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60 points or 65 points?


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Generally speaking, 60 points are enough to apply for a visa, actually it is the minimum required. BUT, due to some high demand of visas on certain skills, DIBP (immigration dept) decided to accept for these skills only from 65 points up (you can check the reports and news over here: http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/, and more relevant, over here: http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/index/reports/report-13012014/)



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I see alot of people talking about they have enough points (60)


I've used a few points calculator sites mainly (http://www.migrationmatters.com/australiapoints.php)


and they all state 65? Am I missing something?


Quite simply, their information is out of date. The system and requirements are constantly changing so you always have to ensure that the information you're reading is relevant to the current regulations.


Calculators and self-assessments tests are never an accurate reflection of your eligibility anyway. There are a number of websites that will offer an instant "yes you're eligible" type assessment which is complete nonsense and designed to get you to sign with that particular agent/agency. An accurate assessment requires a level of detail that goes well beyond a few generic questions.


Hope this helps,

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I'm only using these points calculators as a rough guide while we are still in the planning process


The problem with this strategy is that you may be setting yourself up for failure as the information you may use a “rough guide“ by surfing the net may be incorrect.


Often the self assessment calculators are misleading as they can be out of date (like the one you have linked to) or overly simplified in scoring.

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Anyone got a link to something more up to date? We are going with worst case scenario when using these calculators




These calculators are not very helpful and do not assess eligibility - someone could look like they could qualify with points - but not be able to get a positive skills assessment, occupation is on CSOL but not on any State Migration Plans....


Dont really understand the worst case scenario bit??

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We are far too early in the process to been using agents.


I'm gathering information from as many sources as I can to see is this move is viable for us.


Worst case scenario is us saying, what if the qualifications aren't counted as much, what if we miss points on this and that

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