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Facebook Changes again


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I totally agree and a lot of long term members continue to give good advice to people on the forums and this is the way they treat them, no loyalty at all. No problem with groups but not specifically about the same subject as a forum one uses.

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Guest The Pom Queen
young ones do use other sites but they tend to be country/area centric I believe and they still use Facebook and other international means of keeping in touch. I have been a member of Twitter since it first started and when it started it was very different to what it is today and I was amazed when people started discovering it. I thought to myself where have you been this has been around for yonks and now its become the latest thing, it will probably survive mainly for the news items etc. Facebook will survive because it caters for all ages and even though people drift away, curiosity always gets the better of them and they drift back.


However these are all mediums that have privacy issues and not much anonymity, my niece sent me a message once saying that someone was saying bad stuff about me on twitter, amazing as the way my twitter account is set up its supposed to be quite private. Anyway it was a hacker and this happens with these sites. Hackers ignore forums like this as they are not interesting and they cannot really do what they like to do. So its much safer to use the forums in a way.

My son has been badly bullied on FB, I have seen members of this forum abused by members on FB, but what annoys me is FB do nothing about it even when reported. Its the same with Snapchat and Askfm, terrible places but still very popular with the youth of today.

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Petals this is very true, a few members on various forums have created a FB Group out of our forums and taken our membership. What annoys me is not really that they start the group but that they have the cheek to come and poach our members. People don't realise how much Rob and I spend on advertising each year, its eye watering, yet to be honest what's the point when people just come on and take members away. FB as hit us hard, whether forums will survive I don't know, I do know many that have gone for good in the last 12 months which is such a shame because not everyone wants or uses FB


FB groups seem to be a bit of an ego thing - everyone wants to be an admin. Here in Canberra we get a new Buy, sell, swap group setup each week - purely (as far as I'm concerned) to stroke the ego of its creator. The internet used to be lots of small islands, now more and more it's just a few big ones we visit.

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Petals this is very true, a few members on various forums have created a FB Group out of our forums and taken our membership. What annoys me is not really that they start the group but that they have the cheek to come and poach our members. People don't realise how much Rob and I spend on advertising each year, its eye watering, yet to be honest what's the point when people just come on and take members away. FB as hit us hard, whether forums will survive I don't know, I do know many that have gone for good in the last 12 months which is such a shame because not everyone wants or uses FB

don't worry Kate, I won't be going anywhere. PIO till I die!! :laugh:

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Guest Guest16631

.......never looked at FB........or those other things...

.......terrible with email......

.......not so great with the phone I have tbh......

.......so PIO is my social outlet on the Internet......

........and met some wonderful people through here.........a great place to be......IMO.......tink x

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I have a FB account because it helps me keep up with what my kids are doing in UK, (some may remember my post about son getting engaged on FB). I have my PIO account to enable me to sometimes offer advice and sometimes ask for advice. I used to do a lot more but now a days its just an way to pass an hour away. The big difference is that on here I am anonymous, but on FB many things you say or do become public property and once out there you have no control on what happens to them. Try googling your own name and see what may be openly available for people to see, despite your security settings..


PIO is not perfect, nothing will ever be and sometimes they get things wrong, we are all human and make mistakes, but at least on here you know the admin and mods are doing their best for the members and the forum. On here you decide how much you want people to know about you. I do not think I would ever like to meet anyone from here in real life after having a bad experience with a meeting once.


Forums like this exist because of the support of their members. I have moderated on two sites, one I left and the other I was asked to stop moderating because had a disagreement with the owners, But i have the utmost respect for mods and admin on these sites its not easy and it can consume a lot of your spare time. Members must get behind sites such as this if they want them to continue and survive, if they don't then one day you may only have the big commercial sites such as FB and in my opinion that would be a disaster.

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It's funny about perceptions.

I have always felt "more vulnerable" on a forum especially one like this that is open. With FB I have very tight privacy settings.

On here you are always reading that Immigration might be reading or whatever.

I would love to see a section for regular members - maybe accessible for people who have had 200 posts or whatever - for more sensitive issues.

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I do not think I would ever like to meet anyone from here in real life after having a bad experience with a meeting once.



Would love to hear the details but guess it's not something you can share given the other party is potentially still on here.

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Evidence gained from a number of sources (never good to rely on one article) suggests otherwise.


True, but 99% of articles about Facebook decline quote the discredited paper...

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I think you need to show us a number of reputable academic sources that point to the 99% before you can possibly "win the point".


p.s The Daily Mail and Wikipedia are not academic sources.


Whatever. You say potato.. Peace.

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Ive been around here long enough to see mod's and members leave and set up rival forums out of spite to admin (past and present),Ive seen members jump ship ,some who you even thought were 'friends', i've also seen a fair few return too, when they find there is no site like PIO for Migration information.

Infact i don't think any of those sites are still active, maybe they didnt get the traffic they thought they could get or maybe they realised how damn hard it is to run a good forum, get a reputation and more importantly up to date friendly information.


Facebook , Twitter etc will affect forum numbers, times change, just as the internet affected the sale of magazines, but i think good sites with good info and friendly members will keep going, its the ones who don't have dedicated members and admin that will fail. IMO Those who jump into it rashly, normally out of spite, tend fall on their butts within 12 months when the novelty has worn off.


Cal x

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On Facebook, all of my setting are set to Friends, but it annoys me that their friends can see my pictures if they like them, and vice versa, and comments etc. How is that keeping privacy between my friends? Does anyone know how it can be set up so it is literally just friends?

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Guest The Pom Queen
On Facebook, all of my setting are set to Friends, but it annoys me that their friends can see my pictures if they like them, and vice versa, and comments etc. How is that keeping privacy between my friends? Does anyone know how it can be set up so it is literally just friends?

I would like to know that, or how to separate friends, acquaintances and family, so that not everything is broadcast across a large network of people. I'm even considering setting up another FB just for close friends and family, however, like you say everyone can still see.

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On Facebook, all of my setting are set to Friends, but it annoys me that their friends can see my pictures if they like them, and vice versa, and comments etc. How is that keeping privacy between my friends? Does anyone know how it can be set up so it is literally just friends?


As far as I understand their friends will only be able to see them if they are actually tagged, not if just liked or commented.

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I would like to know that, or how to separate friends, acquaintances and family, so that not everything is broadcast across a large network of people. I'm even considering setting up another FB just for close friends and family, however, like you say everyone can still see.


I have set up a "most" group where I have literally had to add people individually but didn't take long. This means that every time I want to rave about Australia for example, I don't have my sister (and other family members who didn't support us) raining on my parade which was happening before.

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