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Help required for sponsorship and advice please


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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum so please be gentle.


I visited Oz in 2000 for 1 year on a WHV and loved every minute of it.

I was offered sponsorship for an IT firm (Re-Tech Global) in Brisbane in 2001 but turned it down as I was young, had only been traveling 5 months, didn't want to settle in Brisbane and I was also raised by my Grandparents, so felt a duty to be there when they needed me, so went back after my year.

So, back in the UK, I met a lovely lady and we now have a child. We've been together over 10 years and my daughter is 6.

I bore them daily about Oz and now they are both very keen on joining me in my dream move to either Perth or Sydney.


My partner is a qualified child minder at level 3 but this is not on the SOL.

I'm currently working in a bank as an analyst & incident manager.

I qualified as a hairdresser when I was 18 but carried this on for only a year, so I don't want to go down this route ideally.

Upon returning from Oz, I then worked in Sales roles and set up my own construction firm (part time /on the side) in 2007, knowing very little about construction but I knew I was great at winning contracts and knew how and where to win them.

So I'd win contracts ranging from £30,000 > £130,000 and sub contract them to my friends who were all builders and tradesman to manage.

So basically I was prospecting > following up > appointments > get plans > pass to build to quote me > I'd over brand the quote and make it tidy and more presentable with my mark up > present it > win 7/10 jobs (industry standard is 3/10).

While doing this, I moved jobs and worked as a telecoms manager and was very successful here for 5 yrs and even traveled to India with the CS director to help improve off-shore sites performance. The site was then closed due to relocation up north and we were all offered a transfer but all took the attractive package which was offered.

While here I also training as a plumber in the evenings (college course) to level 2 as I wanted to know more so I could advise on my building jobs, which it did help build confidence and help win more jobs. But I've never worked as a plumber.

We own a couple of properties with a good amount of equity, so would be happy to sell both and could come to Oz finacially free if we wished to but the idea would be to pump a few hundred thousand dollars into a house and have a small mortgage and both work. Yet Oz seems to prefer 'skilled' trades with no financial acumen or little funds to start a new life or support the economy.


The long and short of it is - I wish to come over and either work in telecoms or the financial industry, have very good experience in both and feel I could really offer something in those fields. My partner also wants to work with children in either a school or child care environment. So I think I need to come on a 457 visa but need sponsorship I guess?


Can anyone help or advise please?


Many thanks in advance,




PS: sorry for the life story :)

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Hi and welcome, I am a childminder level 3 too, my husband is a police officer, we are at a loss how to make the move too as he is on the CSOL but not on state occupation nomination lists. Hope someone comes along to advise you on your occupation, we both feel we have chosen the wrong occupation s now we decided to emigrate but where there's a will there's a way! I have heard a childcare level 3 isnt equivalent to same in oz and I may need to study further when I get there in maybe a daycare centre or kindy. Good luck to you both.

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Hi Barbieshrimp - thank you for your kind mail.

I thought Police could get in certain areas of Oz, as long as they had 2yrs+ exp and they are recruiting..? But I maybe wrong, just what I heard.

Maybe you could get there on a student visa? Top up your qualification while there and get a 457 visa or PR while there? Just an idea.


Hi Que Sera, Sera - thanks for the list. I may have to change the title of a job role to fit maybe.... :-( haha




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Hi VERYSTORMY - thank you for your mail. I was unaware that you still needed to be on the list for sponsorship, so thank you :-(

I think I will speak to an agent but I'm owrried about dead money. I mean I paid some agent a few hundred pounds last year to tell me that we'd be better trying to get in on my details but that was about it, so not great.

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Hi and welcome, I am a childminder level 3 too, my husband is a police officer, we are at a loss how to make the move too as he is on the CSOL but not on state occupation nomination lists. Hope someone comes along to advise you on your occupation, we both feel we have chosen the wrong occupation s now we decided to emigrate but where there's a will there's a way! I have heard a childcare level 3 isnt equivalent to same in oz and I may need to study further when I get there in maybe a daycare centre or kindy. Good luck to you both.

Overseas recruitment of police officers would likely be only route for you.

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Hi Barbieshrimp - thank you for your kind mail.

I thought Police could get in certain areas of Oz, as long as they had 2yrs+ exp and they are recruiting..? But I maybe wrong, just what I heard.

Maybe you could get there on a student visa? Top up your qualification while there and get a 457 visa or PR while there? Just an idea.


