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An Arrogant Australia


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Being an Aussie born and bred I have seen lots of this fine country and genuinely have a love for it...the country that is! Because what I am about to vent about may annoy or offend some so I apologise in advance.


This morning I was watching lets say the breakfast show on Channel 7 (unnamed) and after for a long time seeing stories you ignore one this morning really annoyed me, they where talking about how the UK is going to I quote "downplay" the role of the Anzacs in the war. Now I know this is a spin on the story because the actual story is that the UK are not mentioning the Anzacs specifically anymore as there were many other nations involved who never got a mention to date so they are changing the speech to say "all commonwealth countries". Now I don't see what is wrong with that at all, it seems only fair. I had relatives who fought in the war and everyone united for a common goal it wasn't a we should be mentioned for this more than you attitude.


But for some reason the media sees the need to create an us vs. them mentally whenever they report on other countries. They go on about wanting to create a harmonious society yet they continue to segregate themselves by creating this hatred towards other countries and in turn making the public the same way..effectively turning everyone racist. Yes, I said the R word.


Vent over, sorry to anyone this offends not my intention but I had to share my views and thought this may be a good place.


I love my country but am increasingly disappointed by how it is changing to become so arrogant and pretentious.

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I watched Sunrise too and I wonder if they have been given the correct story or the glorified one. Either way I don't think it's arrogance sticking up for war hero's and it was a knee jerk reaction, very similar to the ones my Parents and Grandparents had when the Americans claimed to have won the war for us ( the UK) please don't try and turn patriotism into racism people have been doing that in the UK for years and it's wrong IMO.

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Just a sign of the times Jen. There's probably a phone in poll to go with it and a link to their facebook site so people can post comments on there too. Makes people feel more worth while or something. The media love to stir up and cause controversy where there should really be none. Too many programs and channels on TV now and they have to fill the time up with something.

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Hi Jen85 - I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, as you say, the media these days have lost the skill of reporting news and only seem to only want to grab attention by creating outrage and disgust. I suspect this is just another case of that.


Living in Canberra I'm a frequent visitor to the Australian War Memorial and I'm often amused that a casual viewer would probably take away from the Gallipoli Hall the impression that it only involved Aussie and Kiwi troops - but I'm sure every country needs to have their own heroes and as a relatively young country I guess Australia has more of a need to focus on their achievements. I for one am certainly not offended.

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I think most Aussies know the true story and of course those with ancestors who were there are going to be proud no matter who else was there. Same with all people who have had people lost in a war as they were/are usually very young and its such a waste of life.

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Living in Canberra I'm a frequent visitor to the Australian War Memorial and I'm often amused that a casual viewer would probably take away from the Gallipoli Hall the impression that it only involved Aussie and Kiwi troops - but I'm sure every country needs to have their own heroes and as a relatively young country I guess Australia has more of a need to focus on their achievements. I for one am certainly not offended.


And in one sense that is fine - it is after all a memorial to Australian war dead, and it is a profoundly moving place (as well as an excellent museum). I was gratified to see that in the Gallipoli hall there is a small plaque which details the numbers of dead of every nationality from the Gallipoli battle. The Turks are at the top, with huge casualties, followed by the British. In the end arguments about who lost most, or suffered most, are immaterial when confronted with those figures - it was an appalling and largely pointless bloodbath, in which lots of young men's lives were thrown away. And that makes it a microcosm of the whole first world war - the outcome of an imperial carve up and power struggle, in which claims of good guys and bad guys are a bit hollow.

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Being an Aussie born and bred I have seen lots of this fine country and genuinely have a love for it...the country that is! Because what I am about to vent about may annoy or offend some so I apologise in advance.


This morning I was watching lets say the breakfast show on Channel 7 (unnamed) and after for a long time seeing stories you ignore one this morning really annoyed me, they where talking about how the UK is going to I quote "downplay" the role of the Anzacs in the war. Now I know this is a spin on the story because the actual story is that the UK are not mentioning the Anzacs specifically anymore as there were many other nations involved who never got a mention to date so they are changing the speech to say "all commonwealth countries". Now I don't see what is wrong with that at all, it seems only fair. I had relatives who fought in the war and everyone united for a common goal it wasn't a we should be mentioned for this more than you attitude.


But for some reason the media sees the need to create an us vs. them mentally whenever they report on other countries. They go on about wanting to create a harmonious society yet they continue to segregate themselves by creating this hatred towards other countries and in turn making the public the same way..effectively turning everyone racist. Yes, I said the R word.


Vent over, sorry to anyone this offends not my intention but I had to share my views and thought this may be a good place.


I love my country but am increasingly disappointed by how it is changing to become so arrogant and pretentious.


It's partly to do with Australia being a young country with little tradition and limited history. It clings onto the Anzac tradition, milking their view of it for all it is worth. Of course for a nation of such historical pedigree such as Britain, the events of that particular conflict are only one of many and as such of reduced significance.

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Hi Jen85 - I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, as you say, the media these days have lost the skill of reporting news and only seem to only want to grab attention by creating outrage and disgust. I suspect this is just another case of that.


