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Brisbane is the coolest city ever


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Quite possibly infrequent is possibly the way to manage it. Stays fresh then and dare I say exciting? Goes to further under line my point though that cities in OZ are hardly must go places for a vibe and excitement apart of odd occasions. In other words not part of mainstream life on a regular basis. Folk are suburban not urban with cities that continue to reflect that.


If we were younger and had more time I'm sure we would be there most weekends like my eldest is. We spent years living about the same distance from Manchester too and could count on one hand the number of times we went there too. Lived in London, Teddington, for a year or so and didn't care for it. Went to Uni in Birmingham and that is one City I'm not bothered if I never go near again. I hated the place so much I never bothered going to get my degree certificate, just got them to send it through the post.

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In what way?

Well if he has the same limited outlook on life as you do then it is not surprising......many of us have outgrown sunshine and beaches and want something more.


I have not spent more than an hour on a beach in the last five years and have no wish to do so.

I also go nowhere near Australian 'pubs'.....I would rather spend an evening in a decent English pub, or visiting a stately home, than a week at the beach.

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Well if he has the same limited outlook on life as you do then it is not surprising......many of us have outgrown sunshine and beaches and want something more.


I have not spent more than an hour on a beach in the last five years and have no wish to do so.

I also go nowhere near Australian 'pubs'.....I would rather spend an evening in a decent English pub, or visiting a stately home, than a week at the beach.


If he had a limited outlook on life I don't think he would have buzzed off travelling for 3 months Flathead. Don't know how you can outgrow sunshine and beaches. Fair enough to say they aren't your cup of tea and you prefer a stately home or an English pub. I could be silly and say I outgrew stately homes years ago, but they just aren't my cup of tea. There are plenty of pubs I like, both here and the UK, but It's kind of OK to say I outgrew those. If I had stayed in the UK I might have been in them a lot more than here and weigh a lot more. Might have been a lot better at darts and dominos rather than ski paddling, triathlons and swimming though.

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Opposite really. He thought a lot of negative thoughts about Perth before he left, due to reading crap about Perth being dullsville and stuff, he started believing it, like a lot of people his age do. He had a ball travelling and is saving up to go again asap. I've listed the places he went before so I won't go through them all again. Didn't miss home one bit I don't think, just made him realise how much there really is to do here, rather than sit back and moan how boring it is.


Could be for keeps next time around. If he gets away from the Aussie travelling bloke syndrome and is open to new experiences with different folk he could end up in Estonia even running a small hotel, married there and loving it, like an ex Perth bloke I once knew. Doubt you'd ever catch him living back here ....yet eight years ago not a soul would have thought it.

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When my daughter lived in Berlin many of the Berliners sat round their river 'beaches' didn't get why she loved it there. They would kill to live in Australia or so they reckoned. Grass is greener effect?


Depends on the Berliners. Many would curl up and die living in Australia. Life there is intense a lot on the street and subversive in many social respects. Now's there's a cool city although perhaps of recent in decline with rapid changes and over development friends living there inform me.

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If we were younger and had more time I'm sure we would be there most weekends like my eldest is. We spent years living about the same distance from Manchester too and could count on one hand the number of times we went there too. Lived in London, Teddington, for a year or so and didn't care for it. Went to Uni in Birmingham and that is one City I'm not bothered if I never go near again. I hated the place so much I never bothered going to get my degree certificate, just got them to send it through the post.


It is not a question of youth in regards to the matter. I passed some youthful years in Perth and country WA returning for a couple of long durations but couldn't wait to leave.

The conservatism and Style of the time could have been Essex or a place I would never habit in UK. It was dull in a boozy aggro sort of way.


Those things are not naturally as imposing to me these days but still prefer cities of interest with people that converse and are open and interesting.

Other places from experience are more interesting and cater far better for one over 25 years of age. I could give many examples of what I refer to but perhaps the intent is understood.


I would find Tottenham deadly boring as well. Mentioned to you on a previous occasion lived down the road in Richmond, but as was always going West for gigs and girls heaved off to live many years around Notting Hill/Bayswater.


Spain or somewhere would suit me more these days. Not a country I really know much but do have other options on hand in Europe come the time. Don't think I'd live UK again. But never say never as I said that about OZ once and look what happened.

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You sure go to different places than me then.


No offence but you've managed to traverse from the ridiculous to the pointless of late. I know, as do most regulars on here, that's been your MO so, well done there. But really, handshakes all round job well done, pack in now. You're not fooling anyone.

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No offence but you've managed to traverse from the ridiculous to the pointless of late. I know, as do most regulars on here, that's been your MO so, well done there. But really, handshakes all round job well done, pack in now. You're not fooling anyone.


And what sort of moronic comment is that then? Sorry you wouldn't have the words to cause offense.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Again I've deleted over 15 comments of personal remarks. Please pack it in, I can only tell you so many times before starting to issue bans

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Guest The Pom Queen
and I am sure the Adelaidians would gladly give you one, and then take the rest of the bottle themselves before you got there :biggrin:

As long as it calmed them all down before I get there I will be happy. It causes more hassle than over here and we have thousands more members.

Are you still there Hun or back in the Sunshine State

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As long as it calmed them all down before I get there I will be happy. It causes more hassle than over here and we have thousands more members.

Are you still there Hun or back in the Sunshine State


Landed back in OZ on Tuesday night after 5 weeks in England (including a side trip to Austria for a bit of skiing and Christmas markets) then back in Adelaide Thursday morning, they need me here for a couple of weeks, apparently I do come in useful occasionally! how was your Christmas up there in never never land? Is your wet season as bad as Englands?

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Guest The Pom Queen
Landed back in OZ on Tuesday night after 5 weeks in England (including a side trip to Austria for a bit of skiing and Christmas markets) then back in Adelaide Thursday morning, they need me here for a couple of weeks, apparently I do come in useful occasionally! how was your Christmas up there in never never land? Is your wet season as bad as Englands?

Didn't know you had gone back, hope you had a great time. Would love to do Austria at Christmas although Rob showed me the Ice Festival in China and I really fancy that next year although if I think under 25 is cold I don't know how I would cope with -40 :no:

Well so far the wet season is more like the dry season. We do need the rain, hopefully if one of these cyclones form over the next 10 days we may get some, fingers crossed.

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Brisbane is awesome.


The City cat is awesome. The microbrewery's in Newstead are awesome. Southbank is awesome.Any suburb within 5k of the city is awesome. Restaurants are awesome. Suncorp is awesome. The Gabba is awesome. Coffee shops are awesome. The tennis last week was awesome. The music scene is awesome. It's proximity to awesome beaches is awesome. It's proximity to hinterlands is awesome. The city looks awesome. The Brisbane Lions are going to be awesome next year. Brisbane Roar are awesome. Brisbane Heat were awesome. Brisbane Broncos are awesome. We can get the train to the airport which is awesome.


Take that Melbourne! It's awesome here!

awesome post !
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