Hi Que Sera, Sera - thanks for the list. I may have to change the title of a job role to fit maybe.... :-( haha





Have you found anything on the skilled lists that fits the bill? Generally having a mixed work history is not helpful for migration purposes, no matter how successful you were at these ventures individually. I really think you need to take a look at the list and suggest a few things that look close, ideally based on recent experience not old.

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Hi and welcome, I am a childminder level 3 too, my husband is a police officer, we are at a loss how to make the move too as he is on the CSOL but not on state occupation nomination lists. Hope someone comes along to advise you on your occupation, we both feel we have chosen the wrong occupation s now we decided to emigrate but where there's a will there's a way! I have heard a childcare level 3 isnt equivalent to same in oz and I may need to study further when I get there in maybe a daycare centre or kindy. Good luck to you both.


Policeman is unlikely to come up on state sponsorship lists, you just need to keep your eyes open for one of the overseas recruitment drives.

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Hi VERYSTORMY - thank you for your mail. I was unaware that you still needed to be on the list for sponsorship, so thank you :-(

I think I will speak to an agent but I'm owrried about dead money. I mean I paid some agent a few hundred pounds last year to tell me that we'd be better trying to get in on my details but that was about it, so not great.


My advice would be to call Go Matilda

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Have you found anything on the skilled lists that fits the bill? Generally having a mixed work history is not helpful for migration purposes, no matter how successful you were at these ventures individually. I really think you need to take a look at the list and suggest a few things that look close, ideally based on recent experience not old.



Hi Rupert - sorry for delay, I've been away. There is nothing that stands out on the list but having also owned my own construction firm for 6 years, I maybe able to get over on the construction side doing project management, however I have no official qualifications in this field. I'm just applying for some roles who do take those without visas and if accepted, they offer you the chance of the 457 visa, so fingers crossed here. I will line up some interviews for when I arrive in April and fingers corssed I can impress face to face (which I'm confident I can).


Appreciate the replies everybody and if anyone else has any ideas or input, please feel free to comment.

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Hi Rupert - sorry for delay, I've been away. There is nothing that stands out on the list but having also owned my own construction firm for 6 years, I maybe able to get over on the construction side doing project management, however I have no official qualifications in this field. I'm just applying for some roles who do take those without visas and if accepted, they offer you the chance of the 457 visa, so fingers crossed here. I will line up some interviews for when I arrive in April and fingers corssed I can impress face to face (which I'm confident I can).


Appreciate the replies everybody and if anyone else has any ideas or input, please feel free to comment.

Have a chat with a migration agent about IF sponsorship is available with no qualifications. I'd be surprised if if is.

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I was a Project Manager in the UK with 9 years experience, but no Australian recognized qualifications. I had to source sponsorship 457 though my skill set, even face to face its not an easy thing to do. Your find that a majority of company's will find the process "to hard and/or to expensive". That company also has to fit a criteria and be approved to employ from oversea. This job has also got to be offered to the Australian market first.


That being said I done it WHV 457 PR, I was told loads of times its not possible its too much of a risk it this that and the other but i did not give up and shear persistence and a bit of luck we now have PR


Ironically I work in immigration.

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I was a Project Manager in the UK with 9 years experience, but no Australian recognized qualifications. I had to source sponsorship 457 though my skill set, even face to face its not an easy thing to do. Your find that a majority of company's will find the process "to hard and/or to expensive". That company also has to fit a criteria and be approved to employ from oversea. This job has also got to be offered to the Australian market first.


That being said I done it WHV 457 PR, I was told loads of times its not possible its too much of a risk it this that and the other but i did not give up and shear persistence and a bit of luck we now have PR


Ironically I work in immigration.


Hi jjgibbs - this is just what I want to hear - thank you. I know it won't be easy and I'm willing to jump through hoops and work my a85e off to get there, but I will get there somehow. Yes. ideally a bit of luck would be nice but I'm not banking on it. I've got 8 weeks to get some contacts up and then I'm in Oz for just over 3 weeks to hopefully learn more and move this dream forward. I will even fund the 457 Visa for them if they want me too, taking any risk and/or cost out for them. I'm even selling/downgrading my motor to fund any trips back this year if I get a sniff of an interview (yes I'd fly over just for an interview...mad maybe but needs must). Last resort would be, my partner gets a student visa and works 20hrs and I come with her and work full time. Does anybody see any issues with this? This is not my ideal but if I'm not further forward come June/July, this maybe our only option. Then I could also train while I was out there as have a nice amount of funds behind us.

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If you come on a student visa neither of you can work more than 20 hours a week. I did it with my husband and we broke even for living expenses on two part time wages, but nothing off visa and course fees. However, back when I did it pr was easier to obtain afterwards. Now it's near impossible (and they seem to make it harder every year).

