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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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I'm rather surprised how few incidents there have been, unrelated to the above sexual ones you have dug out above. Considering many tens of thousands are living in the community, not allowed to work, living on less than New Start in substandard conditions, largely dependant on chartable organizations to get by.




So now we have taken tens of thousands. But that is still 'not many'.

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Yes it was raised and proven to be totally false. It is not illegal to claim asylum.


They have still entered the country illegally. As you well know. You are playing word games with Articles 31 and 32 which clearly talk about illegal entry and those coming legally.

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So now we have taken tens of thousands. But that is still 'not many'.


You know I wish your get a handle on the matter your attempting to argue. "We" have not taken ten of thousands these folk are on what is termed bridging visas and can be removed and returned. They are living in fact in limbo as are boat arrivals prior to the off shoring of responsibilities by recent governments. Political pawns.


As such they have no right to work and kept going mostly by non profit agencies. Your constant haste to demonise the refugees does little but demonstrate your ignorance on the entire matter.

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They have still entered the country illegally. As you well know. You are playing word games with Articles 31 and 32 which clearly talk about illegal entry and those coming legally.


I have explained this before to you why they are not illegal. Please refer back to that post. Reminder to parleycross.. must sit in front of class as tend to daydream and facts pass over head and as thus tends to repeat things already discussed in a prior class.

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Please show me one post I have ever made where I have demonised a refugee.


You won't be able to because I haven't.


I shall not trawl your posts as little point. The lack of comprehension is clear. As it the lack of empathy and the total non comment with regards to locking up kids. Remembering no crime has been committed in seeking asylum in a signatory country.


A country that can operate on such a level does make one somewhat concerned to just what level they are capable of reaching in other social policy areas. Not to understate those out there in the community that want even tougher conditions.

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, was used as an example to underline the legal procedure taken by other countries with regards to the issue. You continue to rant about Australia's high intake and I reply by stating it is not high on an international level. As noted the intake is low by international standards. What exactly there is to be proud off, I don't know? Rather the opposite in fact with Australia knee jerk handling of the matter consisting of locking up people including kids.

We will never come anywhere close to an understanding on the subject especially with comments relating to pride.


Did you know that Himmler was in a 'staring contest'? Apparently he was one of your hero's


Himmler and a prisoner locked in a staring contest: The Defiance


[h=1]Himmler and a prisoner locked in a staring contest: The Defiance[/h] By RHP | Posted on: December 24, 2013 | Updated on: December 24, 2013

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Whether it is a war photo, or not, you used a Nazi in the same context as refugees...How many refugees did that vile and despicable regime make?


Cheers, Bobj

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I thought it was funny. It would work a lot better in England that's for sure, but do we really want Aus to follow in those footsteps?


Whats wrong with England? Its economy is doing good among all the European countries.

Its actually doing better than the places in Asia that England made life difficult in the past.

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I'm rather surprised how few incidents there have been, unrelated to the above sexual ones you have dug out above. Considering many tens of thousands are living in the community, not allowed to work, living on less than New Start in substandard conditions, largely dependant on chartable organizations to get by.


Easy to cherry pick but I'd suggest far more instances could be trawled up on legal migrants misconduct. Often in that case the name is usually the give away and not a few taxi drivers, among others of particular ethnic backgrounds, here in Perth have been had up on sexual misconduct charges. Still not used to bash that group in the media as that would be racism.


It could just as be easily argued that with the murders of four foreign students in Brisbane in recent months that Brisbane or indeed Australia is an unsafe place to come to study.


Then again some just don't make the National News. I was working in Holsworthy last year and there was a drive by shooting at punchbowl. Only reported in the local paper. Turned out a Syrian barber had another Syrian guy having his hair cut. They discussed the situation in Syria and ended up in an argument as they were on opposite sides. They were older guys, in their 60's and one slapped the other. Later on the one slapped mentioned it to his son and he decides to go out and shoot up the other guys house. Only problem was he got the wrong house and nearly shot a newborn.


All washed under the table of course as they take into account background, mitigating circumstances, ethnic problems. Any old bullshit to let the guy off.

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regarding the four murders of students in Brisbane. It might be enlightening to look at the names and circumstances if the individuals charged with their murders. I was quite taken aback.

So what about this?

What culture do these people belong to?


Or this





What kind of moral compass do these people have when they try to drive their car over another person due to pigmentation difference? And the victim suffered fractured shoulder, collarbone, vertebrae, ribs, a broken leg, and a collapsed lung.

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Notice the word, 'Australia' in the badge...


If you can't see humour, I feel sorry for you.


Cheers, Bobj.


And what are we going to have next? Street vigilantes against persons of different color like Golden Dawn in Greece? And that too will be classified as humor?

And what gives anyone the right to do this?

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So impersonating a government official is humor according to you?

If this is humor in your dictionary, i pity you.


And according to many British comedians as well; lampoons, satire etc, all govt. bodies are fair game...


Cheers, Bobj.

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So what about this?

What culture do these people belong to?


Or this





What kind of moral compass do these people have when they try to drive their car over another person due to pigmentation difference? And the victim suffered fractured shoulder, collarbone, vertebrae, ribs, a broken leg, and a collapsed lung.


The first case says the guy was just looking for a victim, any victim. Second the guy was a drug addict and there is just no excuse for what he did. He should have been jailed for longer. At least they caught both and they got their day in court. Neither story is anywhere near as bad as this.



They haven't even managed to catch all the perpetrators yet and that's after getting one of the guys to come forward and admit it. He's probably too scared of what will happen to him if he grasses on the others.

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One of the Brisbane student murders ... http://www.ndtv.com/article/diaspora/indian-origin-man-charged-with-murdering-student-in-brisbane-500429


and one of the others http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-12-20/brisbane-detectives-charge-korean-man-with-murder-of-min-tae-kim/5168600


Not really a path I intended to go down but it does show that we can import violent criminals if we are not very careful.

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