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Head Teacher / Principal jobs?


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Hi there,


I am new to all this, we are currently thinking about making the move, my husband is a Primary School Head teacher/Master over here and has been for a number of years, we are both 43 this year, so need to get a move on....However i was wondering if Head Teachers/Principals are sought after in Oz? He is convinced not but after speaking to a few immigration advisory people they seem to think they are and that most are better paid than in UK by about 30%


Anyone got any advice or pointers please


thank you


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If your oh wants a principals job, obviously there are not as many of those as for teachers and some teachers are not finding it easy to get a position. I imagine he would have a chance if you want to live in the outback or a remote country area, however principal jobs in nice areas where people like to live would be harder to come by the same as with teaching jobs.


Each State has its own education department so you would need to look it up.


Private schools operate separately so you could look at them.


As a general thing when migrating one has to be prepared to start again, it is starting again, not many people come to Aus and get a job exactly like the one they had in the UK. Migration is like the beginning and I mean the beginning of your life again. If you are comfortable where you are do not want to do the hard yards, and they are hard as any migrant will tell you, then stick.


It has been said so many times Australia is nothing like the UK, yep we speak English and it stops right there. Our way of working and doing things is completely different to what is done in the UK, a lot of migrants find this frustrating, just like Aussie people feel its frustrating when they have to work in UK. Red tape, degrees, bits of paper, who you know, word of mouth it all works here.


Bits of paper are needed for everything and now its becoming PHDs and Masters to get the edge.


I do not want to put anybody off as I love living in Aus and its been kind to my family but we had no children when we migrated, free spirits and I had lived here before.


Being around the forums so many people expect so much and then come back after they live here for a while and are unhappy so that is why you have to not look at it through rose tinted glasses perhaps dull ones and burning desire to migrate is better.

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Thank you so much for your honesty, its much appreciated!


I know where you are coming from and totally get you. It is only a 'thought' at the moment.....I have just recently lost both my parents so now feel that i have no roots here anymore! it might be just the grieving process but i feel we need a fresh start......!



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To be honest, the chances of getting a principal or even deputy principal is pretty much non existent without Australian work experience. Schools here in QLD work very differently to UK system and he wouldn't be able to come in and do the job required for this position because of that. Of course there is the 'but I'm a quick learner' arguement, but he'd be up against equally experienced candidates who are likely to be Aus, or have considerable experience in the system....


As the post above says, he'd be looking at taking a far more junior position and climbing the ranks again.

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Not going to be easy as the others have said. He'd be at a disadvantage even getting started at a lower level at his age because he'd be competing with younger, cheaper locally trained candidates. Even if (and it's a big if) he could get his foot in the door he'd be behind the eight ball when competing with ambitious Aussie candidates with Aussie experience. He might be able to swing a one year teacher exchange at principal level.

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It is absolutely not unheard of. My advice is look around and see how it goes. Check the TES etc and get a feel for applications and requirements. Nothing wrong with trying and having faith in your own ability. TO be a principal or deputy principal in any country you have to back yourself to some extent. Have a stab :)

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I'm certainly not saying don't have a go, but I'm being realistic and if you already have a nice lifestyle and good jobs then consider things very carefully before giving that up. Pay may be higher, but so is the cost of living here....


Totally agree :)


Needs to be thought through, can't be a whim.

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Getting a principal for a school such as MLC or any of the other elite private schools is not about where they come from its all about what degrees they have, what experience they have at other similar type of schools.


They are head hunted.


My friend's daughter just got head hunted from Balwyn High School by a private school and they wanted her not anyone else but her.

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It would be extremely difficult and highly unlikely in a government school as recruitment for admin positions is locally based, not international.


The best idea would be to look at private schools, however, the reality is that they would look for someone who is already at a prestigious private school or an absolutely outstanding state school. It is all about reputation.

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Different profession but we have just had a new director of nursing appointed..top of food chain...and from the uk..just moved over..he applied from the uk :) not everyone needs to start on bottom rung again


And in academia the same happens - in fact overseas experience is positively favoured on the resume.... from my experience of the education field though it's very different because the Aus system works in a very different way to the UK. E.G - no GCSE'S or A levels...

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