Living in Canberra I'm a frequent visitor to the Australian War Memorial and I'm often amused that a casual viewer would probably take away from the Gallipoli Hall the impression that it only involved Aussie and Kiwi troops - but I'm sure every country needs to have their own heroes and as a relatively young country I guess Australia has more of a need to focus on their achievements. I for one am certainly not offended.


I'm not being hard on myself at all, this country unfortunately now only disappoints me, fact and nothing more to it. Proven again by their unhumble way of winning the Ashes, I don't care about cricket TBH but what I will say is the Aussies are very good at winning sports but not so good at losing.


Its a shame because when I grew up (not that long ago) it wasn't as bad, everyone didn't seem as up themselves maybe its just because I'm older that I notice it or perhaps its just because the country has changed and I think it is more likely the latter. No bother we all move on and that's life.

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I'm not being hard on myself at all, this country unfortunately now only disappoints me, fact and nothing more to it. Proven again by their unhumble way of winning the Ashes, I don't care about cricket TBH but what I will say is the Aussies are very good at winning sports but not so good at losing.


Its a shame because when I grew up (not that long ago) it wasn't as bad, everyone didn't seem as up themselves maybe its just because I'm older that I notice it or perhaps its just because the country has changed and I think it is more likely the latter. No bother we all move on and that's life.


Don't think it's just Aus Jen, it's the whole World.

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Guest Ptp113
I'm not being hard on myself at all, this country unfortunately now only disappoints me, fact and nothing more to it. Proven again by their unhumble way of winning the Ashes, I don't care about cricket TBH but what I will say is the Aussies are very good at winning sports but not so good at losing.


Its a shame because when I grew up (not that long ago) it wasn't as bad, everyone didn't seem as up themselves maybe its just because I'm older that I notice it or perhaps its just because the country has changed and I think it is more likely the latter. No bother we all move on and that's life.

Move to Blighty and become happy?

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I love my country but am increasingly disappointed by how it is changing to become so arrogant and pretentious.


It's not the country...it's the lowlife's who infest commercial television who will twist anything to create a beat up "news" story...in the hope it will become contentious and increase their ratings...and with increased ratings they can charge more from their advertisers. It's money, pure and simple.

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I'm not being hard on myself at all, this country unfortunately now only disappoints me, fact and nothing more to it. Proven again by their unhumble way of winning the Ashes, I don't care about cricket TBH but what I will say is the Aussies are very good at winning sports but not so good at losing.


Its a shame because when I grew up (not that long ago) it wasn't as bad, everyone didn't seem as up themselves maybe its just because I'm older that I notice it or perhaps its just because the country has changed and I think it is more likely the latter. No bother we all move on and that's life.


Fully agree Aussies have become increasingly up themselves over the course of time. The Ashes were a prime example. The over kill of the wives and girlfriends of the cricketers by the media. The over play of the team akin to national hero's just back from battlefield, bruised and scared defending nation and liberty.


Thank goodness I'm an England supporter and can enjoy the presence of supporters that can sing and stay positive win or lose.

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It's not the country...it's the lowlife's who infest commercial television who will twist anything to create a beat up "news" story...in the hope it will become contentious and increase their ratings...and with increased ratings they can charge more from their advertisers. It's money, pure and simple.


Aussies tend to tune out unless winning. Seen it countless times.

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Guest Ptp113
Fully agree Aussies have become increasingly up themselves over the course of time. The Ashes were a prime example. The over kill of the wives and girlfriends of the cricketers by the media. The over play of the team akin to national hero's just back from battlefield, bruised and scared defending nation and liberty.


Thank goodness I'm an England supporter and can enjoy the presence of supporters that can sing and stay positive win or lose.


You obviously weren't in Blighty when the PB's won the last series...............

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Being an Aussie born and bred I have seen lots of this fine country and genuinely have a love for it...the country that is! Because what I am about to vent about may annoy or offend some so I apologise in advance.


This morning I was watching lets say the breakfast show on Channel 7 (unnamed) and after for a long time seeing stories you ignore one this morning really annoyed me, they where talking about how the UK is going to I quote "downplay" the role of the Anzacs in the war. Now I know this is a spin on the story because the actual story is that the UK are not mentioning the Anzacs specifically anymore as there were many other nations involved who never got a mention to date so they are changing the speech to say "all commonwealth countries". Now I don't see what is wrong with that at all, it seems only fair. I had relatives who fought in the war and everyone united for a common goal it wasn't a we should be mentioned for this more than you attitude.


But for some reason the media sees the need to create an us vs. them mentally whenever they report on other countries. They go on about wanting to create a harmonious society yet they continue to segregate themselves by creating this hatred towards other countries and in turn making the public the same way..effectively turning everyone racist. Yes, I said the R word.


Vent over, sorry to anyone this offends not my intention but I had to share my views and thought this may be a good place.


I love my country but am increasingly disappointed by how it is changing to become so arrogant and pretentious.


