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Australians: the people, and the people who don't like them

Guest spreadingwings

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Guest spreadingwings

I heard grumblings some time ago from a forumite who was leaving Australia for the UK because of how much they disliked Australians. Yesterday, I heard more feedback (Australians are "rough, tough, backwards") and today another forumite agreed.


Why is there this shared opinion of Australian people? IS this the general case? ARE most Australians you meet really "rough, tough and backwards"? If so, how and why are so many people choosing to live in this country with all these people? Are they just ignoring the general population or living in ignorant bliss? Or are people judging unfairly?


For those in Australia already, please share your thoughts honestly about this please. It's something I haven't had to give much thought to, but it seems to be developing into a common thread between quite a few forumites now.

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The Australian's I chose to be friends with couldn't have been further from that - educated, thoughtful, progressive. I often think if only I should share some of their FB posts on here as balance to "rough, tough & backwards" views about Australia I hear on this forum from Poms!


However, the over-riding culture is different and the 'bogan' factor is accepted and even celebrated - if you're broad minded look on YouTube for Logan the Bogan. I found the V8 Ute's, the 'Fit in or F-Off' mentality, the casual sexism and racism (& not so casual especially toward indigenous Australian's), the beer & BBQ lifestyle and many other things hard to stomach.


It would be very wrong to judge all Australian's in that way though and do bear in mind the huge migrant population - the majority of people living in Australia were either born overseas or to parents who were born overseas.

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Guest spreadingwings

Thanks for the feedback. I must admit I'd find many of those things you've summarised quite hard to stomach as well. I just don't know if that's the norm or just a stereotype that people parody.

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I heard grumblings some time ago from a forumite who was leaving Australia for the UK because of how much they disliked Australians. Yesterday, I heard more feedback (Australians are "rough, tough, backwards") and today another forumite agreed.


Why is there this shared opinion of Australian people? IS this the general case? ARE most Australians you meet really "rough, tough and backwards"? If so, how and why are so many people choosing to live in this country with all these people? Are they just ignoring the general population or living in ignorant bliss? Or are people judging unfairly?


For those in Australia already, please share your thoughts honestly about this please. It's something I haven't had to give much thought to, but it seems to be developing into a common thread between quite a few forumites now.


What is your meaning of rough, tough and backwards?

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Guest Guest40285

I reckon you get that in all walks of life and all cultures, I have a V8 ute and I love it, also a 4WD, doesnt make me a bogan or red neck, I love BBQ's and cold beer, I have lots of mates that are a bit rough around the edges but have hearts of gold and would give you thier last cent, I know lots of bikies too and lots of them are very educated people, I know doctors and Psycologists that are lovely too, On the flip side there are some disgusting very well educated people that look down on everyone else and think because who they are thier sh!t dont stink, Aussies in geberal are good, kind giving people that give as good as they get, It comes down to if you dont like something change it or dont go near it, hence the Fit in or F@%K off, and in some cases I totally agree.

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I like Aussies find them the salt of the earth. Very helpful, clever, innovative people. If I had to go up the country I would go with an Aus every time as if we got stuck, no problems.


I actually do not like some of my fellow Brits I find them very narrow in their likes and dislikes, right down to the food we eat, very minor things in my view. Also there is life after Britain and I guess that is what a lot of the Europeans feel too. A lot think and this is only my belief and what I have read and experienced think that they are more "cultured" ahead of the rest of the world, which is just not true, countries and folk are just different. So with the attitude Aussies think, can't be bothered and appear to be insular.


Hence lots moan about the dull, boring, uneducated Aussies, who then laugh behind their hands lol

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The tradies are generally knob heads (esp on the road). The other bunch of ***** are the inner city 'landed gentry' - those that had the genius idea to buy a house to live in, in say 1995 and are now millionaries by doing...... Nowt. They generally have a very bad attitude. Easy to spot and avoid though, just go into the city at rush hour and look for the BMW / Merc / Porsche SUV driving like a dick.


Everyone else is pretty cool really, like the other poster said - just like the UK.

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People that don't like Australians shouldn't go there to live. Stay home and moan there instead because I'm sure Aussies wouldn't want you there. What a stupid post this is

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People that don't like Australians shouldn't go there to live. Stay home and moan there instead because I'm sure Aussies wouldn't want you there. What a stupid post this is


You'd have to go there to live and try it before you know if it's for you or not though ;) To know if you could live in the country, with it's people, it's laws, way of life and so on. It can take a few months to a few years of living in a new country to work it all out.


