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Taking an engagement ring with me


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Hi guys, I fly to Sydney next week on a working holiday, joining my girlfriend who's been out there 5 months... And I'm bringing along an engagement ring to pop the question.


However it only just occurred to me that it's quite expensive and well above the personal item limits that customs mention on their website. It's not clear to me whether it's supposed to be declared and whether I will have to pay tax on it (again) when I arrive.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but it's my first flight so I know little about these things!


Thanks for the help

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I guess you paid tax on it where it was bought? If so then I would do as Londongal suggested and just not worry about it. My OH bought me a ring for our anniversary which we celebrated whilst in the UK on holiday. He paid VAT on the purchase, it was a gift to me and I was wearing it as we came back to Australia, and I don't intend to sell it on and profit from it in any monetary sense (it is WAY too pretty!), so having paid tax I can't see why I would need to pay a second amount of tax on a gift. I used to run a business importing certain things from the US and did pay tax on those items, which I then claimed credits for against the GST that my customers paid, but that was in a commercial setting and I was profiting from the sale of those imports.

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I would also put it on a chain around your neck.


I bought in a gold and diamond bracelet worth more than $1000. I declared it. They asked me how long I had it. I told them it was a wedding present so I had had it for ten months. The nice man said something along the lines of 'so you would have been given it a couple of months before the wedding, so have had it for a year and are not liable to pay tax'. 'Ummm, yes....'


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I just want to say "Awwwwwwwwwwwww" and hope she says yes!


(You could ensure you have the receipt with you showing tax has been paid I guess)

As far as I know it doesn't matter if you paid tax on it elsewhere. If it's less than 1 year old you are supposed to pay it again.

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As far as I know it doesn't matter if you paid tax on it elsewhere. If it's less than 1 year old you are supposed to pay it again.


That's how I understood it. Would be fine wearing it in if it wasn't clearly a ladies ring hah. I guess it's unclear, but if they make me pay I will just have to suck it up

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That's how I understood it. Would be fine wearing it in if it wasn't clearly a ladies ring hah. I guess it's unclear, but if they make me pay I will just have to suck it up

Put it on a chain around your neck and just buy a new box when you get here. Good luck. :-)

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Thanks. The ring is the biggest stress for me. It's also my first flight but this is all I'm worrying about. I will need to buy a cheap chain from somewhere soon. 7 days til I fly!


Thanks for all the replies

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Thanks. The ring is the biggest stress for me. It's also my first flight but this is all I'm worrying about. I will need to buy a cheap chain from somewhere soon. 7 days til I fly!


Thanks for all the replies


Don't buy a cheap chain and risk losing it! At least buy 2 cheap chains and use both, in case one breaks!

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I wouldnt put it in your wallet - you take your wallet out to go through airport scanners etc.


One other thing not sure if you have considered - is does your fiancee to be had travel insurance that will cover the ring if god forbid something was going to happen to it??


When we were on honeymoon another couple that was at the same place - the man managed to lose his wedding ring snorkeling, his new wife was not best pleased!.

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I've thought about insurance but no UK company will cover it being out of the county so long, I'm going to have to look over there once I arrive.


I'm really not sure about where to keep it then, I guess the only option is a chain but the thought scares me somewhat! I guess I will make sure my tshirt is tucked in well too :)

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I would wait until you get here and find out if marriage is what she wants, before putting yourself through the expense and potential heart break.. If I were her I'd feel like I was being backed into a corner.


Oh don't worry it's something we've discussed before and both want, I'd have avoided it too otherwise :)

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Oh don't worry it's something we've discussed before and both want, I'd have avoided it too otherwise :)


I'm not worried, couldn't give a stuff to be honest. You are only entering the country on a temporary basis, so would not be liable to any import duty - it will leave the country when you do (if plans change later on, that is none of customs business). Best of luck.

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I proposed to my now fiancee in Oz (Daintree Rainforest to be precise) after flying in from the UK. I had the ring in a small box in my pocket the whole time until I went through the X-ray thing and put it in my backpack, then had it back in my pocket the other side and flight + going through Oz airport. Didn't declare it and had no issues.

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