Sunrise leads on this. It never misses an opportunity to have a dig at the UK. Both its male host and its programme bosses are fixated on this, but the level of maturity is clear when a person with a one syllable name is referred to by two syllables as 'Kochie'.

I suppose we should make allowances for immaturity....


......and I don't shirk the word: animosity toward the English (and it is the English)-is race-racism.


However, this is endemic; it's a general attitude which is a little amusing when you look at the main demographic of settlement.

And just as predictably: it's denied, or rationalised.


The last week I was in Australia the C9 equivalent male host referred to: 'let's get the weather for this great country of ours'.

The big naming comes in at every level, but it does not show maturity, it shows the opposite.


Hi Jen85 - I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, as you say, the media these days have lost the skill of reporting news and only seem to only want to grab attention by creating outrage and disgust. I suspect this is just another case of that.


Living in Canberra I'm a frequent visitor to the Australian War Memorial and I'm often amused that a casual viewer would probably take away from the Gallipoli Hall the impression that it only involved Aussie and Kiwi troops - but I'm sure every country needs to have their own heroes and as a relatively young country I guess Australia has more of a need to focus on their achievements. I for one am certainly not offended.


I think you will find that the poster was not being hard on herself...

...and I for another DO find this incessant petty putdown 'ethic' very offensive.


Don't think it's just Aus Jen, it's the whole World.


No. On this scale? It's Australia.


Aussies tend to tune out unless winning. Seen it countless times.



Too right they do- winners are grinners:biggrin:


This is true. I recall those Sunrise presenters looking a little blank when the Olympics had been going for some days. Poor souls.

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There is a UK equivalent though - you only have to look at the press coverage (especially the tabloids) around a World Cup, or if England are playing Germany, to see the same sort of jingoistic, immature rubbish. And in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, sometimes the same 'have a crack at the English' mentality. Stupidity is international. Over here, I tend to find it is helpful to find the many Australians who have their brains plugged in, and hang out with them. Channel 7 and Channel 9 are frequently moronic, but then so is the Sun.

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You obviously weren't in Blighty when the PB's won the last series...............


But I was in OZ during the recently concluded series and have been in UK for countless other Tests. Indeed tabloid UK press play it for all it is worth. The saturation point on these recent series though take the biscuit. Is Australia really still such an insecure nation to still require such over the top coverage in order for validation? Crass comes to mind.

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Fully agree Aussies have become increasingly up themselves over the course of time. The Ashes were a prime example. The over kill of the wives and girlfriends of the cricketers by the media. The over play of the team akin to national hero's just back from battlefield, bruised and scared defending nation and liberty.


Thank goodness I'm an England supporter and can enjoy the presence of supporters that can sing and stay positive win or lose.




You're just poor losers; so much so that 2 of the pommy team quit early. :wink:


Cheers, Bobj.

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Sunrise leads on this. It never misses an opportunity to have a dig at the UK. Both its male host and its programme bosses are fixated on this, but the level of maturity is clear when a person with a one syllable name is referred to by two syllables as 'Kochie'.

I suppose we should make allowances for immaturity....


......and I don't shirk the word: animosity toward the English (and it is the English)-is race-racism.


However, this is endemic; it's a general attitude which is a little amusing when you look at the main demographic of settlement.

And just as predictably: it's denied, or rationalised.


The last week I was in Australia the C9 equivalent male host referred to: 'let's get the weather for this great country of ours'.

The big naming comes in at every level, but it does not show maturity, it shows the opposite.




I think you will find that the poster was not being hard on herself...

...and I for another DO find this incessant petty putdown 'ethic' very offensive.




No. On this scale? It's Australia.







This is true. I recall those Sunrise presenters looking a little blank when the Olympics had been going for some days. Poor souls.


I've got a tip for you mate. If sunrise pisses you off so much and you find so much wrong with it, stop watching. I'm sure you'll find something to match your intellectual level.

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Not that I noticed. Why then do Brits get put down for being too negative? America only other place to such a degree that comes to mind.



And why do lotsa Brits call Australians 'colonials' a most derogatory remark? Possibly because the Brits consider the Australians to be inferior??


Anyway... Poms aint won 3 ashes series, 5 nil...So, upya for the rent.whistling.gif


Cheers, Bobj.

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And why do lotsa Brits call Australians 'colonials' a most derogatory remark? Possibly because the Brits consider the Australians to be inferior??


Anyway... Poms aint won 3 ashes series, 5 nil...So, upya for the rent.whistling.gif


Cheers, Bobj.


Australia is not perfect and everyone inc media (will never happen) needs to stop pretending that it is, might I also point out that most "Australians" are actually of English descent anyway! This thread was not created to get "Aussies" having a go at the English. Completely not necessary.

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Australia is not perfect and everyone inc media (will never happen) needs to stop pretending that it is, might I also point out that most "Australians" are actually of English descent anyway! This thread was not created to get "Aussies" having a go at the English. Completely not necessary.


Was the title not being antagonistic??


I wonder.


Cheers, Bobj.

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