervention. The facts as it stand at the moment is the aircraft changed direction BEFORE the last transmission OR entered two new waypoints in the FMS. Couple this info with the lack of distress call and switching off of ACARS and the transponder 12 minutes later and the investigating authorities still think it's highly suspicious.


They're leaning towards George engaged and taking the aircraft way out to sea before binning, due to some sort of catastrophe happening, but obviously they don't know if that's correct or not.


Interestingly it's reported that British satellite communications company Inmarsat informed the Malysian authorities of the 7 hours suspected flight time and possible southern arc flight path, 3 days before the Malaysian authorities widened their search. They felt it was more likely to be the southern arc due to the restricted airspace in the northern. Inmarsat have also stated if the Malaysian Airline invested £6 into the correct configuration of the box then the flight would already have been found.

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Maybe airlines should also carry EPIRB's, assuming they don't already.


Anyway, I found this timeline (one of many) floating around. It purports to be accurate....


1.07 am – Last ACARS transmission.

1.19 am – Last verbal communication “All right, good night” from the plane; believed to be the co-pilot

1.21 am – Transponder stopped transmitting (turned off or failed)

1.30 am – Civilian (primary) radar lost contact

1.37 am – Expected ACARS transmission; not received

2.15 am – Last military primary radar contact

8.11 am – Last (hourly) satellite handshake

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So...now it seems Malaysia Airlines CEO lied and the flight WAS carrying a whole batch of lithium-ion batteries, which have been responsible for 140 other mid-air incidents, including a cargo plane crashing in 2010, and not "tonnes of mangosteens" as first stated. Dirty rotter trying to cover his butt! What else have they lied about I wonder!?


Looking more and more like a fire overcome the crew....

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thanks Skani... get that.... but also wondering about "them" keeping facts from the rest of the world..... but I guess after 9/11 we all now think conspiracy issues....


I guess that so much of the information would be coming from classified military and secret surveillance systems that there is an issue of "telling what we know without telling what we know"...if you get my drift. :rolleyes:


But if one is into conspiracy theories, there's an interesting scenario here...


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Apparently some Chinese newspapers are carrying a story which I have not seen or heard anywhere else, it is of course speculation.

The theory they are promulgating is that because the Captain on MH370 was unhappy over the treatment the leader of the opposition in Malaysia, to whom he is related in some way, he hijacked his own aeroplane and flew it back towards the Malaysian peninsula keeping it in the air but negotiating, or trying to negotiate, with the Malaysian Government for the opposition leader’s release from prison. The Government would not negotiate so he continued flying southwards until the fuel ran out.


This is a quote from a trusted source, but ties in with other stuff I have heard about the pilots political nuances.

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But it is just one more speculation... meanwhile all those families and friends of the passengers must be going through hell and back not knowing whether to be hopeful that the passengers are alive and being used as hostages, or dead somewhere in some ocean. Will we ever know the truth? Just cannot imagine how they must be feeling and I hope they get some closure at some point in time.

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