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If you come on a student visa neither of you can work more than 20 hours a week. I did it with my husband and we broke even for living expenses on two part time wages, but nothing off visa and course fees. However, back when I did it pr was easier to obtain afterwards. Now it's near impossible (and they seem to make it harder every year).


I was thinking student visa > 457 > PR - is this possible?

And thanks for the info about working hours as I didn't know both were limited to 20hrs. Would I be able to start up a business while my partner worked do you know?

I suppose if I was limited to 20hrs also, I too could further educate myself in a trade on the SOL. Food for thought at least. ?

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I was thinking student visa > 457 > PR - is this possible?

And thanks for the info about working hours as I didn't know both were limited to 20hrs. Would I be able to start up a business while my partner worked do you know?

I suppose if I was limited to 20hrs also, I too could further educate myself in a trade on the SOL. Food for thought at least. 


And I think I'd rather 'get by' in Australia than existing in the UK. My brain works better in the sunshine.

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I'm not sure on the business, but yes it would still be 20 hours a week.

What were you planning on studying? I had been offered two jobs from the uk but as they were very specialised they weren't on any lists. I had thought it would be easy to get a sponsor in something on the list that was wanted.

I first off made the mistake of choosing a subject I was interested in, thinking all would be good. My field doesn't have many employers who are actually eligible to sponsor people. I hadn't realised this before coming. And to top it off it doesn't pay enough for a 457 even though it's on the list.


I would strongly suggest NOT coming over on a student visa to anyone who asked as they really are closing all the doors. Last year they changed the rsms so that if you studied some courses in oz you need two years of full time work after your course to be eligible. This for some people is impossible. I expect it to only get harder. It took me five years to get pr and that whole time was so stressful. My job was taken off the sol. My skills assessment changed just as I was eligible to apply to 18 months of work instead of six and $4200 EXTRA. The most annoying thing was I could have got the application to them before the closing date (31st of December) but they closed their offices on Christmas Eve and wouldn't accept any applications not already started to be processed by that date.

Immigration don't play fair when it comes to students.

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I will even fund the 457 Visa for them if they want me too, taking any risk and/or cost out for them.


You can pay the visa application costs for yourself and your dependants since those are actually your visas but all other costs associated with sponsoring has to be paid by the employer and can't be passed on.


You should really do a bit of research on the employers obligations such as training benchmarks etc to give you a better idea as to how it works before you jump the gun.

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Hi Joebloggs - I've checked all the visa costs out and that's what I'll be doing. I wasn't aware of the employer costs not being able to be passed on, thanks for the info. I have done some research on the employers obligations and back awake at 5:30am and have been going through sites again all morning since. I've spent months going through pages, taking advice, watching related shows, travelling to events in the UK, joining forums etc and to be honest, I get varied information and conflicting info at times too, so sometimes it's tough to make an informed decision, but all advice is greatly appreciated.

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I'm not sure on the business, but yes it would still be 20 hours a week.

What were you planning on studying? I had been offered two jobs from the uk but as they were very specialised they weren't on any lists. I had thought it would be easy to get a sponsor in something on the list that was wanted.

I first off made the mistake of choosing a subject I was interested in, thinking all would be good. My field doesn't have many employers who are actually eligible to sponsor people. I hadn't realised this before coming. And to top it off it doesn't pay enough for a 457 even though it's on the list.


I would strongly suggest NOT coming over on a student visa to anyone who asked as they really are closing all the doors. Last year they changed the rsms so that if you studied some courses in oz you need two years of full time work after your course to be eligible. This for some people is impossible. I expect it to only get harder. It took me five years to get pr and that whole time was so stressful. My job was taken off the sol. My skills assessment changed just as I was eligible to apply to 18 months of work instead of six and $4200 EXTRA. The most annoying thing was I could have got the application to them before the closing date (31st of December) but they closed their offices on Christmas Eve and wouldn't accept any applications not already started to be processed by that date.

Immigration don't play fair when it comes to students.


Going by what you've said, the student visa will be a last resort then, so if I go down that avenue, I will see what courses there are and study the SOL to ensure I'm studying the correct domain (thank you for that advice about not just studying what I want but what AUS wants). I've also read something that say's you can't apply for a 457 visa if you're on any other visa, so the student option maybe out the window... :-(

Sorry to hear about your issues but I guess it's a long distance memory now you've got PR? I'm glad you've got it now too, as you've been kind to reposnd and help me thank you.

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