Being the other side of the world it's only other people's opinions. Once you make the move and experience it, then you can make a fully informed decision based on your own personal experiences. Some will be ok, others not. But you have to try first to actually know.


Wherever people go, some don't gel with those around them, others do.

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I always find these kind of posts stupid. How can you generalise about a whole country


You can't but sometimes it happens.


I kind of get what the OP is asking though as I've heard the same sort of thing said about other nations. It's not just an Aus thing, sometimes people just can't adjust or get used to or past any differences. They struggle to find their place amongst it all.


Talking in general rather than specifics is sometime easier to do perhaps? I try not to read too much into it and try to then relate it to my own experiences to make it more specific to my situation to see if it is possible, if that makes sense?

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Guest Guest16631

........going on the negative posts on this thread......

........me and mine must fit into the k*** H*** and***** categories.......!


.......so we can now categorise people according to their possessions...

.......where they live......and the job they do.....?

........and I thought I was psychic......

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Stereotypes ? Its like asking whether all English are stiff upper lip, whether Yanks are all loud.. There are 22 million people in Oz distilled over time from so many different backgrounds, belief systems and personalities. And they dont all wear Akubra Hats..

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I think it all depends on how one is , likes and dislikes. I have lived in more than two countries and in three continents, and I have to say I have found nice and not very nice people everywhere. And it does not matter if one is rich/poor, with degrees or not... It all depends on how we match.


Now, I haven't been in Oz long enough to having made good Aussies friends, but I have met very nice welcoming ones and some who seem to cross the line of laid-back to simply lazy. Once someone told me something about them, and I did not think it could be truth, but then I was proven wrong and now I believe that's how some are - not all. So, as in any country, just make the most of it and be friends with who you feel comfortable with. There will be always people you will like and not in any part of the world.





I heard grumblings some time ago from a forumite who was leaving Australia for the UK because of how much they disliked Australians. Yesterday, I heard more feedback (Australians are "rough, tough, backwards") and today another forumite agreed.


Why is there this shared opinion of Australian people? IS this the general case? ARE most Australians you meet really "rough, tough and backwards"? If so, how and why are so many people choosing to live in this country with all these people? Are they just ignoring the general population or living in ignorant bliss? Or are people judging unfairly?


For those in Australia already, please share your thoughts honestly about this please. It's something I haven't had to give much thought to, but it seems to be developing into a common thread between quite a few forumites now.

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I heard grumblings some time ago from a forumite who was leaving Australia for the UK because of how much they disliked Australians. Yesterday, I heard more feedback (Australians are "rough, tough, backwards") and today another forumite agreed.


Why is there this shared opinion of Australian people? IS this the general case? ARE most Australians you meet really "rough, tough and backwards"? If so, how and why are so many people choosing to live in this country with all these people? Are they just ignoring the general population or living in ignorant bliss? Or are people judging unfairly?


For those in Australia already, please share your thoughts honestly about this please. It's something I haven't had to give much thought to, but it seems to be developing into a common thread between quite a few forumites now.


Which forumites are these?


Are they regular posters on here?


If so, they seem to stick around, so they must like the Aussie way.


Otherwise why would they bother wasting their time going onto a forum about Australia, to whinge about Australia and the behaviour of some Australians?


Unless they have mental issues, I'm sure I've heard 1 in 4 of us do so.


If so, maybe you could suggest they seek some professional help?

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Guest Guest40285
The tradies are generally knob heads (esp on the road). The other bunch of ***** are the inner city 'landed gentry' - those that had the genius idea to buy a house to live in, in say 1995 and are now millionaries by doing...... Nowt. They generally have a very bad attitude. Easy to spot and avoid though, just go into the city at rush hour and look for the BMW / Merc / Porsche SUV driving like a dick.


Everyone else is pretty cool really, like the other poster said - just like the UK.


Im a tradie..............................................................

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Guest Guest16631

......and having a trade is something to be proud of......

......not always easily obtained.....

.......and a skill not shared by all......

.......without are tradies ......life would be just one DIY disaster........ime....and IMO......tink x

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