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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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Very good news that Temporary Protection Visas have been reintroduced by parliament.


This has been a major stumbling block to getting the large backlog of asylum seekers assessed.

Many of the original arrivals will now be able to be released onto the mainland and be able to work.

A good outcome for them.


I am a believer in TPVs and hope that many could return to their homes if the situation has improved in their countries after 3 or 5 years.

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I thought the government told all asylum seekers that they would never end up on the Australian mainland?


There was a magic date. Ie anyone who arrives from today (when it was announced) will never be settled in Australia and will go straight to Manus Island or Nauru.


My understanding, and I stand to be corrected if someone knows better, is that the ones who now can be settled on the mainland are the backlog from the Labor days, or the ones who arrived before the magic date.

I think there are something like 30000 in the backlog who came during the Labor days and are yet to be processed.


I believe TPVs are for 3 years and are then reviewed.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I was just reading about that poor surgeon in Melbourne almost stabbed to death by a refugee.

Too many stories like that sadly.





Whilst that was very very sad...... genuine Refugees need all the help they can get. Unlike the scum that usually get in through this window..... the Lindt murderer was a so called refugee who had false papers and should never have been let into this country, as we now know. No wonder it is taking longer to process so called refugees (read Boat People) who try to enter Australia. Good on the government for being more thorough... we don't need islamist supporters in this country.

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  • 1 year later...

Good news today announced that Manus Island detention centre will close soon.


It is great that due to Tony Abbott's legacy of stopping the illegal boat arrivals we are now in a position to wind down the offshore camps.


We do need to keep our guard up again.


Malcolm Turnbull will go down in infamy if they start up again.

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Good news today announced that Manus Island detention centre will close soon.


It is great that due to Tony Abbott's legacy of stopping the illegal boat arrivals we are now in a position to wind down the offshore camps.


We do need to keep our guard up again.


Malcolm Turnbull will go down in infamy if they start up again.


........well I wonder if those in the camps are as pleased....

........the ones with the choice of return to where they fled from....

........or stay in a country that doesn't want them....doesn't have the resources.....

........best keep them all out......because one bad apple...!

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Good news today announced that Manus Island detention centre will close soon.


It is great that due to Tony Abbott's legacy of stopping the illegal boat arrivals we are now in a position to wind down the offshore camps.


We do need to keep our guard up again.


Malcolm Turnbull will go down in infamy if they start up again.


No, it will be you and Tony Abbott who will go down in infamy for even contemplating it as an answer to a humanitarian problem, the rest of the world which considers refugees as humans escaping oppression holds Australia as failing in its international and humanitarian obligations.

What Australia instituted was a secretive inhuman and abusive system of concentration camps to protect a political system built on prejudice that stretches back over a 100 years

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Well as you well know we had 1200 drownings and something like 12000 illegal boat arrival before this was brought in.


Since then 0 drownings. So actually Tony Abbott has saved thousands of lives.


If we didn't do offshore processing we would still have a boat arriving every day with several hundred on each boat.

It would be impossible for Australia to cope with the influx of people wanting to move here.

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...........we have stopped the drownings in Australian waters....

...........but we havnt solved the problem of refugees....

...........we havnt even helped...!

............their still there......desperate for somewhere....

.............and we need to do our share of humanitarian help.....

...............not just push them out of sight....

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Of course we need to do our share, and we do.

We take refugees from the refugee camps eg we are taking 12000 from the Syrian crisis.


But it is not up to Australia to solve the world's refugee crisis.



Largely this is the fault of Obama for not dealing with ISIS quickly enough.

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..........Australia does not do its share....!

..........this has been discussed many times.....

..........and its Australia's responsibility to take a larger proportion than they do....

..........and fault....!

...........does it matter now.....?

...........we are part of a global community....

...........not just a seperate being ,behaving like a spoilt child...

............I didn't do it so why should I help......

............help for the good of the worlds family.......we all belong to the human race....!

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When we find someone on a leaky boat at sea, fearing for their life, we should rescue them, not tow them away.

....................Unfortunately, we have lost sight of the humanitarian aspect.....

..................instead have policies that prioritise self-interest,and the crisis will only worsen....

......................Sixty years ago, Australia helped draft the Refugee Convention, it was one of the first countries to sign it.

...................so rather than looking to outsource its responsibilities, Australia needs to once more show global leadership,

....................to prioritises protection, human life and human dignity.

.....................it's not going to be easy, but the scale of the problem is getting worse and Australia needs to act now.

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Well as you well know we had 1200 drownings and something like 12000 illegal boat arrival before this was brought in.


Since then 0 drownings. So actually Tony Abbott has saved thousands of lives.


If we didn't do offshore processing we would still have a boat arriving every day with several hundred on each boat.

It would be impossible for Australia to cope with the influx of people wanting to move here.


Let us all face it, Australia is up there with all the nasty authoritarian regimes trying to keep refugees off their soil.

All the excuses, denials and obfuscations will not alter that.

Italy and Greece, who have been inundated with asylum seekers, have not resorted to these inhuman camps which reduce people to the status of medieval hostages.

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Makes me weep to read this (from theaimn.com written by Kaye Lee who is an excellent researcher)


"Peter Dutton is upset about the allegations that there is anything wrong with Australia’s offshore gulags.“I’ve spent much of my professional career investigating sexual assaults and assaults against people and arresting people for that. I take these issues very seriously.”


Dutton left the police force when he was 28 after working in the drug squad.

“The trouble, frankly, with the approach of the Guardian and the ABC has been to trivialise the very serious issues by trying to promote the 2,100 reports as somehow all of those being serious when they’re not. Many of those reports relate to corporal punishment by children by their own parents. They report about some minor assaults by detainees on detainees, refugees on refugees. ”

The Guardian in fact highlighted the allegations of family violence in the Nauru files and broke down the incident reports by seriousness and category.

“We are going through all of that information. It doesn’t help that the files leaked by Save the Children, they’ve only put out a redacted version. We’ve asked them for all of the details.”

Save the Children did not leak the files and the government already has the original unredacted copies.

He later said: “I’m not going to be defamed by the Guardian and by the ABC because we are doing everything within our power to provide support to people.”

Defamed? FFS this man is too much. People have died. People have been raped and beaten. People are self-harming.

According to the minister’s department, 98% of the men on Manus who have had their refugees claims assessed have been found to be refugees with a “well-founded fear of protection” in their homelands but “there is no third-country option available for people out of Manus at this point in time. We have a look at these people to help them return back to their country of origin or they settle in PNG. They are the two options available to these people.”

Hell or death.

For Dutton to say he will “look into” the allegations is gobsmacking. Perhaps he might like to read these reports while he is at it.









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